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mikes pov

there were too many things going through my head. it was now seven pm and i was... happy? as insane as it sound, i was indeed happy. how could i possibly be happy?

i was going to end my life in exactly an hour. how on earth could i be happy?

all day, i've hid out in my room. i haven't left my room for anything. i haven't left to eat, drink, or associate with anyone or anything. there would be no point anyways. everything would be over in just awhile anyways.

since i've had a lot of free time today, i've had time to think. i had to waste some time some how. i had enough time to make each of my friends their own letters. i even included some letters for my enemies as well.

i couldn't bring myself to write notes for my family though. especially nancy or little holly.

even after writing a bunch of stupid and sappy letters, i still had an unbearable amount of free time.
i tried to read books, but i just couldn't. i have never been much of a bookworm anyways.

i also tried to draw. but i couldn't do that for the love of anything either. that was always more of wills thing than mine.


i suppose i should call him. i want to hear his voice one last time before everything is over. i need to hear his voice one last time.

i picked up the radio that i hadn't touched in what seems like forever and i spoke.

"will the wise, do you copy? it's mike. the dungeon master." i said into the radio, referring to a little game that we used to play. after a few seconds, no one answered.

maybe his radio was off. i shrugged and i walked over to the phone that my parents had installed in m room earlier in the summer. i dialed the number to the byers residence that i had memorized ages ago and i put the phone up to my ear.

"this is the the byers home, joyce speaking!" a kind voice said through the speaker.

a smile spread on my face, hearing ms. byers voice. this was the last time that i would ever hear my best friends mothers voice, my true loves mothers voice.

almost forgetting that i was on the line, i responded " oh yes! i'm sorry, this is mike. i was wondering if i could talk to will?"

"oh shoot honey. you just missed him! i'm sorry! he went to dustins house to study. i'll tell him that you called when he gets back later though." the kind lady said.

there would be no point. i'll be gone by then. "no ma'am, it's okay."

"oh alright sweetie. i'll see you tomorrow night at dinner okay? i'm not sure if your parents told you yet but we're having dinner at your place tomorrow." she said.

"oh okay. they must have forgotten to tell me. but ill see you then." i said before hanging up the phone. it was kind of entertaining how i was just lying through my teeth. but it was okay. no one would remember me by it.

i had now given up on trying to contact will and i looked over to my clock to see that it was 7:15. it was time for me to leave.

all day, i've wondered how i was going to do it. i wondered what my big finale would be. it took me a while to think of how i would go out, but i eventually thought of something.

the cliff where a certain bully was taught a lesson. the cliff that i was on when will was missing all those years ago. the cliff that will was thought to have jumped off of.

i almost grabbed my backpack from off the floor before i left my home. why would i need that?

before anyone could see me, i ran down stairs and i grabbed my bike from the garage, riding it to that one cliff, overlooking the lake.

it took a surprisingly long time to get there but there was no rush. there was no worries.

after i was finally at the cliff, i dropped my bike. but something was off. i looked to my left to see another bike laying on the ground.

someone else was here. and it wasn't just anyone.

it was will.

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