Dark Island

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"What do you thinks in there?" Lucy asked

"Our worse fears." You replied squeezing Edmunds hand a little tighter.

"Our darkest desires." Caspian added.

"Your evil." The captain commented walking past you towards the minatour."Thermos unlock the armoury."

"My lord" The minatour replied before making his way down the steps to the lower deck. 

"Archers prepare yourselves." The captain shouted

"Light the lanterns" The minatour added

"Lets get ready." Caspian spoke towards you, Edmund and Lucy.

You followed Edmund down to the lower quarters were both your armours laid. Your armour was easy to put on, it was lighter then the amour you had worn in the battle between the telamaries. Your bracers were the easiest part of your armour to put on protecting your arms from any arrows you may need to shot. 

"y/n" Edmund spoke drawing your attention from the chest plate that you was putting on to him. "If we don't make it through... this, I want you to know that I enjoyed my time in Narnia with you"

"Me too, some of the best adventures I had." You smiled, trying to push the ache and worry in your heart away. "And who would have though that through it all, I fell in love with just king." You laughed.

"This just king, also seemed to fall in love with a certain queen, if i remember correctly." You could feel the blush creeping over your face as you looked upon Edmund.

"Ed, do you remember the night we tried to take over the telmarines castle, I asked you to promise me to stay by my side and then the night of my coronation you asked me to promise you to stay by your side."


"Well, i'm going to ask you again... Ed will you stay by my side in this fight against our darkest fears, our worst enemy?"

"y/n i will always be by your side." Your eyes gently pressed themselves shut as Edmund cupped your face, before leaning in and placing his sweet tasting kiss upon your lips. It felt just like the first time you had kissed, full of passion and emotion showing you how he truly felt. 

You parted as you felt Edmund unsheathe your sword, you watched as he then replaced it with his own. 

"So even if i'm not right by your side, you know that i'm still there, still fighting with you.

Your hand glided over the sword as you whispered "I love you Edmund Pevensive"

"I love you too." He smiled.


"No matter what happens here, every soul has earned there place as the crew of the Dawn Treader." Caspian spoke from the top deck. "Together we have travelled far, together we have faced diversity, together we can do it again." You looked towards Edmund who gave you a small nodded to which you replied with a smile. You was going to be strong, you was going to get through this, another battle that you two would win together. "So now is not the time to fall to temptations, be strong. Never give in. Our world, our Narnia lives depend on it. Think of the lost souls were here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia."

"FOR NARNIA." The crew cheered, courage running throw there veins from the speech that their king had just given.

The mist grew even thicker as you enter the island, wrapping itself around the boat, whispering in sailors ears. 

The Obstacles We Face (Edmund x Reader Squeal)Where stories live. Discover now