Two kids in a Craddle.

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Things you'll need to know
F/c favorite color.
H/c is hair color
E/c is eye color
H/l hair length.
Y/n your name.
F/f favorite food
C/n cat name.

⚠️Warning⚠️  this book contains themes of depression and suicide and other bad things please read with caution. Only warning you get. ⚠️

It was a day like all before while villagers talked until something strange happened a portal opened and a man with a baby Carriage walked out. Inside two babies holding hands. The man stood out as he walked the road people around him spoke.

"Blasted Ogress"

"Blasted Ogress"

That continued until the man stared to cross the a bridge.

"Hey old man what's in the baby Carriage?" A fugue spoke in a woman like voice.

But the man simply walked past the person.

"Why don't we take a closer look." The voice changed into one of a man as they ripped the clock off and revealed three little people.

But the man did not worry as a fog surrounded the four of them and he got rid of them one by one. He went to walk again only to be stopped.

"Bravo truly impressive it didn't take long for you to get rid of my Granboz appearances can be deceiving." A man spoke out from behind him.

Grougaloragran started to walk forward only to have the Xelor teleport infront of him stopping him once more.

"Enough small talk it's time you tell me where you get your power and what your hiding in the Baby carriage."

"Best be on your way Xelor or you will face the wrath of Grougaloragran."

"That's the name only a dragon would have"

This is when the fight started the two went at it for a long time neither of them noticing that the small creature that Xelor calls Granbos where starting their plan to grab whatever is in the Carriage.

One of them held onto another and started to spin before chucking the other into the air. It grabbed something from the baby carriage being held in a F/c hat. As they landed they hid from the battle raging on above. And soon everything was silent.

Grougaloragran started to walk once again after finishing his battle unaware of the the one child missing.

Nox on the other hand held the child in his burnt arms. "All this power from a child... it must be mine"

But before he could do anything the child arms raised up and she smiled " Da da!"

It took Nox a second to process what happened As this reminded him of his own child from long ago. He was sure of one thing now not to use the child but to raise it and teach it to help Him on his journey to go back to before.

*Time skip cause Cannon!*

Yugo Pov

"Yugo! Yugo!" Yugo heard his name being called.

"Coming..." he got out of bed and ran down the stairs coughing from the smoke from the burned bread his dad had made. "Dads making Bread! The fun never ends around here!"

Alibert sighed "it's not funny Yugo now go and buy five from the baker." And Yugo went off to go and do so.

Y/n pov.

"Dad ... dad... dad... dad" you followed him around waiting for him to reply or even notice you.

"What?!?" He looked at me. And me thinking I was in trouble looked at the ground as I felt his robotic hand on my shoulder " listen y/n I'm really busy so what do you need"

I smiled happily and looked up at him " that dragon you've been trying to find may I go solo and spy on him! You can watch me with the buggy things you have everywhere plus I have C/n" I held up my black kitten " please dad!" I gave him my best puppy eyes.

I heard a long sigh from him and I smiled " fine but you'll report back to me daily ok?" He handed my a weird gadget " just press the red button and hold down the black one." I smiled and ran off to my room packing some stuff I would need.

I grabbed my haven bag and put cat food in there the thingy dad gave me more clothes in case of emergency food water and just a bunch of stuff I would need. Before I took off and escaped this place. I opened my window and jumped towards the tree I used to escape during the night but I missed.

"Shoot shoot shoot!" As I was flailing my arms around I noticed I opened a f/c portal under me then on the ground as I went through it and landed safely on my butt.

"I guess that works..." I was wondering around the woods when a big scary monster with red hair came out of nowhere and started to chase me. "Why did I do this to myself!"

I managed to lose thing climbing up a tree in a village and watched as it entered was looked like a restaurant and started to wreck the place. But that's when I noticed something really cool a kid who looked like me had the same powers and took down the giant monster man who turned out to be a normal person.

I also took notice of the little tree monster thingy turning people into trees covered and flowers and pretty stuff. "Well isn't this a turn of events." I knew why they were attacking it was because of my fathers need for Wakfu  I would always offer to let him use mine but he never excepted it was strange but then again what about father isn't.

I noticed the three I was watching before were attacking and defeating the monsters but who I assume the father was got turned and the kid was pretty upset about it. But I decided to stay hidden for as long as I could before joining in and exploring with them maybe I'd come across a dragon on the way!
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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