Dramatic Exits

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Sally's P.O.V

Okay Sally it's nearly showtime. It's only one show. Deep Breath.

I love shows, the practices, costume fittings, all of it. But something about this show bothered me. Maybe it's because I don't really like the idea of the plot or perhaps that fact that my costume makes me look like an absolute clown. I hate clowns...

I continue to inhale and exhale while Meg passed by and wished me good luck. Her costume was actually okay, it was a maid's dress with lace around the collar and different striped colors covering the chest. I smiled at her and she went to her place behind the wings. I began to hear clapping and my stomach flipped, but luckily I'm on in act 2 so I don't have to face the crowd in this ridiculous outfit. I looked over and saw Eloise, another chorus member prepping herself to enter the stage. She began to sweat and her plastered face that was covered in white made her look like a painting, but not a good one. It was like the artist who painted her was either drunk and absolutely bored and was trying to make a joke. Eloise jumped into character and walked on stage.

I wonder what Erik's doing right now... Probably composing and plotting as usual. My god I'm bored...

I wonder how Christine's doing, she's playing the mute which is odd because the managers know that she has a lot of talent considering how well she did in Hannibal. I heard that the only reason Christine didn't get the role was because Carlotta whined and complained so much that the managers had to give her the lead. Talk about a spotlight queen. But actually the costume for the lead is insanely pink and gross so I guess it's good Christine didn't get the part.

About ten minutes pass and my boredom grows so I tiptoe behind a wing so I can see the audience without them noticing me. I scan the crowd of the pretty, rich people, women wearing beautiful diamond jewelry and the men in elegant suits. I spot a mother and her son in the front row and the little boy looks bored and can't contain himself in his seat. His overly dressed mother glares at him while shushing him. Some kids just can't respect the arts! I think to myself. But to tell the truth, if I was his age (5 or 6 ish) I would probably be bored too.

My eyes wander through the blur of people laughing at the comedy of the show. I look up at Box 5 find Raoul sitting and watching-wait Raoul?! He can't be up there! Uh-oh this is bad... This is very bad. Erik said for his box to empty! And the stupid managers forgot to leave it open! Again! Oh my god he's going to be furious... I step away from the wing in fear because I know he's going to do something awful. Other cast members look at me oddly I try to speak suddenly a roar of sound coming from god knows where speaks,

"Did I not instruct for Box 5 to be left empty..."

The crowd gasps and the performers on stage begin to panic, I Christine backing further upstage in horror.

"it's him." She says quietly.

"Your part is silent little toad!." Carlotta interrupts obnoxiously. How dare she!

"A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who is the toad." Erik says softly. Carlotta scoffs and walks to the side of the stage. I see a shadow, but only for a second, do something to Carlotta's throat spray thingy. Oh...I try to hide my laugh, I know I shouldn't be laughing but this is gonna be too good! Erik told me about this prank he was going to pull last week. So he created this liquid that looks exactly like Carlotta's spray she uses to hydrate her throat or something, but this spray has an opposite effect. The liquid will dry up her throat causing her to-

"CROAK!" Carlotta croaks from the stage. Sometimes you gotta love pranks. The audience immediately burst into laughter I could see Meg snickering. Carlotta tried to hit the note again and again but failed each time. From behind the stage I could see her face slowly turning as red as tomato paste through the thick layers of makeup. Monsieur Lefevre grabbed his hair in panic as if he was going to tear it off!

The curtains quickly closed and I hear the managers say that we were moving on to the ballet in act 3 and the lead would be given to Christine! At long last the managers are going to give the role to someone who deserves it! It's boiling hot in here, oh why didn't I land in a time where air conditioning was invented?


Erik's P.O.V

So Christine is lead, excellent. But I still have a problem...A RICH SNOB IS STILL IN MY BOX! I take a deep breath -*snap*. I now feel the air grow warmer, I'm not alone. No need to turn around, his breathing has already given him away. I could use this fool. I hear his light foot steps as I walk and we now find ourselves above the stage. I mind quickly strategies a plan. Slowly and carefully I turn around revealing myself to.....Joseph Buquet. I saw his sweat drip from his skin, his eyes gaping at what laid before him. It was death he must have thought, good I should always look like death in the eyes of my prey. I begin to move quickly yet carefully, my feet are light while he on the another hand thumps and stumbles while trying to keep up with me.

I hear my heart beat faster and faster, my mind surging, blood racing. The little stage hand is now tried he gasps for breath little does he know that those few moments shall be his last. His neck is now in my hands, his fate is now mine to toy with. I feel a strange wave of insanity wash over me like a foot print on a beach. His death will be nothing but it will give me my triumph! With his death these fools will listen to me! AND FINALLY I CAN TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE! A crowd of voices inside me urge me on while I tighten the lasso around Joseph's fat neck. But one voice in the blackness of my mind begs me not to. But that voice quickly fades out while I kill my victim. The light from his eyes slowly fades into darkness. For my final touch I will the lifeless body for the crowd to see, I drop the body on the dancers below. Screams begin to pour out of their mouths at the horrific sight, I smile knowing my work is done and with a flip of my cape I disappeared.

Sally's P.O.V

I take it all back, pranks are bad. I throw off my wig and heels and run to the roof top, I need to get out of here. I dash up the spiral staircase and push through the door and the cold winter air takes hold of my open skin, but before I can at least sit down I hear footsteps coming closer. Panic in my head tells me to hide and Christine and Raoul burst through the door.


I am so sorry it took this long to update. Crazy summer. Anyways I had to end it here because I had to put up a chapter but there is still so much I need to do. Well I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you later!

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