End of the brother

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Yukine's POV

Me and Karai were currently walking to where the hero's fought the brother. When we got there we saw a man with bright green eyes smirking at us. "Hello Hamada twins, good to finally meet you." "I wish I could say the same but I would be lying." "The Hamada name will end today, I have dreamed of nothing but this day." Karai leaned over and said. "Boy does he need a hobby." I stifled my laughter while the brother looked pissed. He charged at us while we jumped out of the way, we got out our weapons and nodded at each other and fought.

Shota's POV

'I feel like shit.' I thought while slowly opening my eyes. When I did, I saw that I was in the hospital. 'What happened?' I tried to sit up but all I did was groan in pain. I remembered that I got stabbed and beaten to a pulp by the brother. I pressed a button to lift up the bed because I was tired of laying down. After awhile Present Mic, midnight and a hooded figure came in.

Present Mic: "Shota! My man how you feeling!?"

Me "Like shit."

Midnight: "We're glad you awake Aizawa."

"Who's he?" I asked looking at the hooded figure. He took off his hood and my eyes widened. "Oboro." "Yeah it's me. The cure worked and now I'm in hiding." "Why?" "Yukine and Karai thought it would be better to stay in hiding incase the league of villains tries anything funny."

I smiled at him and said. "It's good to have you back." I looked around and noticed that Yukine wasn't here. "Hey, where's Yukine?" They looked at each other with worried looks. "What?" "(Signs) We need to tell you something."

(Skipping explaining part because the author is lazy and doesn't want to explain what happened in the origin story.)

"So what your saying is that the man that we fought and who stabbed me, is actually from the spirit realm and the only reason he's here, is because he wants to kill the last Hamada's because his sisters fell in love with the first twin Hamada's and my wife and her sister are half human and are going to kill him because it's their destiny?" They nodded with sad expressions. I signed and muttered. "Great." After an hour they left and I was alone.

I saw something on the over bed table and picked it up and saw that it was Yukine's fan. I held it to my chest and clutched it. "Come home Yukine, come home."

Yukine's POV

After two hours me and Karai were getting our ass's handed to us. Me and Karai were standing next to each other, panting. We were covered in bruises, sweat and dirt. All of a sudden I felt something in my heart, I put my hand on it and realized that Shota was awake and was wanting me to come home.

I looked at Karai and I smiled. She did the same, we looked back at the brother and smirked at him. I clutched my katana tightly while it started to glow, Karai's was the same. "I will kill the last Hamada's on earth!!!" He was about to strike us but we blocked him with our swords. Our weapons started glowing and we felt more powerful. We started pushing him back and with each push a yellow wave came off us.

We pushed him away and he disappeared like shedder. The glow faded away and we were panting, while this was happening we saw our ancestors from the past. (Like with Deku fighting Shinso during the Sports festival.) I saw our grandfather, our uncle and our dad. They were smiling at us, they all closed their eyes and nodded their heads in gratitude. We smiled and nodded with tears in our eyes. They disappeared, finally in peace and the Hamada name will live on forever.

We fell to the ground in exhaustion, I was super tired and just wanted to sleep. "How are you feeling?" "Like shit." I said looking at her. "(Chuckles) I guessed that much but I was wondering how your feeling inside. Like are you still feeling sick?" "I still feel like I'm getting punched in the stomach over and over and I can't seem to do something about my weight."

Karai put her finger on her chin and started to think. I laid on my back and closed my eyes and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Then Karai snapped her fingers and asked. "When?" "Huh?" "When was your last-?" "OKAY! Let's not mention that and it was before me and Shota- Oh my god, you don't think?" She nodded with a smile. I sat up with tears in my eyes and a smile. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Shota." "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go home!" We stood up and ran home, with smiles on our faces.

Time skip.

Third person POV

Emika and Shinigami went home to see Present Mic, Midnight, Loud Cloud, Nora Hamada, Luna Hamada, Alopex, Daniel and Eri. They gave them hugs and explained what happened. They were over joyed that man was gone. Emika looked around and noticed Eraserhead wasn't there. "Hey, where's Shota?" "He's still in the hospital recovering from his wounds." Emika nodded and went to the hospital. There was silence until Present Mic decided to break it. "Is she okay?" "She's just really excited to tell him the good news." "About the brothers death, I didn't think she'd be that excited." Shinigami shook her head and said. "Not that it's something else." They looked at her confused and Shini told them. "SHE'S WHAT!!"

Yukine's POV

I finally got to the hospital and went to Shota's room. When I reached the door, I took a deep breath and opened it to see Shota trying to get up. "Shota?" He looked at me while I walked to him, making him lay back down. "What are you doing? Your not supposed to get up." "I have to use the bathroom." "There's a tube for that." "I hate it." I shook my head with a smile.

I hugged him and he hugged back, I got into bed with him and cuddled. "Glad that your back." "Good to be back. Another threat is gone for good." "I'm glad." He kisses my forehead and brings me closer. I smiled and grabbed his left hand and put it on my stomach.

At first he was confused but then felt something there. He looked at me and asked. "Are you?" "I just found out today." He smiled and puts his hand on my cheek and kissed me. I kissed back with a smile, when we separated he whispered. "We're gonna be parents."

Boom, done with another chapter. The next one is how the pregnancy goes.


The journey of Yukine Hamada. (Shota Aizawa x OC) My Hero Academia. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now