A Destination

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After the brief introduction, you had shown Lucy to your cabin; allowing you both some privacy while you both changed out of your wet clothes. Lucy had picked out a white shirt of yours and some brown pants; as she placed the clothes on the bed you also handed her a red vest and a pair of your boots.

"I think theses should fit you"

"Thanks Y/N"

"What's it been like going back to your own world ... to England?" You asked as you pulled on your black pants and white shirt.

"It's been pretty boring, Mother and Father moved with Susan and Peter to america, which meant we had to move in with are Aunt and her son Estuance. I'm sure Susan is having a lot more fun then we are."

"Well at least now your back in Narnia, I've missed you so much Lu."

"I missed you too Y/N ... Not to mention Edmund hasn't shut up about coming back, or a certain someone." Lucy smiled. You could feel a deep blush spread across your cheeks at the comment.

"I thought he might have found someone else" You spoke again turning away from Lucy slightly.

"He's in love with you Y/N, trusted me I should know, I have to listen to him talking about you all the time." A smile spread over your lips as you turned back around. You could now see Lucy looking at herself in the mirror, tugging strands of hair behind her ear and gently touching the skin on her face.

"Hey Lu, what are you doing."

"Nothing ... Do you think I will look like Susan one day."

"Maybe, you are sisters after all ... why?"

"No reason ... come on Y/N don't want to keep the boys waiting any longer. You nodded your head as you finished tying up the straps on your dress. (Imagine above)

As you neared Caspians quarters, you could see Edmund and Cas already stood outside Caspian's study. Edmund had now changed into purple shirt with a brown vest and brown pants to match. "Just in time" Caspian spoke with a smile pushing open the glass stained doors. Inside the study was made from a beatific oak wood, the shelf's lined with books and parchments. Slim cabinets lined the corners filled with items from may other adventures the ship had been on.

"Aslan" Lucy spoke turning to the golden craving on the wall of the mighty lion. "Look Susan's bow and arrow." Lucy spoke turning to her sisters weapons that sat across the room as if they were only an ordainment not some dangerous weapons.

"Lucy" Cas spoke pulling a box out the cabinet that held Lucy's dagger and cordial bottle. Lucy quickly moved over to the box reaching out for the items before quickly withdrawing her hands.

"May I?" She asked

"Of Course they are yours after all."

"Peters sword!" Edmund now spoke making his way over his brothers sword.

"Yes looked after as promised" Caspain spoke picking up the sword. "Here hold it if you wish."

"No, No its yours, Peter gave it to you." Edmund replied pushing the sword away from him.

"I did save this, for you though" Caspain spoke turning on his heel and reaching for yet another object in the cabinet.

"Thanks." Edmund spoke as Caspian through the torch landing perfectly in Edmunds hands. A small chuckle left your mouth at Edmunds disappointment in the object.

"Maybe you would prefer this." You spoke unsheathing your sword and holding out towards Edmund.

"You kept it" Edmunds eyes seemed to light up as a smile played at his lips.

"It's been by my side since the day you gave it to me... here" You spoke pushing the sword into Edmunds hands.

"I gave it to you, its yours now."

"Edmund please, I have plenty of other swords, I'm sure it would be nice to swing your own sword again after all the time thats past." Edmund this time didn't refuse but instead replied with a small nodded taking the sword from your hands and and inspecting it before sheathing it into his own belt.

By now Caspian had pulled a map out and was beginning to update Edmund and Lucy on all the progress we had made since they had left.

"Since you left the giants in the north have surrender unconditionally, then we defeated the calaman army in the great desert." Caspain spoke gliding his hand over the map pointing out all the places that were now at peace with Narnia.

"There's peace across all of Narnia." You spoke looking towards Edmund to which he replied with a smile, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"And have you found your self a queen in the three years that we've been gone?" Lucy asked turning to Caspian.

"No ... Not one to compare with your sister." Cas smiled. You nuzzled your head into Edmunds shoulder as Caspian spoke it was true, he hadn't found anyone better than Susan in the three years they had been away and you hadn't found anyone to compare to Edmund not that you had been looking, if you knew one thing it was that your heart belonged to Edmund and it was clear that his still belonged to you.

"Wait so if there is no army's to fight and no ones in trouble then why are we here?" Edmund asked.

"That's what we've been trying to figure out, but Aslan must of had a good reason to bring you here, otherwise you would still be back in England." You replied.

"So where are we sailing to?" Edmund asked looking down at the map in front of him.

"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my fathers friends and most loyal supporters. The seven lords of telmar." Caspian spoke now turning to the seven drawings of the lords on the wall. "They fled to the lone islands, no ones heard from them since."

"So you think somethings happened to them?" Edmund asked

"Well if it has, its my duty to find out." Caspian replied

"Our duty." You spoke placing a comforting hand on Cas's shoulder.

"Well whats east of the lone islands?" Lucy asked.

"Uncharted waters ... thinks you can barely imagine." The captain spoke now, after spent most his time stood in the corner listening to the conversation between his kings and queens. "Tales of sea serpents and worse."

"Sea serpents?" Edmund questioned

"An adventure you don't want to miss" You spoke turning to Edmund who now had an excited smile on his face. It was obvious that Edmund was ready for the new adventure in front of you and so was you.

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