The U.A. sports festival.

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Yukine's POV

It was now the U.A. sports festival, I was with Shota and Yamada while they were announcing the games, I just watched. My arm and head was better, so I got rid of the sling and the bandages. The first round was an obstacle race. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing when Hizashi called Shota mummy man. Everyone was doing good, until the robots came. Midoriya grabbed a piece of metal from the ground and ran.

A girl from department of support students used her grappling hook and flew across. Asui's quirk was frog so it made sense that this would be easy. Then they got to the mine Field. "By the way those mines were strictly made for the games, so there not that powerful, just enough to make you wet your pants!" He said that last one standing up. "Get a hold of yourself." I smirked and continued watching.

I saw Midoriya digging around the ground. When he jumped with the metal thing in front of him. That sent him flying to the front but it wasn't enough to get away from Todoroki and Bakugo. Then he stepped on them and hit it on the ground. That sent him flying ahead. "Now Izuku Midoriya is now in first place. Eraserhead your class is amazing, what the heck are you teaching them?" "This has nothing to do with me. Each of them are driven by their own power to succeed." "There you have it, Eraserhead is a terrible teacher!" "I'm what?!"

I was trying to conceal my laughter through my hand but was failing. Shota just glared at us and I saw that Midoriya was the winner. I smiled at that, when I heard something. I turned in my chair to listen to it more and I recognized it. "I'm going to check something out." I told them and they nodded and continued watching.

I was walking around when I saw something run past me. I followed them in pursuit. When I stopped I looked around for them and saw no one. "It's good to see you Emika." I recognized that voice anywhere. "Alopex. How you been?" "Fine seeing the world, wondering were I fit." "And what was that?" "In Japan of course. Thats where I met you." I smiled at her and she smiled back at me.

Alopex has orange hair and yellow eyes. She also has fox ears and tail with inhuman speed. We had a common enemy, she hated tiger claw, her brother and I hate him because he helped Shedder kill my dad. So we became friends. "So why are you here? I know it just isn't to see an old friend." "I heard rumors that Shedders henchmen are still doing his dirty business." "Ha, their loyalty is with Shedder so they will do anything for their master." "Your right. I wanted to tell you that so you can be prepared. I'm going to see if they are true or not." "Do you want me to call Shinigami?" "I can use an extra hand. We'll report to you if anything comes up and tell her to meet me near The Dons." I nodded and she ran off.

Then I made the call. "Hello?" "Shini, it's me." "Yukine, it's good to hear your voice. I haven't seen you in awhile. How've you been?" "Good, I've been teaching a new class. Their very interesting and don't worry I'll see you soon. I saw Alopex." "Oh, what does she need?" "She heard a rumor, that Shedders goons are doing his dirty work. She's going to check if their true or not." "And she needs an extra set of hands?" "Yes." "All right. Where will I be meeting her?" "Near the Dons." "All right, bye." "Bye." And hung up.

I walked back to the sound booth and sat down. Shota looked at me and asked. "Did you find something of interest?" "Yeah, I'll tell you later." He nodded and watched the games. It was now the fights. It's Midoriya vs Todoroki. Midoriya's arm was messed up. I noticed that Todoroki was slowing down and it looked liked he was getting frostbite. I heard Midoriya say. "I'm going to be a hero because I'm giving it my all and you won't be one if you don't stop screwing around!" "I am going to be a hero!" I knew what Midoriya was doing. He was trying to get Todoroki to use his other half. Then Midoriya yelled. "ITS YOURS!!!! YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS!!!!!" Then he actives his fire and Midoriya was happy about it.

But Midnight and Cementoss intervened. Midoriya lost but helped someone accept his quirk. 'Just because you inherit something from someone doesn't that it's not yours.' I smiled knowing that we had an interesting class. The games ended with Bakugo winning against Todoroki. I sweat dropped that we had to chain him up.

The games were over and I was in Shota's apartment telling him what Alopex told me. "Do you think their true?" "Alopex and Shini are checking to see if their true or not." "I think their true. This is Shedder's goons we're talking here. Anything with the Shedders name in it is true." "Your right and if it's with The Don, then that mean it is true." "Don Vizioso. Anything with him is trouble." "Yeah."

Then I got a call, it was from mom. I answered it. "Hey honey, I know your hanging out with Aizawa but i need help getting luna home from the doctor." "Why can't the doctors do that?" "We're trying and she's on pain meds." "Oh great, I'll be there in a minute." I hung up and looked at Shota and said. "I have to go." "Why?" "Because nana had surgery today and she's on pain meds." "Oh no." "Yep. I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed his cheek and left.

You may be wondering why it's a problem? Well my grandmother and pain meds don't agree with each other. The meds make her even more crazy then she already is so the doctors avoid giving her pain meds and wait for her to go home. Once she gave someone a concussion with her cane. I finally got there and saw her waving her cane and chasing someone around. It kinda looked like one of those Scooby doo chase scenes, coming out of different doors. I just watched. Mom and the other doctors ran after her to stop her. I started to Time them.

After awhile they finale got her. "WOW, it only took an hour, new record." "I've been going to the gym." They carried her to the car and buckled her in. I looked at the doctor panting. "You new?" "Yeah." "Now you know to not give pain meds." "Thanks for the warning." I walked to the car and went in.

When we got home, I called Shota.

"Hey." "Hey, how was the hospital?" "They got a new one and no one warned him." "Oh great, how long did it take?" "An hour, new record." "Yep, last time it took three hours." "Mhm, I'll see you tomorrow, bye hon." "Bye love."

We hung up and I went to bed. I had a feeling tomorrow will be interesting.

Again judge the names I gave Yukine's friends names, I know I got from TMNT. To be continued.

The journey of Yukine Hamada. (Shota Aizawa x OC) My Hero Academia. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now