Normal But Different

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I don't own the song in this chapter.


Sally's P.O.V

It didn't take long for me to notice that I was being followed, I peaked over my shoulder and saw the idiotic stage designers from the party. I didn't make any sudden movements, I just continued walking. I'll just lead them into an empty room where we can settle this out. I heard them snickering behind me, I swear I wanted to punch Eadred in the face. I never liked him and his devious pal Aden. When I finally found an empty room, I entered it and the two boys came in as well. It wasn't exactly a room more like walls with an opening at the top so you could easily get to the catwalk.

"What do you two want now?" I said. Aden came closer to me and touched my hair and whispered,

"Pretty, innocent little thing..." This is getting creepy, I slapped his hand and I could see rage flow through him.

"Back off. Don't touch me again, both of you." I said coldly. But they didn't listen, Eadred came closer too. But just as he could place a finger on me, a large shadow jumped out of the catwalk and landed in front of me.

"Did you hear her? Or should I said it instead?" The shadow said in a deep voice. Oh, it's Erik I would recognize that cape anywhere. As the two boys looked terrified, I smiled a bit. You should see your faces.

"Go." Erik said and Eadred and Aden scattered. Erik turned to face me.

"Are you alright?" He asked no longer using a deep scary voice.

"I think so, you were following me?"

"Uh...Yes. Sorry when I saw the two designers following you I got a little curious." He replied looking at the floor. This guy is weird but, I he seems pretty cool.

"Are you going to keep following me because I'm just going to go to my dorm." I said smiling. Erik looked up at me confused.

"You aren't mad?" Erik asked.

"Well you help me ge rid of Eadred and Aden, so no I'm not mad. But now I'm bored, come meet me on the roof we'll chat there." I said.


"Like I said I'm bored I want to talk to someone, but not here because there's no where to sit. See you there!" And with that I left.

Erik's P.O.V.

I hope she knows that I might not meet her on the roof top. But your still going to go. My mind persuaded me. Fine I will. But I can't stay for long I must continue composing my opera for Christine.

Since I have lived in this opera house longer, I beat Sally to the roof and waited behind one of the statues. Then I heard a door slam, I peeked over and saw Sally walk on to the roof. As I watched her I was about to come out from my hiding place, but then she walked around for a bit and she smiled like she was recalling a happy memory. Then she began to sing.

I know you,

I walked with you once upon a dream.

I know you,

The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam.

And I know it's true

that these visions are seldom all they seem,

But if I know you,

I know what you'll do.

You'll love me at once

The way you did once a upon a dream.

She danced a bit and hummed to the tune of the song.

But if I know you,

I know what you'll do.

You'll love me at once

The way you did once a upon a dream.

Her movements were graceful and delicate and she sang the same verse again then continued to dance. Over the years I've listened to music from all over the world but I've never heard something quite like that. I slowly came out of my hiding spot and applauded, startled, Sally quickly turned around and saw me and she let a sigh of relief.

"I apologize if I startled you." I said after I finished applauding.

"It's alright." She said and she sat down on a bench. I sat down next to her.

"That was a beautiful song, what's it from?"

"Sleeping Beauty."

"The Brothers Grimm story? Funny, I don't remember there being music to it." Sally took a minute to think as if she was choosing the right words to respond.

"Well there isn't, not yet." She said with a hint of a smiled. This girl is very confusing.

"Not yet? Whatever do you mean?" Sally sighed and answered,

"It doesn't matter. So I can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Well this morning when I woke up in your home, I saw some drawings of Christine. And I'm only guessing here, are you in love with her?"

Should I answer this question? It's a bit personal.....No don't answer it you barely know her. But doesn't she have a right to know?

"Yes I do." I said before completing my thoughts.

"Okay just wondering." Sally said satisfied.

"Since your new where did come from before you arrived at the opera house?" I asked. After finishing my question, she looked down and a sad expression fell over her face. And she said finally,

"Far away. Very, very, far away." That's all she said. But where? China? America? Where? I guess something happened so she doesn't want to mention it.

"I sorry I bought it up." She looked at me and smiled.

"It's okay." I looked at the sky and noticed how late it was.

"It will be dark soon, we better go inside." Sally sighed but did as I said and I walked her to her dorm. Before she closed the door to say goodnight she said,

"Thank you, that was fun. It's nice to have a new friend if you don't mind me calling you that."

Friend? No one has ever said something like that to me.

"Oh it's alright." We both smiled and she whispered goodnight and quietly shut the door.

As I walked back to my domain, I let this word I have barely ever used roll off my tongue.



Okay some of you may be thinking, what?! Disney music? But this is 1872? Don't worry everything will make sense soon....

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