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Sierra runs through the dorms trying to get away from all this press, she opens a door and slams it shut before leaning her back against it. She turns and locks the door then starts pacing around the room, she sees the tv talking about her and quickly turns it off. 

Her breathing quickens as she heard the words 'lady of the court' and her eyes flash a vibrant red, she shuts them close and runs her hands through her hair,

"Whoa, easy pirate," Carlos says softly closing his computer,

"You think this is so easy?! You don't have people taking a photo of you every single time you open your mouth to say boo! I mean, it's not that I could even say boo, but, you know what I-" Sierra takes a deep breath and runs her hand through her hair,

"I'm sorry," Carlos mutters. Carlos gets up and embraces her in a hug, she hugs him back as he rubs her back.

"Don't be it's not your fault." She says quietly, he smiles and they pull away.

"Don't you ever miss being evil? I mean I never really had the chance to, I was so young. I mean I had my fair share of scaring people, but not by them being scared of me, more them being scared of the fact I was Will Turner's kid." Sierra rambles,

"You're thinking like my mother, and I was usually on the other end of that, so no. But hey." He uses a finger to lift her chin so she's looking at him, "Trust me, you don't want to be known as a villain kid." She smiles softly, leaning in to kiss him, he notices and does the same.

Before anything happened, his door was unlocked and Chad walks in. Not noticing the two standing there. He makes sure the door shuts quietly before turning as seeing the two teens,

"Hi. Just came to use your 3D printer, won't be a sec." Chad says 

"How'd you get a key to my room?" Carlos asks annoyed,

"Oh, I printed it off last time I was in here." Carlos and Sierra look at each other confused, "Uh, you guys were sleeping. Look I just- Your printer is so much better than mine, and you install these hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine and-" 

"Out! Now." Carlos says kicking him out,

"Fine. Fine." Chad pouts,

"Chad!" Carlos says realizing he didn't leave the key,

"What? Hmm?" He asks giving him attitude,

"Leave the key," Sierra smirks. Chad leaves it and slams the door on the way out,


"Hmm?" She stands there unfazed by what happened, "Oh I have your potion." Sierra says stopping Carlos from kissing her,

"So this thing will make me say what I really feel to Bay?" Carlos lies. Sierra frowns a bit as he mentions her friends' name,

"Yeah, I mean, this is a truth gummy, so take it or leave it." She says with some sass,

"Perfect." He goes for the gummy but she pulls it back,

"Hold on, though. Are you sure that you want to be taking this? Because this is gonna make you say the truth all the time, no matter what, and the only reason that I'm asking is because I know that if I took this right now, I would get myself sent back to the Isle and Ben would become king which isn't a bad thing, and I would probably ruin your whole experience at cotillion. Which sounds super unappealing, but you know...." Sierra says trying to change his mind,

"Yeah, I'll take my chances I guess." Sierra puts her arm by her side and Dude takes the gummy right from her fingers and jumps back on the bed,

"Bad dog!" Sierra says,

"Man, that thing was nasty. And you-- you need to just man up. And while you're at it, scratch my butt." Carlos looks at Sierra as she stands there in complete shock.

"You heard him. Scratch his butt." Sierra says turning away and walking towards the door,

"Sierra? Can we talk about what just happened?" Carlos says, she knows he means the whole almost kissing this, but he wants to go with Bay she's not going to get in the way of that,

"Have fun with Bay." She closes the door leaving the boy she likes with the talking dog named Dude.


She walks back to her mothers' cell and pulls up a chair,

"Hello, mother." Sierra snaps,

"Look who it is everyone. My beloved daughter, coming to visit me once again." Her mother sneers,

"Give it a rest you know why I'm here." Elizabeth snaps her head facing her daughter, who just made the snarky comment,

Elizabeth throws herself towards the bars holding her in trying to scare Sierra, who doesn't even flinch. Elizabeth stares at her daughter trying to start a staring contest. Sierra keeps her cool and makes sure her eyes don't go red again,

"No magic, that's going to make it even harder." Her mother smirks,

"Don't tell me what will make it harder. Tell me how to get it." Sierra snaps,

"You have to find Ursula, without her knowing who you are. If she finds out then there's no chance you're getting it back unless you make a deal with her." Elizabeth explains,

"They would have it docked, where?" Sierra isn't going to stop until she finds out more,

"Along the coast, huge wooden dock with the boat attached to it, the biggest thing I've ever seen. But your ship, it's not docked." Elizabeth smirks,

"What do you mean it can't be just be sitting somewhere without being docked, it would just sail away." She says confused,

"It's not the size it once was. The boat lies between the dust and dirt, hidden and protected by the evilest pirates, it only takes a special soul to retrieve it, as long as they are okay with the sacrifice they have to make." Her mother recites what Ursula told her. She moves back further into her cell leaving her daughter with unanswered questions and no true explanation.

As Sierra leaves Carlos quickly finds her,

"Hey, thanks for leaving me back there." He smiles catching his breath,

"Look, I really have to go, I'm sorry," Sierra says trying to cut the conversation short, Carlos doesn't allow it and blocks her path,

"Can we at least talk about it?" He asks,

"No, I have to go." She says sternly,

"Sierra, I know you, and when you want something you take it. Why is it so different with me?" Carlos asks,

"I don't know. It just is alright? I have to go. Go have fun with Bay, I know she's waiting for you." Sierra snaps pushing past him.

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