Into the Fog !

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I watched him go and get his knife and started to go towards the door as I thought to myself. You. You what? Did I know him? Have we met before? Did he ... Did he like me? I think I like him but him? 

I heard his footsteps going downstairs as I rushed to him. My eyes drooping. Is this a dream?

I kept following him. He started to go outside the door. I continued to follow him around. His walking phase was fast. It had been over 45 mins since you both have been walking. The fog getting thicker as every minute passed by. I caught up to him.

My hands tingled a little as I grabbed his arms causing him to turn his head to me quickly. I asked without waiting for another moment.

"You never said who you were ?"
"We have been walking for over an hour now."
"You're heading to a forest its nothing beyond this.."

He grabbed my collar and lifted me up and slammed me into the tree nearby. He didn't use much force but he didn't do it gently either. He removed his knife and placed it right beside my neck.

I flinched as he let out a sigh.

"I'm Micheal Myers. And now I will have to...", He said in a raspy yet a sad tone and came to a stop.

I was stone cold as I heard something rustling by. My eyes attentive as a wolf came out from the bush from out left. It started to charge towards Michael as I pushed Michael way from me. I fell down with a thud.

I noticed the wolf on top of Michael. I ran towards the wolf I tackled him from over Michael. The wolf hissed as he tackled me knocking me down. He and dug its teeth into my shoulders. I grunted as I saw Michael just when he slammed his knife into the wolf. Attacking him back to back as the wolf fell down dead.

I was bleeding out fast. I grunted my pain as I got up. The fog now thick as I saw Michael disappear into it. I felt a sudden pain through my foot as if someone stabbed my foot. The pain was agonizing. 

Something stabbed me again into my back. My body felt heavy and numb. I was freezing. A sudden pain shooting throughout my body. It was a pain for a second and the other nothing. The fog that was white now started to get black. Pitch Black. I felt like there wasn't enough air. I was out of breath as my eyes started to lose vision. I wanted to scream or at least try to but my body was out of control.


I was in an empty space. My memories coming back. I was in the bathroom when I made my way to the wardrobe. I picked out my jeans and a shirt and I faded into the air. Again the same thing but a different day. Picked clothes and I faded back. 

I was back into the fog now. The black fog still around me. As something stabbed me into the head. I was .. dying? Tears rolling down my face as I took the time to recollect all my memories. 

David. My school friend - 'F/N'. My pet - 'P/N'. Michael ?.? My parents even when I wasn't close to him.

I took in a deep breath as my body became numb.

Time passes by

I was cold. I tried to open my eyes but they were tight shut. I felt weak. I tried to get up as it hurt every time I moved my body. I struggled as I got up with the help of a tree near me. I was near a river I could hear it. 

My body starting to get warm. No more pain. I was alive but in a place, I was not sure about. 

I looked at the river as it felt something odd. That wasn't water. It was more like a fog. The moon that was the only light source. Two of them. Two of them ? 2 moons?

A branch snaps behind me.

I turned around fast and my guard up. I saw a man in glasses. He took a step back.

"Stop !", I exclaimed.
"Where am I ?", I asked.

"Follow me", The man replied.

I went and followed him as he said,

I'm Dwight Fairfield. You must be new here.
I'm 'Y/N', Where are we? The last place I remember was the forest and Micha....
I can't really say for sure. But we know this place isn't earth.

We walked for some time as I heard people chatter. A campfire with people around it. Tents. Medical supplies scattered around. Dwight said, "Guys we have a new survivor here"

I looked at him confused. A guy in FBI uniform came to me and said, "we knew someone should be here soon".

I raised an eyebrow to the situation. A lady with ginger hair approached me.

Maybe he doesn't understand English... Like Feng..... wait I'll try to talk to him.

She approached me and said in a really slow phase.

I'm Meg. What is your name!
I chuckled as I replied, "I can speak English"
Oh. OH.- Meg burst into laughter.
You just said that in English.. just slowly. *hah* 

Names 'Y/N' by the way. I was just confused when you said you were expecting me. And what is this place?

Come here sit with us 'Y/N'. I approached him as they took turns to introduce themselves to me.

"We don't exactly know where we are right now but we just call it as the survivors' campsite. We are safe here from the"- Bill, the old man with a scruffy long beard.

"Safe from .. them.. ?" - Y/N

"Well, the killer I would say. We play an endless cat and mouse game. Randomly 4 of us will be teleported to a different place."- Meg replied.

"There will be a killer who well kills or more like sacrifices us on something like a meat hook. Where we go and repair generators to power and open exit gates to escape the killer."- Nea the woman in pink hair replied.

"There are a lot of things but you should relax for now. You won't go inside until tomorrow."- Detective Tapp replied.

"There are more of us but they are in a trail right now. We will introduce them to you later, Get some sleep for now."- Meg said.

"That is your tent Y/N"- Dwight said pointing as a clean tent.


I approached the tent and went inside it. My clothes and some undies. A little scratched yet in a good condition sleeping bag. Beside it some empty beer bottle, a medkit and a toolbox. A blanket the same one I had in my bedrooms. I tucked my self inside the sleeping bag as I took in a deep breath. 

Cat and Mouse I mumbled? I remembered Michael as I worried a little what he was about to do to me and if he was okay... I took in a deep breath as I relaxed and went to sleep.


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