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General POV

It's been at least six months since Sierra was crowned Queen of Auradon. Her mother, Elizabeth Swan, was being held in a cell near the coast, so she couldn't cause any chaos.

Sierra has not changed whatsoever, she still goes out now twice a week to the Isle of the Lost to go sailing with her father, Will Turner. She and Jared are still best friends, and now Jane is as well since Jared and her started dating not that long ago. She still sneaks away from school and swings on the ropes when she's stressed.

You're probably wondering how the four villains are. Well, they haven't changed much either, Evie is now running a small campus business with Doug, making and selling dresses. She also has become more interested in science when she aced her class.

Mal, prince Ben's girlfriend and daughter of Maleficent is now co royal adviser for Sierra. Mal has been attending class more often and now has blonde hair with purple tips, thanks to her spellbook.

Jay is now captain of the tourney team and the sword and shield team as well. Sports have become his newfound passion, always watching games on tv and going and watching them.

And lastly Carlos. He's found a love for dogs and has been volunteering at the local shelter every day after school. Dude is officially his dog now and you never see the one without the other.

Carlos and Sierra haven't really talked much due to her busy schedule, but she always finds the time to hang out with him. They've rekindled their relationship, but aren't officially together.

The curse? Well don't get too far ahead of yourself.... we're just getting started.


The five villain kids were standing around a pot filled with apples dipped in a spell,

"Let's give Auradon a taste of evil," Sierra smirks,

"Wicked ways beneath the skin... let all who taste it now join in." Mal reads the spell. Sierra and Mal laugh evilly as they all start to sing,

"We've got all the ways to be,

W I C K E D,

We've got all the ways to be,

W I C K E D!" 

Mal and Carlos go into a hall, Carlos dumps a bucket of apples along the floor and students dive to get one. Mal is slamming their lockers closed so they can see the graffiti on it saying 'Long Live Evil.' Once Mal knocks the last one she leans against the one beside it, holding an apple and a spray can,

Mal: "Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation,

Friendly reminder got my own kind of persuasion.

Carlos: "Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior,

Happily ever after, with a little flavor."

(Then Sierra walks up to the parents of a few of the Auradon kids handing them apples and smirks)

Sierra: "I'm a queen a pirate, daughter of a villain,

You wanna mess with me, then go sit with the children."

(Jay starts throwing apples at the band)

Jay: "We're bad to the bone, with even worse intentions,

We're gonna steal the show, and leave 'em all defenseless.

(Evie walks up from the back of the classroom holding an apple and puts it on Fairy Godmother's stand)

Evie: "A fairy tale life can be, oh-so overrated,

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