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"Would you like to explain what just happened back there?" Jay sasses, he's never the one to get mad but he is now,

"I have to go, keep an eye on Ben. God knows what Uma will do if she finds him." Sierra says starting to leave, Carlos grabs onto her hand and they both move somewhere a little more private.

She sighs in exasperation and sits down.

"Look I told you already-" She starts,

"No, you haven't. I thought you were hurt, Sierra. It broke my heart knowing you left to come here and didn't even tell me." Carlos says, "Look we don't have to talk about what happened in my room, but what's going on with you? Why are you working with Uma?" She looks away then back at him.

"Because Carlos. It's the only way for me to ever be happy again."

"You were happy."

"No, I wasn't. I really wasn't. I hated being queen, I had so many responsibilities and I didn't have any time for myself. Yeah, I got to see my dad once more every week, but we could only spend two hours together. I don't get to relax, have a day off, spend time with you and Dude, and everyone else. I really do hate it, it doesn't make me happy. Being here although it isn't as pretty and as free, it has memories I could never have in Auradon. Look, Auradon is amazing I loved it there, but it doesn't have any of the answers I need. I don't know where I come from or who I am. I don't know what this curse can do and I'm not willing to put other people in danger." Sierra says,

"Sierra, you should've just told me that you weren't happy. I might not have understood, but I would have at least tried. And I could've helped you research your parents." Carlos says hugging her, she pushes him away and his face drops,

"I don't belong in Auradon. I'm too dangerous. So, I have to stay away, from Auradon. From you." She says.

"You're not dangerous. Not to me." Carlos argues,

"Carlos. I'm cursed." She reminds him,

"So? We can handle a simple curse." 

"You and I both know this isn't a simple curse. The closer I am to other magic the more I will want it. Aruadon is filled with magic. I am way too dangerous to be there. My home is here, where I can't hurt anyone."

"Please Sierra-" Carlos takes a step forward but stops when Sierra takes a step backward, "Please." He begs,

"I don't want to hurt you, Carlos, now. Please go back to Auradon and ask Bay out. I know she'll be happy." Sierra sets the necklace into the palm of Carlos's hand, "I'm sorry." 

"I want you, Sierra." She stops but forces herself to keep walking.

Carlos stands there clutching the necklace in his hand, he slowly makes his way back to his friends as they stand there hopeful, he sits down and shakes his head,

"She's gone. She left." Carlos says with tears falling onto the ground. Evie sits beside him rubbing his back. He pushes her off and wipes his face, "She said she didn't belong there. She was too dangerous. She's happy here, she's happy."

Evie shakes her head, "She doesn't have you."

"She doesn't want me, she made that very clear." Carlos huffs giving Evie the necklace.

Jay and Evie look at each other, then at their heartbroken best friend,

"Look, I might not know what all has happened to Sierra since she came back, and we all certainly don't know what her childhood was like here. But one thing I do know is that she loves you, Carlos. When I do my fittings for her, god she doesn't shut up about you. Constantly when you're not around, whether she brings it up or not, it's always you who she talks about. It's all anyone wants to talk about with her, how she feels about you, how she really wants you to ask her to cotillion, and just how overall an amazing person you are Carlos."

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