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Mal's POV

Evie helps me get ready for cotillion and finally it couldn't come any sooner. I mean I don't want to do this but maybe it will fix the problems between Ben and me. Music was playing as I made it to the yacht and I could feel myself growing more and more nervous. This would decide everything, and I don't know if I'm ready for that. The music stops and everyone is clapping, the trumpets start.

"The future lady, Mal," Lumiere says. I walk out and he steps aside. I am absolutely a mess and terrified all at once, but I take it one step at a time towards Lumiere,

"You work it, girl." He says friendly, I chuckle and everyone starts clapping and cheering. I walk down the steps and meet Ben's parents at the bottom,



"Ben is on his way," Adam says,


"And you look beautiful." Adam smiles,

"Oh. Thank you." I chuckle and turn to Belle,

"I know we were shocked at first, but you... You're exactly what Ben needs." Belle smiles,

"And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions." Both Bell and I laugh. 

Evie comes up and guides me towards all my friends. As we wait for Ben to come we continue a conversation and then the trumpets start again, we both look up at the top of the staircase,

"King Benjamin!" Lumiere says. 

Ben walks out and everyone claps and cheers for him. Evie is holding my hand as we watch him walk down the steps, everyone courtesies to him and then Evie nudges me to go to him. We meet at the bottom of the staircase and I'm just smiling, maybe this won't end badly. We courtesy to each other and then stand there kind of awkwardly,

"Mal. I wish I had time to explain," Ben says suddenly. The doors open again and we all look to the top of the stairs. Out walks Uma in a turquoise dress and her hair and makeup all done, she walks down shyly and I gasp. 

Ben walks towards her as Uma comes down the stairs, everyone is murmuring and looking around confused. Ben takes Uma's hand and kisses the ring he gave me before, everyone gasps again including me. All I could do was stare at them in disbelief, did he really leave me for Uma? After everything, she did to him? He chose her over me. 

Uma giggles and Ben takes her hand leading towards me. I can't form any words,

"Sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." He says looking at her. With every word, I could feel my heart breaking into smaller and smaller pieces. My whole life breaking right in front of me. 

"What are you saying?" I finally get some words out,

"I'm saying..." He starts,

"It was love." Uma finishes his sentence and giggles, "It was." She turns to face him, "I just... I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?" 

"We are" She giggles, "You're so beautiful."

"Ben." I say trying to get his attention, "Ben." I could feel the tears stinging my eyes, "Did you go back for her?" I ask the dreaded question.

"He didn't have to." Uma says stepping forward a little, "I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer, so..."

"You are." Ben compliments her again,

"Thank you." She laughs. She looks at me while I stare at Ben crushed. She let's go of his hands and takes mine, I gasp at the action.

"Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you." She chuckles, "I do. For everything." She pulls me into a hug and I can't help but stand there dumbfounded. She continues to say 'thank you' to me as she hugs me. My breathing gets heavier as she finally let's go,

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