Best friends or wife

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Doctor's pov

I woke up, my head pounding, "Yas? Greyson?" I asked he gargled, I grabbed him, "thank god your still here sweetie, I need to find mommy!" I said, so I put him down and tried my best to find her location...

Yas's pov

I woke up my head pounding, "Doc? Grey?" I asked, "No but there is us!" Ryan said, "separated again!" Graham said, "it's worse for me because I have a newborn baby!" I said, "How can that be worse?" Ryan asked, "the doctor is with him so he's fine!" Ryan spat back, "Yas, Ryan, stop fighting, we need to figure out where we are and how we get back to Sheffield and get Yas back to the doctor and Greyson," Graham said stepping up.

I couldn't stop thinking about them, my doctor and my little boy, I pulled on my shackles and nothing budged...

Doctor's pov

BINGO, the master...again, "Tardis, do me a favour and babysit Greyson for me" I said running to the door, she hummed, "thanks, keep him safe, no matter the cost" I said, she hummed, I walked out, "Doctor, come back to see me again?" he asked me, "I've come to free my wife and friends" I said, "No way, they are here forever, Yasmin won't be able to see her little boy grow up, she won't see her darling wife, Ryan and Graham will lose their loved one" he said.

I grabbed him by the collar, "Don't you dare threaten me, with my family's life, especially Ryan and Graham, they just got Grace back and I'm not having her gone again!" I shouted he pushed me off him, he smirked, " front of the doctor" he said smugly....

Yas's pov

so my cell door opened and I got taken out, "Ryan...Graham....Thank you!" I shouted, so I got taken to a massive room, I saw the doctor, I started crying, "No...Please, don't make her suffer!" I said, so he grabbed my neck and grabbed a knife and pointed it at my neck, I looked into the doctor's eyes, "I love you" I said, "I love you too" she said, "Kill Yasmin smith" he said, so he dragged the knife across my neck, I squealed in pain, "That's not know what to do!" he said.

Doctor's pov

a bunch of guards came and held me back, "STOP, PLEASE YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER! GREYSON WILL LOSE HIS MUM, PLEASE!!!" I shouted crying, they kicked her and I heard her crying, they punched, " her what you did," he said, she was battered, "NO, YASSY!" I shouted, I ran to her and got her in my arms, "my beautiful girl...come on please!" I said using the sonic, but it didn't work, I heard a thud, "what do you think you are doing to my best friends!" Graham said holding a gun to the master, " Yas okay?" Ryan asked kneeling beside me.

I shook my head, "Doc, believe in her, she's your wife, you have a little boy together!" Ryan said I nodded, "Yasmin smith, the most beautiful, smart, kindest and caring soul, my wife, best friends to Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brien and Grace O'Brien, loved by many, and no more than me, I believe in you, I never thought I could, but I do now...." I said I kissed her lips..... I checked her pulse, I felt this rage inside of me, I got up, "BRING HER BACK! YOU BRING HER BACK!" I shouted he shook his head, "BRING HER BACK TO ME, Please...." I said breaking down in tears, "this shouldn't have happened I should have been in that position, I should have died not Yasmin, not my Yasmin!" I said...

he fled, I punched a wall, "Doc?" Graham asked I turned around, "what?" I asked, "Look," he said, pointing to Yas, her hand twitched, I rushed over, "do that again!" I said, she did, her gorgeous eyes fluttered open, "I'm not going anywhere" she said, we kissed, I made her sit on my lap, "come on you, let's get you cleaned up" I said, "can't walk" she muttered, "don't worry, I have you" I said.

I picked her up, "Graham, go check on Greyson for me please!" I said, "yes, doc!" he said, so he got to his room and I got to the med bays, I tapped in a code and all my medical stuff came down, I got some antiseptic cream and cleaned her wounds, "where's Greyson?" she asked, "with graham, don't worry, he's got him, the priority is to get you better," I said, "my arm hurts," she said, I nodded, so I checked it, "broken arm, RYAN!" I called, he came in, "Yes doc?" he asked, "I need to put a splint on Yas, could you help her with the pain?" I asked him, he nodded, she squealed when I touched it.

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