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Yukine's POV

We were in a hotel waiting for Jessie while going over the plan and basically the plan is that we signed Shota in the website without a picture and friended her. "So, you want me to pretend to be her friend?" "Not really, we want you to be her friend while wearing these glasses." She held up a pair of glasses, but they weren't regular glasses they were high tech. They allowed him to see if she was lying or not.

Yeah, she's very smart. I was looking in the mirror trying to tie a tie. (Pun intended.) While Shota is hanging out with Jessie we would pose as civilians. I was going to pretend to be a business man on the phone. Shinigami was going to pretend to be a goth teenage girl and Alopex was going to pretend to be too only a girly one. "You don't have to change your clothes, your goth every day." "Shut up." Shota smirked in Triumph then asked. "So what's my cover?" "Your a married man who's wife is on a trip and is lonely so you look for a friend and saw her. Your a hard worker at a business and has a happy marriage with your wife." "Okay, so basically I have to wear a suit and the glasses?" "And a tie." "Is it necessary?" "Yes."

I shook my head with a smile, I finally got the tie down. When I looked in the mirror, I looked exactly like my father when he wore a suit. "So what's my cover name?" "It wasn't my idea, Lance McClain." I looked over at them confused and asked. "Where did McClain come from?" They looked at me and Shini said. "Made up." There was awkward silence, I knew they felt like they were offending me with using my fathers name but I really wasn't. "Guys I'm fine with it, yeah it's feels weird hearing it after so many year's but I'm fine." They signed in relief and continued talking about the plan. Yes, I admit it's weird to hear it not coming out of a psycho murderer but it's fine.

Then there was knock at the door, I signed annoyed. "I already told that kid I wasn't interested in hearing him play the flute." "No wait." But when I opened it, it wasn't the flute kid, it was Jessie Monroe. Shota, Alopex and Shini hid by sitting on the floor. "Hi, you must be Lance McClain, I'm Jessie Monroe." She held out her hand and i grabbed. "Yes, I am Lance MaClain." I said in a sorta girly scratchy voice so I wouldn't blow my cover. "WOW! Your exactly how I pictured you except I imagined you taller." "This is exactly how you pictured me?" "Yep, you said when I asked what you looked like if I got the address wrong that you had black hair, dark blue eyes and have a scar on your face but you also said you were wearing glasses." "I was getting ready, I always put on my glasses last."

I heard the others stifling their laughter from behind the couch and I knew that Shinigami, Alopex AND Shota were laughing at my voice. "Quick question! Do you think my voice sounds like a girl?!" "Oh I didn't even notice." "Thank you, I get very MAD when some calls my voice girly!" But Their heard snickering only got louder. "Any-who, can you wait downstairs, I still need to get ready." "Okay I'll be waiting in the lobby." Then she left and I closed the door then banged my head on it. Shota, Alopex and Shinigami was now laughing. "I didn't know you could do that voice! Haha!" "What was that?!? Hahaha!" "Y-You sounded l-like a women that shallowed fiberglass." Shota was trying not to laugh but was failing.

"I get it, it was a funny voice." I said in my regular voice. While they were laughing I was brushing my hair but not in its regular style because it would jeopardize my cover. After I was done the others stopped laughing and got dress. Shinigami was making something in her disguise.

I put the glasses on and was about to walk out when Shini came up and gave me what she was making. I took it and asked. "What is it?" "It's a special drink that will allow you to do that voice for 24 hours." "So, basically it will allow me to use that voice at will?" She nodded and I drank it. I paled at the taste, it was gross. I covered my mouth and coughed. "What the hell did you put in it?!" I realized I was doing the voice at will but I was still annoyed that it tasted like crap. "I was worried that if i added flavor to it wouldn't have worked."

I signed and put the ear piece in and walked to the lobby. When I got there Monroe was waiting for me, I signed and thought. 'Let's get this over with.'

Okay, so, I'm terrible with discriminations so go to YouTube and look up SAO parody and the guy who plays Kirito is the voice that Yukine is voicing, the girl who voices Asuna plays Jessie, the guy who plays kuradeel is in it to and so is the guy who plays grimlock is also in it, those two will be in the next chapter. Look up SAO parody episodes 06 and 08. Don't forget to vote and comment, To be continued.

The journey of Yukine Hamada. (Shota Aizawa x OC) My Hero Academia. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now