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wills pov

it's been two nights since the art room incident. mike has not talked to me once since then and i've never felt so empty. i don't know what happened or what i felt in that art room but i do know that i'm hungry for more.

i know it may be bad that i feel this way since i'm technically still in a relationship with harry.. but this, me and mike, it just felt right. i shouldn't feel this way but i do.

i don't even know what i have with mike, but i do know that i like it. i liked what i had or still have with harry too, but it's not comparable to me and mike. no where close.

i've gone through so much heartbreak with harry. mike hasn't treated me like this. there's so many reasons why harry's perfect for me but there's so many reasons why he's not.

i woke myself out of my thoughts by intensely slamming my blanket down on my bed and walking over to my desk that was in the corner of my room.
i sat down and pulled out my notebook and pen. i began writing away.

pros of dating harry
- very cute
- dependable for most things
- pleasurable

i couldn't think of any more cons. every good thing about him basically disappeared when i found out that he had been cheating on me. i took a deep breath before starting a new column.

cons of dating harry
- untrustworthy
- self absorbent
- dishonest

there were many cons. i could go on for who knows how long. i don't even know why i needed to make a list because it was obvious that he was too immature to be the guy for me.

but what about mike? mike. the one person that can make me happy regardless of anything. he's never intentionally hurt me. maybe i should make a list for him.

pros of dating mike
- he cares for me
- he's sweet
- generous
- trustworthy

i could go on for days. there aren't enough words in the english vocabulary to describe mike. he was one of a kind. i wish i could find the words to describe what a gorgeous and amazing person he is, inside and out.

i began to think of the cons of dating mike but i couldn't possibly come up with any. to think about it, these weren't really pros and cons of dating them, it's pros and cons of them as a person. and it's obvious who was better.

"hey dude" a familiar voice said, pulling me out of my thoughts. i looked up to see dustin smiling at me "hey, ummm what are you doing here?" i asked, closing my notebook and putting it in my desk drawer.

"please tell me you didn't forget that we were hanging out today" he groaned and dramatically fell onto my unmade bed. crap. i did forget.

"no, i didn't forget! i just wasn't expecting you to be here so early." i lied. "will, it's 2:00 pm" he giggled

"oh, oopsies" i responded and stood up. "so whatcha wanna do today?" i asked

"wanna go bug steve and robin at work?" he spoke up. "is that even a question?" i responded, pulling my pajamas off and putting clean clothes on.

"they work at the new movie place right?" i asked, tying my old, beaten up converse. dustin just nodded and looked around my room.

"okie dokie! i'm ready!" i said, jumping up. dustin and i both left my room and instantly went to jonathan who was in the living room.

"hey buddy" dustin said, sliding onto the couch, smoothly. "what do you want?" my brother quickly replied, rolling his eyes. " so you know how we're like best friends right? well you should take me and your favorite brother to see our SECOND favorite adults at the movie store..." dustin said.

"you wanna go see robin and steve?" jonathan asked, looking from me to dustin. "mhm." i said and dustin nodded. "alrighty, let's go." he said, grabbing the keys from beside him and standing up.


we had just pulled up to the film store and dustin was basically bulging out of his seat. he hasn't seen steve in a while and after what had happened last summer, at the mall, they were best friends.

i told jonathan that we could just find a ride home and that he could leave, so he did. the two of us got out of my older brothers car and we made our way into the store.

as soon as we walked in, loud screams of names ringed through my ears.



the two excited boys ran towards each other and captured themselves in a hug. wow, must be nice for someone to care about you that much. mike cared for you, i thought to myself.

shut up will. he didn't. he never cared for me. i wiped the growing frown off of my face and i walked towards the talking pair.

"so, where's robin?" i asked quietly. "oh i think she went to get some cleaning supplies from the store, we ran out." steve said, instantly going back to his conversation . great. i guess i'll be the third wheel once again.

maybe i should just leave. i picked my backpack off of the floor and i was just about to make my way to the door until the bell rang, indicating that someone had walked through the door. maybe it was robin.

my eyes looked up to see who had walked in. the second my eyes had landed on the person, my heart dropped.


yoooo i'm actually hella sorry that i haven't updated in a while. i've literally had no motivation bc i feel like no one actually likes this book and i've been low key depressed. anyways i'll be better about it. i hope u guys enjoy.


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