wedding rules

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Yas's pov

so we all met at my parent's place for a wedding meeting, I couldn't stop smiling, "so we need to lay some rules down, right, so we are going to do this traditionally" she said, I stood up, "Mum, you are forgetting this is our wedding?" I asked her, Doctor nodded, "I mean I don't mind traditional" Doctor said.

so we talked about the guest list, "so obviously the bride is Yasmin Khan and the groom is the doctor" dad said, we all laughed, "totally gay!" Sonya said, "doctor your best man?" he asked, "Graham O'Brien," she said, I smiled, "right, Yas, your bridesmaids?" he asked me, "Sonya and Ryan," I said, he smiled, "I am honoured!" he said, "Mother of the bride, Naija Khan and father Hakim Khan...what about you doctor?" he asked.

she went silent and walked out, I got after her, "we don't have to do this" I said, "we do, it will make you happy" she said, "But baby you've got no hardly seems fair for you" I said, she looked at me, "remember they're here" she said touching her heart, I felt so emotional for her, I couldn't believe that her own family won't be coming to her wedding, I embraced her.

we walked back in the room, "everything okay?" Graham asked, "'s family isn't coming," I said holding her hand and brushing my thumb on her hand, a single tear slipped down her face, they nodded, "We understand," dad said, I smiled, "why don't we split up, you, dad, and graham go suit shopping while me, mum, Sonya and Ryan go dress shopping?" I asked.

she smiled, "Okay, that'a good idea," she said, I kissed her, "I love you," I said, "I love you too," She said back, so we got out, "I feel sorry for her," mum said, "she's gonna be okay, she has us," I said, so we got to a dress shop, and it was packed, I smiled, "Hi I'm getting married," I said she nodded and we walked in, "I don't have a clue what I'm looking for," I said, so we tried a couple on...

Doctor's pov

so we got to a suit store, "Hey my best friend is getting married and needs a suit" Graham said pointing to me, he nodded, "alright come this way" he said, so we tried some on, "what do you think?" I asked, "nice, really nice!" yas's dad said, so I tried on a couple more...

Yas's pov

I sat in the dressing room depressed, I called the doctor... "hey baby, you alright how's it going?" she asked, "terrible, I can't find a single thing I like" I said, "Just try on one more I know you will look amazing in it, I promise you" she said, " more" I said so she picked one for me, I smiled and cried, "mum....this is it!" I said, "Let's have a look," she said, so I stepped out, Ryan's face dropped, so did my sisters and mum started tearing up, "you look amazing!" she said, "I think she will love it!" Ryan said, "she?" the assistant said, "my fiance is a woman," I said, "Nice!" she said.

so she got a veil on me and I looked at myself, "this is the one, this is the one!" I said smiling, "Perfect, so would you like to have it today?" she asked me, "Yes please!" I said I looked at the price...oops, "that's too much I can't pay for this," I said, the assistant came, "the price doesn't matter, your fiance called me and told me," she said, so I got changed, we got back to the tardis...

I smiled, "here comes the bride!" Graham sang, "thanks graham!" I said, "where's my groom?" I asked, "fixing the tardis again....she's downstairs," he said, so I snook down and laced my hands around her, "Hey you!" she said, "Hey!" I said smiling, we kissed, "did your dress shopping go well?" she asked me, "yes, the last dress was the one, it's so did suit shopping go?" I asked, "good, he couldn't get his head around I was marrying a woman," she said, I laughed, "you called the dress shop?" I asked, "Of course, I bargained for you to not pay," she said.

so we got upstairs, Graham and Ryan had set up a dinner situation, "this is romantic" she said, so we ate, "did you try and find your planet?" I asked she nodded, "still burned to the ground," She said, I grabbed her hand, "could we go have a look?" I asked, she nodded and we were there...she opened the doors...oh my gosh...

I stepped out, and walked for a bit, "Yas were are you going?" she asked me, "wait in the tardis" I said, so I looked around, I saw the house and knocked on it, I will probably get no answer... but someone did open the door, "Hi are you the doctor's parents?" I asked them, "yes, who are you?" she asked me, "the doctor's fiance," I said, "it's time?" she said, "Yes...about that...the doctor is a woman now," I said, "our child regenerated into a woman?" she asked, I nodded, "wait here, I'll get her," I said.

so I got to the tardis, "I have a massive surprise for you" I said, she smiled and we got down to the house, "this is my childhood home" she said, "knock the door" I said, she did, and her mum opened it, "Mum?" she said, "theta is that you?" she asked her, "it's me mum" She said, they hugged, "Honey we have guests!" she said.

so we got inside, "so my little girl is getting married?" she asked her, the doctor nodded, her dad came, "Theta?" he asked, "dad," she said, "Oh sweetie!" he said, they hugged, "dad this is my fiance, Yas, Yas this is my mum and dad," I said, so we sat down, "so how long have you two known each other?" her mum asked her.

we smiled, "a couple of months, I love her so much mum, she's amazing," the doctor said, "so..I'm guessing you want us to come to the wedding?" her dad asked her, she nodded, "Yes please," she said, "of course we will come, I've been waiting for this moment for, forever," her mum said.

so we talked and talked, she got a phone number, we got back, "thank you so much" she said with tears in her eyes, "it's the best I could do, I didn't want you feeling left out on your wedding day" I said we kissed...

2 weeks later...

so our parents had split us up, me at my parent's house and doctor at hers, "I miss her..." I said, "call her," dad said, so I dialled her number, "Hey boo, you missed me?" she asked, "of course you're on a different planet!" I said, "you parents didn't want us to see each other though, before the wedding, it was their rules!" she said, "I know...I can't wait to marry you" I said, "me either, so it's gonna be Yasmin smith right?" she asked, "what?" I asked, "my human name is Jane I thought Yasmin Smith?" she said, "Okay, Yasmin Smith, it's perfect actually," I said.

so we talked for a while, I saw my dress in the bathroom, Yasmin Smith, the doctor's wife, "Yasmin smith ay?" Ryan asked, "that's my new name," I said, "so the doctor's name is Smith?" Mum asked, "her human name is, gosh I can't wait to marry that woman!" I said smiling, 

wedding day here we come!

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