The Stranger

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I'm back!

Now for more Phantom of the Opera!


Sally's P.O.V.

When I awoke I found myself wrapped in blankets and I was laying on a swan shaped bed.....Who makes a swan shaped bed? Whatever. I unwrapped myself from the soft blankets and climbed out of the swan bed. I walked out of the room and stopped, the figure from last night was playing the violin. I ran back to the room I slept in, my mind was panicing, who is this guy? I took a deep breath and slowly walked out of the room and said,

"Ahem" He stopped playing and set down his violin.

"Your awake." He said setting down his violin.

"Yes I am. I do believe you asked me a question last night that I did not answer?" I said trying to sound as confident as possible while adjusting the ribbion in my hair.

"Ah yes, thank you for reminding me. What on earth were you doing in the catacombs last night?" The mysterious man asked. He wore a white mask over half of his face and he wore all black. He was actually quite handsome, catching myself in my thoughts I shift back to reality.

"Oh...uh I was being chased by two idiot set designers. I'm so sorry if I disturbed you monsieur..."

After answering the question, I looked around, this place was amazing! It was a cave with a shallow lake and thousands of candles everywhere, I saw music sheets filled with notes and drawings on the wall of- wait was the Christine? I shifted my gaze, this guy even had an organ in here! An organ! I looked back at the stranger who caught me starring in awe at his home.

"Do you know know who I am?" He asked.

"Uh... No? Am I supposed to to?" I replied questionably. He rolled his eyes and walked towards me, a little scared I took a step back.

"Of course your probably new here. I am the Phantom of the Opera or also known as the Opera Ghost." I giggled a little bit and he looked at me like I was stupid.

"You seem pretty solid to me and your not hovering like a ghost." I said while poking his shoulder. This guy who wears a mask thinks he's scary? Please.

"I am also a murderer." I stopped laughing and looked at him.

"Are you gonna kill me?"

"No. But I must ask you to leave." He said pointing at the exit.

"But your not scared of me? Even though I might kill you?" He asked with a little confusion in his voice.

"But you haven't killed me, and you could have killed me last night. Plus you don't seem scary." I said plainly.

The stranger thought for a moment.

"What's your name?" He said.

"Sally. Sally Jane, yours? Not your "terrifying" title." I asked showing an actual smile.

"Erik. Erik Destler." Erik answered with a bow. I giggled a bit and curtsied back to him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Monsieur Destler."

He sighed then and put his hands on his hips.

"Come Miss Sally Jane, we must return you to the surface." Erik said. And with that we left.

Erik's P.O.V.

After I returned Sally to the surface I continued to compose. Why doesn't this girl fear me? I threatened to kill her and yet she wasn't scared. For now I must think about Chirstine, soon she will shine on the stage.

 As notes slid off my violin, I found myself bored. I might as well spy on the cast to see what the next performance is going to be. I put my violin away and grabbed my cloak and gloves, once I put them on I headed out of my home and once I was actually inside the opera house I headed for the catwalk. I looked down at all the dancers and chorus members, and I spotted Christine. My heart skipped a beat, she was gorgeous and had a beautiful voice. I wish she could show it but the "star", La Carlotta takes all the lead roles, she will be the lead in the production, Hannibal. She walked on stage and her maids followed behind her.

As she "sang" I covered my ears, I couldn't stand such noise! Once she stopped I continued to watch Christine and the other ballerinas practice. But my gaze suddenly shifted to Sally who was entering with the other chorus members. She began to sing and she actually was quite good. Suddenly, she got nervous because she began to fiddle with her hands that were behind her back. But she collected her courage and belted out a high note with the rest of the chorus. I smiled and quietly applauded, then I heard a voice inside my say, Why aren't you concentrated on Christine?! The voice was right, I hardly know this girl. But something wasn't right about this girl Sally, I decided to ingore the demanding voice in head and continued studying her. Her hair was auburn, short, and she wore a green ribbion in her hair. When practice was over I saw two men follow Sally and I went to investagate.


Happy Birthday Sally met Erik. Yay! Please comment or vote (if you like). Till the next time!

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