Chapter XII

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The games are going to start any minute now. Team Fairy Tail is waiting on the balcony of our inn awaiting the first task.
We all cover our ears as a shrieking noise emits from a microphone. Screens pop up all over the sky.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Grand Magic Games!" A little pumpkin guy cheers. "The first event this year is called 'Jungle.' Each guild will battle their way through a jungle-like maze. The event is quite simple: first team to get their members to the middle wins!" A maze? Seems easy enough, especially with my dragon slayer senses. "On your marks, get set, go!" We follow a path from the balcony down to an entrance to the maze and start running, me in the lead.
"Guys! Keep your right hand on the walls, it will get us to the end quicker!" Bisca shouts to us. I hear footsteps coming towards us and motion for the group to stop. More footsteps. I peer around the corner and see some members of Mermaid Heel looking lost. "Mermaid Heel," I whisper to my teammates.
"Let's go," Alzack whispers to us. I count down from 3 with my fingers. We all run out from the corner and run Mermaid Heel into a corner.
"Fairy Tail, go!" We all attack and eventually come out victorious, giving us a lead.
"Hey, I have an idea! Maybe I can fly us over the maze?" Max suggests whirling some sand in his hand. He creates a tornado of sand that carries him up, up, up, when he suddenly falls. "Max!" I exclaim and run to catch him. I shoot out some water to break the fall. "Thanks, Y/n," he says, blowing sand around him in a tornado to dry off. I motion for them to follow me and we continue running through the maze. After a while, we finally make it to the middle.
"We did it!" Bisca cheers.
"Yeah!" I exclaim, High-fiving her. As we step into the middle, we are teleported to another place. The arena!
"Fairy Tail has arrived, coming in third place!" The pumpkin dude announces. Third? Not too bad!
"Looks like Sabertooth and Lamia Scale got here first," Alzack says. Just then Mermaid Heel and Quatro Cerberus pop up at the same time.
"Mermaid Heel And Quatro Cerberus tie for fourth, Blue Pegasus comes in fifth, leaving Twilight Ogre in last place," the announcer states. As if on cue, Twilight Ogre appears in the arena with the rest of us. "And in last place, Twilight Ogre," the pumpkin states.
"Pfft. No surprise there," I whisper to Max, who laughs at my comment. This year's Games are gonna be great!


Good to know those fairies did well. 3rd place is pretty decent, considering it was us and Lamia Scale before them. They won't be as lucky with the events for the rest of the GMG.
"Now that all of our contestants are here, let's introduce my co-announcer and former Magic Council member , Mister Yajima!" The pumpkin dude cheers.
"Welcome to the Grand Magic Games! Since you already know all of our competitors, let's begin our first event!" Yajima announces.
"Our first event is called 'Escape.' Guilds, choose your representative!" Pumpkin-dude shouts.
"From Lamia Scale, Lyon Vastia! From Mermaid Heel, Arania Webb! From Quatro Cerberus, Rocker! From Twilight Ogre, Thibault! From Blue Pegasus, Eve!" There are some cheers for these guilds. Sabertooth will surely be the most popular though. Glancing over at the Fairy Tail team, I see Y/n stepping forward.
"From Fairy Tail, we have Y/n!" Wow, she must be pretty popular considering how loud the crowd is. I look at my teammates.
"I'll take this one guys. Leave it to me," I smirk.
"From Sabertooth, Sting!" Even more cheers erupt from the crowd. Hmph. Not a surprise to me. Sorry Y/n, but you're going down.

 Sorry Y/n, but you're going down

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