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You could faintly hear the captain, through the howling of the wind and rain; although he was right next to you he might as well been at the other end of the ship. You had been travelling to your new destination for 14 days now. Although the weather hadn't seemed to like your decision to travel to the new land, everyday the crew had been tossed around the ship, like old rag cloths. Your clothes stuck to your body almost like a second skin, as the waves and rain water attacked your already cold and wet body. Looking around you could see the crew was exhausted, you had been fighting the ever growing waves for hours now and yet seemed to be getting no where.

"LOWER THE ANCHOR... Everyone could do with a rest." You shouted, seeing the slight sigh of relief on the soldiers faces, at the fact they could get in the dry for a while and have a chance to warm up.

Once the anchor had been lowered and secured, you had quickly made your way down to you quarters changing into some dry clothes; before heading to Caspian's study.

"So, were stuck here." Drinian spoke placing a marker on the map laid out in front of us. "Were at half rash-ions, with food and water for two more weeks maximum. This is your last chance to turn back your majesty's, there no chance we'll spot the blue star anytime soon. That storm will make sure of that. Needle in a haystack trying to find it with the rain and hail in our face. We could sail right past it and end up falling off the edge of the world."

"Or get eaten by a sea serpent!" Edmund added, causing you to let out a small chuckle. He was so transfixed by the fact that there may be a sea serpent out there. Although you knew there was no such thing, no one had ever seen one, so why would there be.

"I'm just saying the men are getting nervous. These are straying seas were sailing, the likes of which I've never seen before."

"Well Captain, would you like to explain to Mr Risen that we are going to abandon his family?... No i thought not. Then I suggest you get back to work on getting us to our destination." You could feel the power of leadership run through you as you spoke, causing your tone to become more serious and powerful. The captain gave small nod before turning on his heel, grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. "We've come to far to turn back now ... and besides I'm not going to give up on those people, what kind of kings and queens would be if we just gave up on them like that?" 

"I agree with Y/N we can't just leave them." Edmund agreed

"And bring back the lords" Caspian added.

"So we all agree then, no matter what we keep pressing forward." The room was silent for a short while before both kings nodded there head in agreement.

"We should all get some rest, i'm sure most the crew members are already asleep." Caspain spoke making his way towards the door. While sat discussing the plans for the journey ahead your body had become more and more heavy, feeling the exhaustion of the day slowly wash over you; and now you felt ready for bed. It felt like a task just having to walk over to the door, if you were anymore tired i'm sure you would have happy slept on the floor of the creaking room.

"Y/n... wait" Edmund spoke grabbing your arm. "Why don't you sleep in my quarters tonight... I mean I'm sure Lucy and Gail are already asleep, its probably easier if you stay with me tonight... soo you don't wake them I mean."

Edmund was probably right Lucy and Gail, were most likely asleep by now and if you was to try to sneak in, the creaking floorboards would wake them up. It would also mean you would get to spend some more time with Edmund, through the journey, you hadn't spent much time with Edmund and you could clearly see that sometime with him was needed. When he had left Narnia he has also left you replying him showing his feelings towards you, in your head. Leaving you feeling empty over time, as you longed for him to be back with you and now that he was here. Those feelings hadn't seemed to show themselves again for quite sometime. Then again he had become fascinated by his new sword and the adventure that Narnia had brought. Although you hadn't been much different spending most of your time helping the captain and crew or planning out maps with Caspian. But now was your chance to be with Edmund. A smile spreading across your lips, you nodded. Edmunds handed slipped from your arm down to your hand, before leading you back to his quarters. 

After placing your jacket and boots to the side of the room, you slipped into the bed. The bed felt cold as you slipped into it, causing a shiver to travel down your spine. Warmth radiated onto your back as Edmund got in soon after; sending the icy chill away. His arm slowly snaked around your waist as he rolled you over, pulling you closer to him as he did so. As you rolled onto your other side your eyes seemed to lock with his, those eyes... you hadn't looked into those eyes for so long, not like this anyway, they seemed to send you in a trance not allowing you to look away; not that you would want to anyway. His deep brown eyes stared deep into yours as if he was reading your mind. Maybe he was reading your mind, because as soon as your eyes moved down slightly to his lips, they crashed into yours. Sending a tingling sensation spreading you, your mouths moving perfectly in sink with each other; your grip on one another becoming even tighter wanting to feel every part of each others body pressed against one another. Your hands gently ran down his smooth toned chest, as you parted sucking in the cool air. 

"I'm sorry" Was the first words that Edmund spoke. "I mean for being distant." I've been thinking a lot ...about us. And I guess I'm worried, because once all this is over there many be a chance that I have to leave again and this time I might not come back."

Your heart ached at the thought of never seeing Edmund again. It was true that once this journey was over, he would most likely have to leave again, it was something you had thought about many a times. But Edmund saying it out loud made it feel more like a reality, a nightmare that was slowly creeping up on you.

"It's ok, I've been thinking about the same thing too. But we have a long way to go yet before we even need to think about that, so why don't we forget about it and focus on us now." Edmunds scent filled your nostrils as you nudged your head into his chest, cuddling up to his as close as possible, your legs intertwining with each other. 

Edmund was here with you now,  embracing you, protecting you and thats all that mattered.

The Obstacles We Face (Edmund x Reader Squeal)Where stories live. Discover now