Chapter six: Telling my dad

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My dad opened the door and he was shocked to see Noah back so early, he welcomed us in to the house.
Noah and I took a seat on the living room chairs and we began to chat to my dad. "Noah, I thought you weren't coming back until Christmas, it's lovely to see you, How's Harvard going? He asks. I looked at Noah with pleading eyes. Trying to hint to him that my dad will not be happy and to convince Noah to wait a little while longer before telling my dad, but Noah looked towards to ground not even making eye contact with either me or my dad. "Well, heres the thing... I've had to come home early because we have something to tell you..."Noah responded in a calm and soothing voice. "What's going on?" My dad replied in a serous tone. (The tone he used to use when I was in trouble as a kid.) We both finally manage to make eye contact with my dad, "I... i-I'm pregnant I stutter, tears forming in my eyes. Now it was my dads turn to go silent and to suddenly stare at the ground. Noah took hold of my hand and gently squeezed it whilst mimicking " I'm proud of you" I took a deep breath and composed myself. "Erm, so we're just gonna go now. We can see ourselves out" I give my dad a quick hug as I'm sure the shock of his pregnant 17 year old daughter will settle down soon and as we leave I ask Noah if we can go for a drive. So Noah took me out for a drive to calm us down and to talk about what had just happened. Sometimes you just need to have a conversation to make things all better and sometimes you just need your boyfriend to be there with you.

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