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Yukine's POV

It was the day the students picked where they will be interning at. Alopex and Shini were staking out The Don for Shedders goons. I was sitting with Shota while looking who went to who. I chuckled seeing who Bakugo choose. "Oh, he will regret best jeanist." "I'm surprised that Uraraka chose gun heads Agency." "Yeah, but she wants to learn to defend herself while having a fighting spirit and gun-head is that guy." He just shrugged and went back to looking. I noticed what Iida chose. Hosu city. "Huh, he only chose that one. He must've gotten better offers." "Yeah, weird." "Something tells me that something will happen there." "Your feeling is always right."

I looked at him and smiled. I noticed that he didn't have bandages anymore and saw a deep scar under his right eye. I just kept staring at it until he looked at me and smirked. I looked away blushing. He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek since no one was here. He doesn't do PDA but I didn't mind. Then I got a call, I looked to see who it was and it was Shini. I answered. "Hey." "Hey, remember that rumor." "Yeah..... what's wrong?" "Uh, it was true. But it's worse then we thought." "What can be worse?" "Let's just say, that it belongs to a murderer that wears a helmet." My eyes widened and I said. "I'm on my way." I hung up and looked at Shota. "That was Shini, apparently they rumors were right only they got worse." "Do I want to know?" I slowly shook my head and said. "No, but I'll contact you guys if it gets worse."

He nodded and I left. I was running to the Dons. When I got there, I saw Shini and Alopex, waiting for me. "What's the situation?" "Right now, we're waiting for them to show up." "How'd you find out that Shedder was involved?" "In one of their meetings, Tiger claw mentioned Shedders name, and some type of chemical. We got worried and called you." I looked at Alopex and smiled. "Well, let's hope Shedder isn't with The league of villains, then we're definitely Screwed." "Why would say that?" "Because if their talking about an experiment, then maybe Shedder wants to be more powerful." "You mean that he'll get more stronger."

I nodded and we all hoped the same thing. Shedder not apart with the league of villains. While we were watching, we saw how The Don eat and it was disgusting of how he ate. I had to shallow my throw up. "Blew, he's disgusting." "His a pig." I chuckled at them. Then a car came up, it was Tiger claw, Fishface and Rahzar. "Well, look who came to the party." We smirked and watched them go in.

We put our earpieces in and listened to their conversation. "Don Vizioso, do you have what we need?" "(Slurps) Yep, all in the package." One of the guys gave Tiger claw something. He smirked and took it. "And as promised." He gave him a lots of cash. "What ever is in that case means trouble." "Yep." "No doubt." "What are you going to do with it anyway." "This is key to getting master Shedder out and healing him." We gasped and looked at each other and nodded.

We ran while I contacted the police. "Hello?" "This is Emika, you need to put triple guards near Shedder or his goons will help him escape." "Yeah, about that, it already happened." "What? He escaped!" "Yeah." "What did he look like." "The same only more vicious and he didn't even act human." "Okay thank you for telling me." I hung up and looked at them. We all had the same expression, fear.

Time skip

Me and the other teachers were in the conference room and I had told them what we heard.

Thirteen: "So, the Shedder has escaped and his men have something to make him more powerful."

Nezu: "This is troubling."

Snip: "Yeah, how the hell did he get that stuff?"

Me: "The police doesn't know how, Snipe. Whenever someone visits him they always check them."

Nemuri: "Tiger claw did say they were making him better. Why?"

Me: "I asked the police and they said that Shedder was sick and that a doctor was seeing him."

Cementoss: "Maybe that's how. They pretended to be a doctor or they paid someone."

Me: "I'm going with the first one. Because the doctor that was visiting him is a family friend."

Shota: "Yeah, that makes more sense too me."

Ectoplasm: "Well, what are we going to do about it? Should we warn the public?"

Me: "No, I don't want to cause a panic. This information stays in this room at all times. Until we know what chemicals they got from The Don."

Shota: "I agree, What ever this chemical is, we need to be careful."

Hizashi: "I second that, you said you thought that it might be chemicals to make him stronger. So we should be careful."

Nemuri: "Very. The Shedder and stuff to make him stronger just equals trouble."

All might: "Well I guess we're not telling the public until we get more information about this."

Me: "Correct All might, once me, Shini and Alopex get more information then we can warn the public." We all agreed not to tell the public until the time was right.

Time skip

It was night now and me and Shota were in his apartment talking. "Do you think Shedder will actually kill you and not because of him thinking your dad is inside of you?" "Maybe, maybe not. But I'm always prepared for when he finally realizes that I'm his enemy." I looked at him and smiled. He gave me a slight smile. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips and he kissed back. I put my hand on his face and rubbed my thumb on his cheek. He put his hands in my hair and we fell. He was on top and I was on the bottom.

We had a make-out session when we broke away for air. While we were panting, we put our forehead against each other and smiled. I was about to kiss him again when my phone rang. Shota signed irritated and got off me. I smiled at him and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey, hon." "Hey mom, how you been?" "Fine, Shini told about Shedder." "How're you taking it?" "I'm worried and so is Luna but we're fine. How are you?" "Peachy." "Oh, well if you bump into him be careful." "I will, love you." "Love you too bye." "Bye."

I hung up and looked at Shota, I saw that he had his eyes closed and was leaning on his right hand. I reached up to his scarf and grabbed it, then pulled him down. "Oof." He landed on top of me and looked annoyed. "That was a dirty trick." I just giggled and we continued what we left off.

To be continued

The journey of Yukine Hamada. (Shota Aizawa x OC) My Hero Academia. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now