Chapter twelve: Bringing our baby home

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Hey guys, it's been a while, I'm really sorry! I'll try and post more especially now we're in lockdown, it'll give me more time to post and edit together more chapters. I'm also sorry this chapters shorter than usual. If anyone has any ideas for this series I would be really really greatful. Please leave them in the comments for me to read. Also I just want to make sure that you are all aware of the fact that I work a job 45 hours a week & if I don't upload on a regular basis, I'm so sorry but that is why. Of course I will try and stick to the schedule but I also write these for fun & I don't want to end up being pressured into writing them, as much as I love it I don't want to take away the enjoyment of writing. :) thank you for all your support with these chapters so far and I hope you continue to enjoy them.

The next day Noah and I were dismissed from the hospital and finally went home. I managed to get the confidence to call my dad and tell him I'd had Savannah. I hadn't spoken to him since I told him the pregnancy news and I'd seen him around but it felt like he was avoiding me. Of course my dad didn't answer and I left a voicemail. Noah and I took Savannah for her first outing to the supermarket, when we got home and started unpacking the shopping. My phone began to ring, I instantly picked up when I saw the caller ID. It was my dad. He sounded desperate to talk and I asked him to come over. Within 5 minutes he was knocking on our door. He asked to see Savannah and as soon as he held her in his arms. He couldn't stop smiling. "I'm so proud of you, she looks just like her mum" my dad says turning to me. He hugged me and it finally felt like after all this time... I had found the missing part of myself. Later on that evening Lee and Molly (his girlfriend) came over to visit Savannah for the first time and gave her lots of cuddles. They brought her some gifts over, which included a dress, 2 onesies and a teddy bear for Savannah. I fed Savannah and fell asleep on the sofa whilst watching a movie with Noah. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Noah wrapping his arm around me and kissing my forehead. "What a crazy life" Noah whispered softly to me. "What would we do without that kissing booth, eh?" I heard him chuckle happily to himself.

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