Time Goes On

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Sally's P.O.V

The next morning started with someone knocking on my door again. My body was sore and tired, my head felt dizzy but luckily I could reach the door. My hand embraced the brass doorknob and I swung the wooden door open. My eyes glanced up and instead of seeing Meg like last time, I saw Christine.

"Christine?" I asked my voice sounding tired but surprised. She suddenly hugged me tightly causing me to tumble a bit, but after a moment I hugged her back. When we backed away we sat on the bed, Christine looked exhausted. Her eyes looked like they weighed 100 tons and Christine's eyes were red, like she had been crying.

"Christine what's wrong?" She lifted her head and said,

"I met him..." Oh dear lord, why with the pronoun game?!

"Who?" I asked even though I probably knew the answer.

"I met my angel, but he wasn't exactly my angel he-he was a stranger..." Christine trailed off.

"Are you sure he was your angel Christine?" 

"No. It's like he has has two different personas smashed into one body, he's mysterious yet he's angelic, dangerous yet entrancing. He-he's the Phantom of the Opera... That's who I met." Once those words passed her lips it was like the world around her suddenly changed, when she looked back up at me her face transformed from an innocent darling to a terrified girl. The air shifted around us, although I've known Erik for awhile now the way Christine described him changed how I thought of him.

What else happened that night? I saw so little what did Erik do?

"What happened Christine?" I asked sternly.

"He came to my dressing room-I still thought that he was was my angel so I sang to him and he sang back. I thought it was all a dream, he showed me his home and I felt like I was under a spell. Everything seemed like it had a golden aura around it- 

And this stranger

Sang to me

And my voice began to


He is no myth...

Not anymore..." Her perfect voice filled the room with a lovely sound.

"Did he do anything strange?" I asked again.

"Yes! Once he finished singing he showed me a creepy mannequin that looked exactly like me! Every detail! And And it was wearing a wedding dress! I must have fainted." My face filled with absolute shock. So that's what made her faint! Oh my god Erik what were you thinking? When your trying to empress someone keep to the singing. Eager to continue this story I asked her for more information.

"The next morning I awoke back into his lair and there he was. I was so foolish. I walked up to him and tore off his mask! He was furious and his face was so....I can't even describe it. It terrified me..."

"You removed his mask?" I asked again. I've known him for months now and I didn't have the guts to do that.

"Yes I did." I gave her a hug and she began to sob, poor Christine. What was she thinking? She was probably just curious but still...


 After Christine left, I decided I should talk to Erik. Obviously his idea of flirting with someone isn't the smartest way to go. Now that I think about it, the idea of him putting a two way mirror in her bedroom is creepy as hell.

I strolled down the catacombs until I spotted Erik parking his gondola nearby.

"What the hell Erik!" I shouted. He came out of his boat and looked up at me and his face translated confusion.

"Good Morning Sally-"

"You take Christine down here and you show her a mannequin that looks exactly like her wearing a wedding dress?! What were you thinking?!"

"Now Sally calm down I believe that actually went smoothly and-"

"SMOOTHLY?! You think it went SMOOTHLY?!" I shouted angrily.

"Sally I see no reason to be upset and why is it any of your concern?" Erik exclaimed.

"Why is it any of my concern you ask? I'll tell you, 1. Christine is a very dear friend of mine and so are you, 2. She came to me not to long ago AND SHE TERRIFIED! So I don't know if they do this here but back at home we help our friends who are scared and/or in need!"

"And where do you come from exactly?! Every time I ask you, you just say far away.... What does that mean?!" Erik fought back.

"That's not relevant to this conversation." I answered backing down.

"Oh yes it is relevant! Why are you so secretive about your past?!"

"Me secretive? What about YOU! Your the the one who's secretive! Hiding down here it's obvious your hiding something!" Fury raised in both of us, I could feel the heat burning through me and I could fire building up in Erik's eyes. But something in my gut told me to calm down.

"Erik I was just worried because Christine was scared." I said with my voice cooling down. Erik sighed and answered,

"Last night you were right I have no idea what I'm doing, but I love her so much I had to show it even though her fainting wasn't expected. And today she took off my mask and this monstrosity I'll my face was shown."

We had a few minutes of silence until I said that we should go to the roof and he agreed.


Erik and I sat on the bench and looked over at the horizon.

"Sally I think we should honest with each other. What are you hiding? Where are you from?" His voice sounded calm and friendly. Should I tell him?

"You won't believe me." I answered.

"Try me." And with a deep breath I said,

"I'm from the future." Saying this made Erik burst out laughing but not amused. After a minute he glanced up at me and saw my expression.

"Oh your serious. Sally how can I explain this delicately, that's impossible." Erik answered still slightly amused. I knew he wouldn't understand.

"Of course, you don't believe me. But I'm the truth, I'm from Brooklyn, New York, America and I'm from the year 2020. I'm almost done with art school and sing on my free time." Erik continued to laugh.

"Is that all the proof you have?"


"Show me." I told him not to move and I darted to my dorm and grabbed a bag from my suitcase and I ran to the roof continuously tripping over my dress. When I reached the roof, I sat back down next to Erik and began rummaging through my light blue bag. Yes! I found it! My old phone. I took out my phone and showed it to Erik.

"This a device called a iPhone, in the future we use it communicate to other people and do other things." I pressing the on button which showed my lock screen, I glanced at Erik and his eyes were enormous in shock.

"As you can see my phone is locked on to one date and time because I'm no longer in the future. See, Monday, June 9, 2020 and it was 12:11 in the evening when I left. I don't use it because it has limited battery." Erik simply didn't know what to say, feeling proud that I could prove myself I took my phone, turned it off and placed it back into my bag.

"Bu-but h-how d-did you get here?" He stuttered.

"Well, I was walking down the street and suddenly I saw this weird blue portal thing, like a doorway. And usually I stay away from weird things like that but for some reason I went into it and her I am. And that happened about a year ago. And I met this lady who helped me out and-"

I was interupted because Erik fainted.

Lost in Song (A Phantom of the Opera Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now