Ride with the Tide

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Sierra's POV

"Fairy Godmother, bring down the barriers," Ben says motioning to her,

"I am sorry your majesty, but Queen Sierra is the rightful leader of Auradon and everything she says is done. I will not bring down the barriers." FGM states,

"Do it!" Ben demands. I look back at Mal and we both say the same thing, 

"Ben's been spelled." 

Mal comes down the stairs and I move out of her way, I end up standing beside Jared. I give him a quick side hug,

"Ben." Mal starts grabbing his attention, "Ben." She walks right up to him and he lets go of Uma's hands, "Look at me." She says softly,

"No. Look at me. You love me remember?" Uma tries to gain his attention,

"No, you don't."

"Yes, you do."

"Ben, look at me." Mal keeps talking softly while Uma is more commanding, 

"Bring down the barriers now!" Uma demands FGM, 

"She does not take orders from you." I snap walking towards FGM,

"Ben?" Uma tries again,

"Ben. I never told you that I loved you because I thought I wasn't good enough. And I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realized yourself. But, Ben, that's me." Mal starts crying a little while pointing at the mural, Ben turns and looks at it, "I'm part Isle and part Auradon."

"Ben eyes over here." Uma tries,

"And, Ben, you 've always known who we were and who we can be."

"Don't listen to her."

"Ben, I know what love feels like now."Mal chuckles, "Ben. Of course, I love you. Ben, I've always loved you." And with that Mal kisses Ben right on the lips. It only lasts for a few seconds but it was well overdue.

I look up at Carlos and he's already looking at me, I nod my head in respect and so does he. I'm glad we settled this, I wouldn't want to hurt him any longer. I stand beside Evie,

"True love's kiss." Evie starts,

"Works every time." I smile and nudge her.

"Ugh! Give it to me!" Uma reaches for the wand. I jump down and get in between her and FGM. No one messes with Fairy Godmother unless it's me,

"No! Guards seize her!" FGM screeches, Uma goes running to the side of the boat. Mal and Ben put their arms out to stop them,

"No! No, stop! Please, stop!" Everyone gathers behind Mal and Ben, "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want." 

Everyone is watching Uma waiting for her decision, I stand close by but not too close. I start to hear the chirping from Uma's necklace, then she climbs up to the railing and jumps into the water. I should've known. Everyone rushes over to see if she's okay, then the boat gets pushed so everyone falls to the one side of the boat then back to the other, by this point everyone is soaked. And I just got even wetter. 

We all look back out and there is Uma as an octopus ish, like her mother. 

"True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" Uma shouts, she makes one of her tentacles fling near everyone so they have to back up so they don't get hit.

"JARED SWORD!" I yell out. Jared throws me my sword and Uma strikes again missing again. 

"Uma!" I call out, she turns her attention towards me and smirks,

"Let's go, Sierra! Let's show everyone why you left Auradon!" She taunts. 

Mal comes up beside me, lips twitching and her eyes a vibrant green, she looks at me, 

"We've done it once, let's try it again," I smirk, I run and jump overboard into the water.

I have my sword in my mouth trying to deak out Uma's tentacles. Before I get to the surface of the water I see a dragon through the water, must be Mal. I start swimming to get a safe distance from Uma when I suddenly feel a surge of power flow through my veins, I open my mouth to yell in pain and I lose all my breath. I go to try and breathe because I'm that stupid and I can. I can breathe underwater. I shake my head and swim to the surface.

"Look who finally joined us?" Uma taunts and swings her tentacle near me, I duck and she misses. As I start treading the water I feel myself lift, even more, I realize I'm standing on top of the water. I can walk on the water. Uma looks at me in disbelief.

Mal is flying behind me and Uma is floating in front of me, I see Jared point to my sword. Just as Mal and Uma were about to strike again I pull my sword out and lift to the sky. Red magic bursts out from the tip of the sword and sends both Uma and Mal backwards, everyone screams as it also rocks the boat a little. Once everyone is calm all eyes are on me, 

"Everyone back down!"  I command, the magic is coursing through my veins, keeping both Mal and Uma separate from each other,

"What are you going to do Sierra? Splash me?" Uma laughs. I raise my left hand and it sends a massive wave to hit her in the face, she scoffs and narrows her eyes at me,

"That's enough!" I yell, "It's got to stop! This isn't the answer!" Uma rolls her eyes at me, "The fighting has got to stop! Nobody wins this way!"

"It works for you, Sierra." Uma snaps,

"No! It doesn't. Look where it has me. In between two strong girls fighting over what? Auradon? Are you kidding me? Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle, cause I want it too. Mal, you want what's best for Auradon, I think we all know that I do too. Look, we three have way more in common than we think, three girls all from the Isle, wanting nothing but what's best for our people and our friends. Why are we letting our egos and pride get in the way of making that come true? Uma, help us make a difference, you could be apart of the solution." I reach my hand out for her and she just floats there unsure of what to do.

Mal snarls at her, and one of Uma's tentacles reaches out and drops Ben's ring into my hand. I look up at her and she shrugs slightly,

"Take care of the Isle will you?" With that, she goes back underwater and swims away. I turn to Ben who's standing at the edge of the boat,


I toss the ring up to him and he catches it with ease. I look at Mal and she turns back to her normal self but with a purple dress on the boat. She joins the others who are looking out at me, who is standing on top of the water,

"Who knew you could walk on water?" Mal teases,

"Yeah, this is definitely new for me." I say looking at my feet, "Next, I'll be able to talk to animals, and not just Dude." Everyone laughs at my joke, then it goes silent,

"Will we ever see you again?" Ben asks. I look to the Isle then back to Auradon, "You could always stay you know, Fairy Godmother knows a thing or two about magic." He teases, and I laugh softly,

"Maybe one day our paths will cross again. If you ever need anything," I smile weakly and turn towards the Isle, "you know where to find me." 

With that, I start to run across the water, laughing at this newfound skill, all the way to the Isle. Opening the barriers for myself and walking inside, making sure the barriers closed. I do however find the tallest point on the Isle and watch my friends dance and party knowing they will be happy and safe, the fireworks light up the sky and I smile. I climb back down to the ground and sneak into the darkness, where one could never be found. I turn around and my red eyes are glowing bright,

What? You didn't think this was the end of the story? Did you? HAHAHAHAH! 

And there we have it!! The end of The Pirate's Past!! It feels so amazing to finally complete this and I'm going to start the third book very soon! Love you guys!


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