Chapter II

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Magnolia... it's not too far from here, but it will take a few days to get there, even by train. But we can't take the train, not with the girl in her current condition. "Jaro, you must leave now. The girl likely has a week left until she is gone forever. While I would love to accompany you, the master has requested that I watch over the guild while she is away for a guild masters' meeting," Laya says with a sad smile. "Here. Take this. You will need it for the enchantment," she says, handing me a bag.
"What is it?" I ask, opening the bag. "An ancient spell book, containing the spell for the crystal enclosure enchantment. You will most definitely need it. It also has some supplies for the journey." I thank her and look to the young h/c haired girl, who is laying unconscious on one of the infirmary beds. It seems as though Laya has given her new clothes, a f/c kimono. "Good luck Jaro," Laya says. I pick up the h/c haired girl, put her arm over my shoulder, grab the bag that Laya gave me, and set off for Magnolia.


I slowly start to open my eyes. Wait, what happened? Where's Zyko? No. No way... I look up and see Lilac Town in purple flames. No... it can't be true!
The image before changes, now I'm in a room with beds and... me? That's me on one of the beds... There's a lady with teal hair healing me... where am I? The image changes again. Now I see a man with dark hair carrying a girl... that's me! This is starting to get creepy. He stops in the forest and sets up a tent and opens up his bag. He pulls out some sort of book... it looks like a spell book. Who is this guy?
The image changes once more. It's the same man, I'm there as well. They're in a cave now... The man pulls out that same book from earlier and starts chanting. A bright light fills the room. When the light subsides, there is a giant crystal in the middle of the cave. But I'm inside of it.


Finally. The crystal enclosure is complete. I need to get back to the guild now... I've been gone for about a week. Wait... this girl. When she wakes up, she'll have no idea where she is or what happened to her. I'll write a note and explain everything.

Young girl. I am Jaro, of the guild known as Rabbit's Foot. I found you near the village of Lilac Town. You were severely injured, so I brought you back to my guild, where my guild's healer, Laya Lindholm healed you. Your external injuries were no more, but you would not wake up. The only chance of survival for you was crystal enclosure. I do not know how long you have been "asleep," but I do know that you are a strong mage. You have a great future ahead of you. Now go, find a guild. I know that you will do great things. Good luck, young mage.

I left the note inside the spell book for her to find once she awakens. To ensure her safety, I cast a protective enchantment over the cave, preventing anyone from entering or even knowing about its existence. Good luck, young mage.

 Good luck, young mage

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