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wills pov

"will, c'mon baby, we're going over to the wheelers tonight for dinner. remember?" my mom called feom down the hallway.

i was currently sitting in my room, drawing a memory from a few nights ago. me and mikes fingers interlocked. i smiled fondly at the blissful memory and i set down my colored pencil. "im coming!" i yelled back before sliding my shoes on and walking into the living room where her and jonathan were, waiting on me.

"lets go" i said, walking out to the car. my mom and jonathan followed quickly behind. "so.." my mom said, backing out of the driveway, "i met a nice man at work the other day. he asked me on a date to enzos." she said, driving.

"oh really? you gonna go?" jonathan questioned, looking out the window. "i.. i dont know actually.." my mom replied, tightening her grip onto the steering wheel.

it would be lovely for my mom to find someone. she hasnt had the best history with the men in her life though. lonnie, my father is evil an then bob and hopper.. well they died.

i just want her to find someone who she deserves.

"we're here!" my mom said, pulling up into the wheelers driveway. we got out of the car and then walked up to the front door, knocking on it, making me remember the last time i was here.

"joyce! come in!" karen said with a smile. "will, jonathan, hi sweeties!" she said as she placed her hand on my back.

"hi mrs wheeler.." me and jonathan said at once.

"the kids are in the basement. go meet up with them while i meet up with your mom." she said, pushing us off to the basement..

jonathan and i both walked down into the basement that we had been in millions of times, me first. mike was sitting on the couch, watching tv and nancy was writing in a journal at the table.

when i walked in, i smiled brightly, happy to see the boy. he looked up from the tv to look who walked in the room and then he looked back at the tv, not saying nothing. okay... what was his problem?

"jonathan hi!" nancy shrieked, closing her journal. jonathan walked over to nancy and they created their own conversation and they soon went up to her room.

i looked back at mike and i nervously walked over to the couch, sitting beside him, but we werent nearly as close as we were last week.

"h-hi mike.." i stuttered, instantly becomingo a hundred times more nervous. why was my best friend making me so nervous?

"hey." he soon responded dryly. "whats wrong?" i asked, placing a hand onto his leg. his face soon scrunched up, pushing my hand off of him. "dont fucking touch me!" he yelled, causing me to flinch.

"w-what did i do?" i asked, tears welling up in my eyes. he shook his head and muttered something under his breath, too quiet for me to understand.
"i dont wanna be your friend will. i cant be your friend." he said, speaking up.

"f-fuck you." i said, standing up. i could see the shocked look on mikes face, because well, ive never cussed before. i ran upstairs, into the bathroom and i let it out. tears came spiralimg out of my eyes.

"what did i do" i cried to myself as i slid down the wall onto the floor. i couldnt stop repeating those four words. what did i do? what did i do?
what. did. i. do.

why did i let myself think that everything would be alright even for one second? me and mike werent just friends. no matter how much i tried to convince myself otherwise, we still kissed. we still held hands.

im such an idiot. being gay isnt okay, and thats what i was doing. i was being gay with mike. you dont just kiss your friends and feel a spark. hell, you dont kiss your friends in general.

"dinner time! nancy, boys come eat!" mrs. wheeler called from the kitchen. i picked myself up off of the floor and looked at myself in the mirror. i cant breakdown like this, not here at least.

i pushed my feelings down inside me. i knew i would be able to let them out tonight so it would be okay. i wiped the tears falling from my eyes with the sleeves of my jacket and i took a deep breath. everything is gonna be okay, will.

i looked at myself once more before opening the door and walking to the kitchen. mike was already sitting at the table with a smile on his face, of course not looking at me. "will, you can sit by mike, honey." she said, setting down a plate in the seat that she wanted me to sit in.

"thank you, mrs. wheeler." i thanked with a shaky breath. she nodded and smiled, sitting down in her spot, at the end of the dining table.


"so will, what have you been up to?" mr. wheeler asked, putting a piece of steak into his mouth.

"oh, nothin.. just drawin' n' stuff, ya know?" i said shakily, still not fully recovered from my come apart that i had previously in the bathroom.

mike looked at me with curious eyes, probably sensing the pain in my voice. after a few seconds, he went back to looking at his food.

"holly, dont do that sweetie." mrs wheeler said as holly picked up her food with her hands. my mother chuckled "will used to do that as a baby. could never keep his hands to himself."

"mom." i said seriously. "sorry! sorry honey." she said, chuckling a bit.


at the end of the day when we finally got home from the wheelers house, i crawled into bed after a second breakdown. mike still hadnt said anything to me. everything will be okay i told myself for what felt like the hundredth time today.

if mike can ignore me, then i can ignore him too.


my ibf says that mike sucks bc he treated will so badly in s3 and i kinda understand but everyone else treated him badly too so.. mike is my baby but so is will period

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