Michael x Reader Mild Smut <3

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..."It's okay, I'm here"

My face was buried in his chest. He did have a giant chest tho. His arms curling me around. His biceps grinding against my arms. My arms holding him from the back, my finger intervened holding him down. His chest movement when he breaths. His breath behind the mask of his gushed. I calmed my self down. My breath slowing getting back to normal in rhythm to his.

Slow and deep breaths I took into me. I could smell him now. He was sweating. He smelled like sweat mixed with a really light cologne. It seemed to arouse me. I like it. I liked him. 

He brushed my back in long strokes. I was ready to let him go even though I didn't want to. I loosen my grip as he whined. His arm was behind my back when he crouched a little and picked me up bridal style. 

My heart filled in excitement. He walked inside the room and placed me on the bed softly. He went ahead and sat down beside me. He came closer to hug me back. My cheeks flushed a shade of red as a shy smile came upon my face.

He kept coming close to me. He placed one hand on the bed to reach up to me. A loud creak came from the bed as he backed away slowly. 

He let out a sigh. Michael got up and picked me up again. Heading towards the door. He walked with a steady pace and made his way downstairs. No one was sitting in the living room. Perhaps they were asleep...

He went and opened the door and got out. Kicked the door to close it. He walked to the riverside and kept walking until I realized where we both were going to. The grassy patch that we were at earlier. 

He stopped and placed me down and laid beside me. The moons shining brightly. It gleamed over us. The glowing light making the moment even magical.

I looked over at his mask. I hesitated at first but ended up asking eventually...

"Why do you always wear a mask Michael?"

Michael got up and sat while he sat on the grass.

I don't like to. I'm just like having it on.

"Does this mean I will never see your handsome face too ?"

He sighed and pushed his head closer to me.


I glided my fingers over his neck as it slid up inside his mask. I could feel his light-grown beard as I lifted his mask up slowly, revealing his chin and his lips. A light brown beard which faded into his hair going a little white. 

He was a mature man. I thought as I blushed because the only thing that came into my mind was one word. "daddy !"

I lifted it furthermore when he clenched his fist. I understood that it would have been difficult. 

"If you don't want me to I can stop Michael..." - I said as I stopped near his nose.

He nodded sideways as I gave him a smile.

I lifted it further revealing his nose. A well-defined one to say. Another second as his mask came off completely revealing his eyes and his hair. He had his eyes shut but his hair. It was long and brown. Dry and a little frizzy. He opened his eyes slowly revealing his blue eyes. They were so pretty as I kept staring at them. He had a small mark below his left eye. Wasn't sure what cause it upon looking it. 

"You're handsome.", I whispered.

I went and grabbed his mask. I wasn't sure what to do. But I knew I had to do one thing. I pushed my self close to him and planted my lip on to his. His body froze and I realize what I had done. I pulled away quickly. My eyes facing down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking...", I was saying as he pushed me on the ground and kissed me back. His hand on my chest pinning me down and the other to my side holding my arm. 

The kiss deepened. Both of our tongue in sync, slithering and exploring the insides. My heartfelt heavy. I didn't want this moment to end. Not now or ever. Our body started to intensify. 

Michael slides his cold hands under my shirt causing me to let out a shaky breath.

He pulled apart and removed his top and removed his arms from the top. He pulled me back into a kiss. My hands went up to his t-shirt, gliding over his chest and back.

Still into the kiss Michael hastily got rid of his t-shirt breaking the kiss for a second or so. Bringing back into the kiss. Our body heated up. The kiss lasting longer as we finally pulled apart. Panting for air. 

I looked into his eyes shining in the bright moonlight as I looked at his chest. He was quite a beefy bear. His chest was a little hair as well. A shade of red around this neck and ears as his body heated up.

He hastily removed my shirt. Unbuttoning it in a sloppy manner. Unbuttoned a few buttons from the top and attacked my neck. Kissing, licking and nibbling me down as I groaned in pleasure.

He took the lead as our body smashed into one another. Both of us clearly sweating. Our chest crashed into one another as he held me down tightly. He was on top of me the whole time.

He made his way back to my lips and gave a deep but short kiss. His arms pinned me down from both sides. One knee below my manhood and the other knee beside my hip.

He leaned down on me. He buried his face into my neck. I could feel his member hard as he laid on top of me. 

I love you...

I love you too Michael...

He pulled away from me and sat right up. Our body under sweat. The heat of our body keeping up warm whereas the sweat making us shiver in the slightest to the cold breeze. We stared at each other for sometime when he rested his forehead on my mine.

Get a new bed... 

Causing me to laugh. I kissed him on the cheeks. He pulled me into a hug as we laid down. Using our shirts as a blanket. His muscular arm beneath my head as a pillow. I buried my head into his chest and his chin resting on my head, we dozed off to sleep in the open and away from everyone.

A place that belonged to us <3 

Michael x Werewolf Reader - Dead By Daylight FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now