Chapter XXV

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I'm only joining this event because of that guy, Max. I saw him around Y/n... he clearly likes her too. And who knows? Maybe Y/n likes him back. They're really close and they are in the same guild. That's why I'm participating in Freefall. I'm going to prove to Y/n that I'm better than him, and everyone else.
Now that the event is about to start, I need to start by assessing my opponents. My only real concerns are Max and the contestant from Quatro Cerberus, Bacchus. His magic is rumored to be incredibly powerful, and his fighting style is pretty tough to go up against. Max's magic has to do with sand, which could be useful in combat and could potentially be used to block other people's lines of sight.
However, both of these people won't be able to beat me. My Shadow Dragon Slayer magic is practically unbeatable. The only people competing that could actually beat me would probably be Sting and maybe Y/n.
"Alright, contestants! Take your place at the start line!" The pumpkin person announced.
Taking my place at my designated starting point, I looked up to the Sabertooth balcony to see Sting and our two exceeds. Then, I looked to the Fairy Tail balcony to see Y/n and the rest of her guildmates. She seemed... tense. Well, I suppose I would be too. She's most likely worried about Max, seeing as there are some fairly strong competitors in this match.
She should be worried.


Okay, I just gave myself a pep talk in my head. It may seem stupid, but it helped. The funny thing is, I'm not even the one competing and I'm probably more stressed out then all of the people over there at the starting line.
"Okay, ready, set, go!" Mato announced.
With that, the mages began running through the course. Max seems like he's doing well. He's definitely up at the front. My main concerns, Bacchus and a Rogue, are also up there. It almost seems as though those three keep switching off in first.
Rogue's strategy is working pretty well for him. He uses his magic to propel himself forward and then he disappears into a shadow on the ground until the next obstacle comes up.
Bacchus is all over the place. He's jumping from each obstacle to the next and honestly, it's pretty cool.
Max is keeping a consistent pace up at the front and is basically surfing around on his sand.
The rest of the participants aren't too far behind, but it doesn't seem like they'll be passing the top three at all.
The obstacle course itself doesn't seem too difficult. It's so high up that I can't actually see it, but from the lacrima screens, it looks like it would actually be easy to finish. There are some parts where the mages have to jump across platforms, one where they had to maneuver themselves across a tightrope, and another where they had to climb over a ridiculously high wall. So far, it had been easy sailing.
Suddenly the arena and the course began to shake, causing the contestants to come to a halt where they were.
"Earthquake!" someone shouted.
"Stay calm, ladies and gentlemen! This is just the next part of the event!" Mato explain as the arena continued to shake.
Everything seemed fine from where I was, at least until robots started appearing on the screens.
"Woah, robots?!" some dude shouted.
"Do you think they'll have to fight them?" another asked.
"Well, duh, what else would they do?" a sassy sister replied.
"As you can see, our contestants are all in different places on the course right now. We have Sabertooth in first, then Fairy Tail,  with Quatro Cerberus, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Mermaid Heel following behind. Based on their positions, each will be awarded different points now."
A chart appeared with each competitors' name on it as well as a point value next to each name.

Rogue- 10
Max- 8
Bacchus- 6
Toby- 5
Hibiki- 2
Risley- 1

"Also, as you can see, many robots have appeared before your competitors! Each of the different types of robots have different point values, ranked by their power level, similarly to the monsters in Escape. There are four different level monsters, A being the strongest, then B, C, and D. The strongest are worth four points, and the value decreases by one as the rank gets lower. Now, the competitors are allowed to use their magic to fight with the monsters as well as each other. But try not to get too carried away with fighting your fellow competitors, as there is a time limit on this part! Five minutes will be on the clock as our mages battle it out with the robots and each other! Ready? The timer starts now!"

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