The Plan...Sort Of.....

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HELLO! If you haven't checked out my channel it's there! It's called OddLife. Anyways that just one of our little videos. Yeah my friend and I are weird people.....
Erik P.O.V

Guess what?! Someone took our carriage while the whole scene was happening so now walking is our only option. While Sally and I were walking back to the opera the snow began to fall down heavier and the wind started to blow fiercely. I'm guessing it would be another 15 minutes until we arrived I looked over at Sally who was ahead of me, she wasn't really walking straight and she began to loose her balance.


She didn't answer as if she didn't hear me. CRUNCH! Sally sort of toppled over and tried to stand but failed. Oh dear. I quickly rushed over to her and examined what happened.

"Sally are you alright?!" I said frantically.

"I think I-I broke my heel on a rock..." She was clearly tired and freezing and her voice showed it.

"Heels shouldn't exist..." She muttered under her breath.

I helped her stand, I felt her cheek it was as cold as ice! I have to get her back as quickly as possible, without another moment I tried to pick her up in my arms but she refused to let me.

"I'm fine, if you picked me up in this weather condition it would only slow us down." She said weakly.

"You are anything but fine, don't worry I'll get us back quickly." As much as she hesitated I picked her up. Sally simply said fine and closed her eyes.

"It's alright. Now we're even." I said reassuring her. She placed her hands underneath my cloak near my chest to get some warmth. I shuddered a bit, I guess I am still not used to people being so close. I looked back down at Sally, she's actually quite adorable when she's not yelling at me.... My thoughts are wandering too far we should get going.
We took the back entrance to the opera house and headed straight down into the catacombs and by that time Sally had fallen asleep. I delicately placed Sally into the gondola and rode away from shore, I should repair this thing it's getting a bit old. While I was rowing across the dark waters I heard a slight whisper. Quickly I looked around to find that the whisper had come from Sally, she's talking in her sleep. While listening in I heard her say,

"No...I want to go home." or
"Why am I not at home?" The poor child is homesick but for her situation there is no remedy. When we reached ashore and carefully picked her up and moved her out of the gondola and onto the bed. I could still hear her talking slightly, I wish I could do something... Sally's head began to move like she was scared, I bend and slowly reached for her hand. I care believe I'm doing this!
"It's alright..." I whispered. As I held on she began to calm down and ceased to speak. Look at us, two orphans in a this world and there is no place for us. Sally had a home but it was taken from her, I wished I at least had that. I will never have a true home, not here not anywhere and even when I thought I had one.... I didn't. Why?! It's this blasted face that's why!

I gently let her hand go but somethings inside me screamed no! Don't let go! Why are these feelings and thoughts rushing through me?! I can't handle these odd...feelings right now my angel Christine is in my mind's eye. 


Sally's P.O.V.

I wake up in the lair, how long was I out? I'm still in my some what funeral attire and I ache everywhere! I slowly, painfully lifted myself out of the bed. An odd rush of different temperatures flew up and down my body as trudged across the floor. I need tea. I looked out across the lair and once again spotted Erik composing he stopped to face me.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Feeling a little better and thanks for that." I said gesturing towards the bedroom. I instantly found a chair and I sprang on to it, I love comfy chairs. Once I was completely comfortable I looked straight at Erik who looked straight at me.

"Right. Now that I'm awake, down to business." I said formally.


"You told me that there is something you need me to do?"  Erik once again gave me an awkward look, I'm getting so tired of those.

"Alright Sally. Sorry your mood about this whole thing and my plans has changed entirely. I've over heard that the Opera House is going to perform my opera, they think they can use it as bait but I am not an idiot." 

Well that's kind of debatable...

"I will also star in the opera but unknown along side Christine. And when the time is right and the hour has struck I'll take Christine and we will run off together."

"I see, so your basically kidnapping her?" I mean is he seriously gonna take her against her will?

"She loves me it will be fine." Erik reassured me. I guess he will never understand who Christine is marrying and how this may affect her.

"What happens if this ends badly?" I ask.

"I'll burn down the opera house." Erik replied carelessly.

"Wait what?!"

"I said that-"

"No I heard what you said, but your gonna burn a beautiful opera house and maybe kill a bunch of people?" WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY THINKING?! I stood up and began to pace, all of this for Christine...All of this sh*t for Christine. Erik stood up and gently took hold of my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes, his face was relaxed even the actions which he might cause are anything but! He closed his eyes, his perfect eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I need your help Sally and I know that you may not trust me... Listen," Erik let me have a seat and continued.

"In order for me to bring Christine down here we will have to fall through a hole on the stage which is currently covered by a trapdoor. In order for it to open I will pull a lever but that's not all, if that was it Christine and I would fall to our death so I need you to close one of the traps so we do not fall into it. It sounds simple but it is vital to the plan. Are you in?" 

Something about this plan doesn't seem like it's going to work.

"Erik, if I follow through with this I need something in return." I said nervously.

"Of course what ever you need."

"I need you to take me with you wherever you go."  Erik just stared at me completely dumbfounded I knew this was a bad idea. He's just looking at me I can't tell if he's angry or confused, oh my god that look terrifies me it's a look not quite interrogation but a little more like disappointment. 

"Please just hear me out even if the opera house doesn't get burned to the ground I just can't stay here any longer. I'm one of Christine's closest friends, what if someone found out I knew you? Please Erik once the three of us get far enough away I'll leave to London or go back to America but I can't stay here." I pleaded. 

Again agonizing silence. 

"Alright Sally, deal." He looked slightly uncomfortable.

I reached over and firmly shook his hand.

"Thank you Erik." I said calmly.

"I'm in."

Lost in Song (A Phantom of the Opera Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now