Meeting the entity

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I woke up in an instant when a loud howl took the entire room. The entity had brought the dinner. I sat back up to find Michael sleeping on the couch. I folded the sheets and looked at his beautiful face, reflecting the light from the chandelier. His lips a light pink and his cheeks flushed red.

He sighed and said, "Don't take my role away Y/N", only making me laugh.

"How is it so you know what I'm doing with your eyes closed ?"

"I know it because that is what you do every time you have left"

I chuckled and leaned on the bed. What he said was true. I do just look at him every now and then...

I took in a few deep breaths and sat back up.

"Michael... I'm sorry for forcing you into telling me about your past...I should have understood if you didn't want to tell me... I'm just sorry"

"hmm? I was worried a little but now at least I can talk to Evan now......Unless you don't want me to"

"Why would I stop you? Like.. pfft*. It's is up to you and I really do think Evan should have told you but then I saw him broken....."

"....Are you still mad at him ?"

"*sighs* A little but I think I will get over it soon"

He said and got up and stretched his arms. His bone popped as he kept arching his back.

"Sleeping on the couch wasn't a good idea"

I patted my hand on the bed. Motioning him to lay down on the bed next to me. He walked over to me and lays down on the bed with his face down. I glided my fingers on his back as he let out a groan with the stress that was held in his back. I started to slowly massage his back. From neck to his shoulder, going lower slowly until I reach his hips. Slowly easing out his pain. I started massaging his neck again and move down, but it got interrupted when Michael turned around and pinned me down to the bed.

He placed down a gentle kiss on my head and replied, "I will be in a trial today..stay safe".

Michael's eyes glimmered as he let me off. He off on top me. A knock came on the door "Y/N open up", Evan said from outside.

I opened the door, Evans face blocked by the food containers he held. He walked in and placed the containers on the couch.

"Michaels food is here as well. Have it, You will be soon sent into a trail.", Evan replied and walked out the door not giving a chance to say anything.

I looked over at Michael in confusion. "He is just excited for his trial", he replied.

I wondered if he was about to meet his survivor partner today. A small smile shot up my face thinking about it when Michael took his container and made his way to the door.

He wore his mask and let out a huff and left. I went and started to eat wondering about him and Evan.


Time Passes by

It had almost been 20 minutes since Michael had left. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I scrubbed my body, cleaning myself under the warm water that poured down. I turned the knob to the colder side every few seconds, making the water cooler as time passed. I cleaned my nails but they still felt murky. They looked clean but it didn't feel like it.

I sigh and changed my form to the werewolf. My claws were dirty, covered in thick blood. Grim. I growled and stood in the shower trying my best to clean myself. It was a while when I stepped outside of the tub and shook my body to get rid of the soaked water in the fur. I walked out of the bathroom after I stopped dripping and changed my clothes.

Michael x Werewolf Reader - Dead By Daylight FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now