Oh, Brother

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(A/N: that's what Sierra's brother looks like)

Sierra walks down some unknown streets trying to get away from everyone, she knew what she did was the right thing to do, but she wonders why it hurts so much. 

She walks down a road and realizes there's an end,

"Why now, I don't even know where I am." She huffs and tries to backtrack,

"I could help." 

Sierra takes out her sword and turns towards the voice, 

"Who are you?" She sneers. The person comes into view, she sees the red hair first, then their face. She blinks a few times, 

"I'm Wes." He looked about her age but taller, he had green eyes and red hair, "Who are you?" He takes out his sword and they start moving in a circle, never getting to close to each other.

"Sierra." She states, 

"What are you doing here?" He swings his sword and she blocks it,

"Was just wandering." She raises her eyebrow, then she swings and he blocks it,

"Sierra?" Someone calls out,

"Jared?" She says,

"Sierra! Where are you?!" Jared comes out of a house and sees Sierra with Wes, "Wes! You guys have met!" Jared comes down and guides her towards the house, "We have a lot to talk about." 

Jared takes her inside with Wes following behind them. They walk into a room and see Bay, Taylor and three others. They all turn and look at Sierra, 

"Sierra, meet our siblings," Jared says motioning towards them all,

"Siblings?" She questions. The three she doesn't know, stand up and walk towards her, 

"You might want to sit down, this is a bit of a long story." A girl says, Sierra takes a seat next to Jared, "Back when we were kids....."


Sierra has been sitting with these kids for what feels like hours. They've been telling stories about their parents and everything,

"So wait, you are the queen of Aruadon. Right now, and you chose to come back here?" Bellamy, Bay's brother asks,

"When I gained full control of the curse, something didn't feel right. Knowing I got cursed by Ursula, I came here for answers. Once I found out a few things, I knew it was best if I stayed here because then I am nowhere near magic and I can't hurt anyone." Sierra explains,

"Whoa, that's ruff." Tatum, Taylor's sister, sighs. 

"So, let me get this straight." Sierra starts, "When twins are born, one is good while the other is evil. So they sent the evil one here and kept the good one in Auradon?" 

"Yeah, around the time you got sent over we were all tested to see who is evil and who is good. But with your living situation, they didn't want you near Wes because they didn't want him to influence you to become bad, like us." Jaci, Jared's sister, explains.

"But you guys don't seem that evil. If anything, I should be here." Sierra frowns,

"No one gets to choose besides Belle and Beast. Soon we'll get our revenge." Wes snickers,

"Or," Sierra starts, "hop into the limo in the garage out by Pirate's Bay. Some other VK's are back right now. Hitch a ride with them." She says playing with the feathers on her hat,

"What's it like?" Bellamy asks,

"In Auradon?" Bellamy nods, "Well, I mean I was young when I went back, so I'm slightly biased in my opinion." Sierra says,

"Is it like everything you could dream of?" Jaci asks,

"Everything and more." Sierra says, "The opportunities it has are uncountable. Everything is magical, the people, the food, the actual magic. It truly is a wonderful place," Sierra stops herself, 

"Then why leave?" Tatum asks,

"If this place is all you could ever wish for, why would you give it up? What because some curse is holding you back? The Isle might keep you safe from magic, but you won't have the friends and family as you have on Auradon. Even if dad and I are here, you need to be there. They need you." Wes says.

Sierra looks at him, "Come with me."

They all look at her confused, Sierra shrugs,

"As the queen of Auradon, I am granting you the opportunity to come to Auradon with me. None of us deserve to be here. If I go, you are all coming with me." Sierra states,

"The kingdom won't like it though," Jaci says,

"That sucks for those losers, cause family comes first." Sierra says, "No matter what..." She trails off. 


Wes and Sierra decided to leave the group to spend some time together. They walk up some streets stealing things and money from strangers walking past. They walk in silence as they secretly take from others, neither of them wants to say anything. Finally, Wes break the silence,

"You can't stay here." She looks at him confused, "You're safer in Auradon than here, there are dangerous people looking for you, well mom. But when they find out you have the curse, you will be in more danger than you already are." 

She nods, as he continues,

"When mom lived here, she caused a lot of problems. I'm surprised they didn't come for her. She was messing with people that you should never go near, the curse was just one thing that she did. There are so many others that made deals with her and she hasn't fulfilled them." Wes explains,

"Well, it seems like I've got some business to handle," Sierra smirks,

"You don't want to get into business with these guys. They are more dangerous than Maleficent and eviler than our mother." He warns,

"Look, I know you're my brother, but I can handle this." Sierra states,

"I'm not saying you can't. I'm telling you, that you shouldn't handle it." He says, "Just be careful if you do, they are full of magic." 

"I thought all magic was banned here." Sierra stops,

"After Ursula cursed you, it released some across the Isle. Only the ones who knew how to possess it were able to. No one knows who has the curse, you or mom." Wes shrugs.

"No one can find out. That might bring more challenges and I don't want Auradon to have any more trouble, they've had enough." Sierra hangs her head,

"You said you don't belong there. But from it I've heard from dad, and what I've seen on tv. You look like you've been fitting it pretty well." He was right, it did look like it.

"I guess I wasn't truthful about everything." Sierra shrugs,

"What was wrong with it?" 

"I thought becoming queen was my dream. I mean I guess I had my head in the clouds. It wasn't what I wanted. I thought I would have more time to myself, that I wouldn't have to change. But it was all a lie, I had to change everything about me. How I dressed, how I acted, how I looked. I just knew that it wasn't for me, being a princess wasn't fun either. I still had to be so pristine, and good. Everything I'm not." 

Sierra lifts her head to see Wes nodding, 

"Why don't we go find this Pearl and we'll get you home," Wes suggests,

"I'm not going back unless you guys come with me," Sierra says,

"You have a feisty attitude like mom. But it's a deal."

A/N: AHHH!! New characters!!! I can tell you right now that Wes and Jaci will probably the most important two out of the four but you'll have to wait and see!! Also, it would be awesome if you guys voted! Not that you have to but, you know. 

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