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We're unusually silent as we make our way through the kelp forest in 'a shortcut to the main roads' (the two cavemen had untrussed me once they were certain I wasn't about to run back to the Seagrass house) - or at least, I am.

 Even Eros notices when I fail to snark out a reply at another one of his 'oh Latrina and I were having so much fun last night' comments, which says a lot. "Toilet Girl, you okay?"

 I manage a feeble nod in reply, which I doubt remotely fools anyone. Eros stops in his tracks, calling a "Az, could we stop for a moment?" (Oh so now he gives the merman a nickname. Wasn't he busy hiding from him but a few hours ago?) over his shoulder as he hurries towards me with an expression on his face that looks oddly like worry (which is so uncharacteristic of him that I immediately dismiss such a ridiculous notion). "What's wrong?"

 I reply with a shrug, trying to make my way past him. "Nothing. Just fatigued, probably - but I've been feeling out-of-sorts since I woke up anyway, so nahhh it's fine." Well, that and the whole Payne-mouthing-a-'take-care-of-him'-to-me-as-I-stare-at-her-wide-eyed-over-Eros's-shoulder bit, that is. We're going to be targeted by mutant cats all the way there and mermaids can die of mortal injuries - how are am I supposed to guarantee that? 

Eros doesn't seem to think that that's 'nothing' though, shifting to block my way with an irritated look that's laced with worry (- again!). "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

There's nothing I can do but shrug again at that. "I tried just now but you were busy chatting with Azure, and I didn't think it was all that important."

 "Of course it's important!" He snaps in response, face pinched as he scowls at me. "What if the cats had come and you're all woozy, hmm?" 

"But cats don't even like water."

 His scowl deepens. "That's not the point! Even if they didn't come you'd still slow us down!"

 "I'm still catching up with the two of you, aren't I?" I point out. 

"B-but you could collapse any time - and you'd definitely slow us down then!"

 "Do I look like I'm remotely going to collapse any time soon?

 "Well no," Eros admits grudgingly. "B-but-" 

"Just let him off Latty," Azure pipes up. "He's just worried about you, that's all." 

"I am not-"

 "Is there any way to heal her, or do we have to take a rest?" The Mer continues, pointedly ignoring Eros's protests. "Because it's going to be dark soon, and I'm not too keen on spending the night in the kelp forest." 

Eros flushes in reply as he steps closer to me and places a cool hand on my head. “Yeah I can.” 

I mentally store the knowledge of Eros’s apparent healing powers in my mind as warmth washes over me - after all, that would likely come in handy later on when cats start swiping at us merrily. 

I all but purr in blessed relief as the warmth dissolves the tired ache in my muscles and bones, arching my (now practically good as new) back with a happy sigh. “Oh gosh that felt better than a deep-muscle massage after a triathlon.” I beam at Eros (who appears to have an undecipherable look on his face as Azure shoots us a knowing grin I’d rather not know the reason for). “Thank you.” 

“Uhh no problem,” Eros manages to reply, looking as though he had to force his words out. Huh. I wonder why. 

We fall into a (rather awkward) silence after that, and I think we would have just stood there indefinitely - me smiling like an idiot and Eros staring at me like another one - had the blue-haired mermaid not clapped his hands sharply in a move not unlike his mother as he chirped (evidently the members of the Seagrass family are more alike than they like to think) out a “Alright, let’s get moving!”

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