Chapter XXIX

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please help with roman numerals lol. im so lost at this point. anyway, here's the chapter! it's over a thousand words :3 hope you enjoy <3


It's finally the last day of the GMG. We have all been anticipating this. Today Fairy Tail is going to compete as a guild, no, a family, in a free for all event. Then there's a battle. The final battle. Considering everything that has happened, and with no offense towards my guild mates, it's going to be me. And from Sabertooth, it's going to be Sting or Rogue. A battle of dragon slayers.
Regardless of who my opponent is, I need to win. Nothing is guaranteed in the free for all, and we aren't too far behind Sabertooth. If I lose, its over for us. We'll just be stuck in second and have to wait another year to prove ourselves. I can't let that happen. I need to win. Not only for Fairy Tail, but for everyone. If Fairy Tail wins, it will show that the Sabertooth elitists aren't all-powerful and that if you work hard enough as a family, you can win.
And that is exactly what you are going to prove to everyone.
"Y/n! We're headed to Domus Flou, are you ready?" I hear Bisca call.
"Almost!" I replied pulling my shoes on.
It's now or never. This day will finally decide who is number one.
And I am praying that our family has it in us to prove that it's us.


Man, these days have been boring. I competed against Y/n in the first challenge of the Games, but I've been on the sidelines since then. That sucks.
But today is when that changes. I guess it's finally time, isn't it? Time to win. Then she will be in Sabertooth with me. Our guild will help her get stronger— we won't hold her back like those pathetic weaklings in Fairy Tail do. She will see the power of my guild in the free for all today and realize that this is where she belongs. I'm just going to help her see it.
We just arrived at the arena to be welcomed by all of our cheering fans. Hah. They're definite;y cheering for the right guild. I'm just getting more and more ready for the events today as we approach our guild's seating area. I can see Y/n and Fairy Tail. They're all smiling and laughing. They won't be so chipper when their guild comes behind us. Not all of the guilds are here yet, so we wait.


I'm ready. I've been waiting for this day and here we are. We can reclaim Fairy Tail's former glory today.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last day of this year's Grand Magic Games! Today, as all of you probably know, we will see our guilds face each other head on in a free for all competition! Then, we will have our final battle of the day between our two highest-scoring guilds: Sabertooth and Fairy Tail!" Mato announces and the crowd goes wild.
Wow. No pressure huh. I notice that Blue Pegasus has finally taken their seats.
"So now that all of our competitors have arrived, let's begin the final day of the GMG!" Mato cheers. I look around at my guild mates. We all have looks of determination on our faces- we are ready for this. We're going to be number one!
Before I could even say anything to the rest of my team, I was in the center of the arena surrounded by members of other guilds. I couldn't see anyone I know. One, because it's crowded, and two because I'm short.
That's when I feel a hand grab mine and pull me away from the crowd. I instinctively close my eyes as I am being guided through the sea of bodies. When the pull stops, I open my eyes and see a pair of gentle red eyes in front of me.
"Hey Rogue," I smile. He gives me a small smile.
"Hey. You looked pretty crowded. Are you okay?" he asks me. I blush.
" Thanks to you, I am," I reply with a light giggle.
"Rogue!!" Ah. I know that voice. And just to confirm that, I see a head of blond hair rushing toward us from inside the crowd. Sigh.
"Oh hello there Sting," Rogue says calmly, in stark contrast to Sting's call for him.
"Hi. Oh, hey there Y/n," Sting winks at me. I feel my face heating up but I force it down.
"Hi Sting," I reply as calmly as I can.
"Good to see you again cutie. Anyway, Rogue, we're all over there except for you so come on! Get a move on edgelord," Sting says, pushing Rogue to where I'm guessing their guild is. Rogue looks back and I smile at him apologetically. Then he disappears into the crowd again with Sting.
It doesn't take me too long to find Fairy Tail. They were all shouting for me. And then I got a mini lecture from Bisca because she was worried about me. Ah, she's such a mom.


Did I just pull Rogue away because I saw him with Y/n? Maybe. Will I ever actually admit it? Definitely not.
I need the whole guild to focus on an indisputable victory right now. I refuse to lose- or even tie- with that pathetic excuse for a guild. It's happened one too many times already.
"Alright contestants! Let's switch this playing field up a bit!" that annoying pumpkin tells us. Suddenly the ground starts to shake and a city emerges from the ground. This is our battlefield? Easy. There are only so many places to hide, Y/n.
"Here's how the free for all is going to work. We're going to split all of the guilds and each member is going to be hidden somewhere- not together!! Then, it's the contestants' role to put as many opponents out of commission as possible! However, any unnecessary violence will not be tolerated and you will be eliminated and have a penalty of -3 points for your guild! So keep it clean!" The pumpkin explained.
"Now, let's get this game started! Contestants, you will be transported to your spots in the battle area now!"
I see some people around me start to disappear, and before I know it, I'm inside of an alley in what I'm assuming is the battle zone.
"On your marks, get set, GO!"
Alright Fairy Tail. Time to lose.

The Girl in the Crystal [A Fairy Tail x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt