Talking to the River 18

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Together they headed towards wherever Wei WuXian took them to. They attracted so many looks, and girls whispered behind their backs saying how handsome they were and how they looked exectly alike even for twins. They walked around Gusu, visited shops. Wei WuXian saw a stand with rabbit goods. There were bracelets, doodahs, and many other things with rabbit theme. Wei WuXian pulled his brothers arm saying "Ah, ah Yang look! There are so many things about rabbits! Come come lets take a look."

Wei Yang laughed at his childeshness but still went along with him. Wei WuXian spent so much time looking at everyting one by one and forced Wei Yang to look at them too. Wei Yang "Spending so much time at a stand with rabbits, you're just like a girl brother hehe"

Wei WuXian turned at him with the bunny ears he just put on his head and scolded "Do I have to be a girl to like rabbits? Everybody likes rabbits. Do you not like rabbits? How coldhearted you are!"

Wei Yang retreated but still kept his laughing face and mocked "Those ears look good"

Wei WuXian beamed "Yes, I loved them. I'll definetely buy them!" He was thinking of how cute would these look on Lan WangJi and evilly smiled.

Wei Yang saw the smile but he definetely didn't wanna know the reason so he just dropped the subject. Wei WuXian looked around a little more. He finally bought the ears and they left. It was close to Wei Yang's departure time so they headed towards his direction. On their way they saw a couple of street sellers. Wei Yang hasn't been in a place like this for so many years. One of them saw Wei Yang's interested eyes and immidiately came close to them holding bunch of talasmens "Young master, would you like some talasmens for your protection?"

Wei WuXian slightly panicked about what was to come and tried to send away the seller but Wei Yang seemed curious "What would they protect me from?"

Seller was enthusiastic "They are capable of protecting you from many things. This one is for the evil spirits which visits you as you sleep. These are for the monsters of night and day, so you should put it to something you carry with you. And these are for protection from the Yiling Patriarch, they are selling greatly these days"

Wei Yang put his hand to his chin "The Yiling Patriarch? I've never heard of anyone with that name. Is he a person or a spiritual monster?"

Wei WuXian's panic could be seen from his eyes and Wei Yang realized that. He looked at his brother with puzzled eyes. He showed great effort trying to signal the seller not to tell but the seller didn't pay attention to him and continued with excitement "You don't know the Yiling Patriarch?! Where have you been living my friend? He is the most fiersome person to ever live on this world. Many years back, there was a siege and he was finally defeated. The peace was brought back to the world but recently it is said he has regenerated! I heard there was another siege but it failed and afterwards the clans didn't siege him again."

Wei Yang seemed confused "So he is a person. I've never heard of him. What's his name? And why isn't the clans doing anything about him if he's so dreadful."

Seller seemed like he agreed "If my memory serves me right, his name is Wei Ying." The seller didn't see the change at Wei Yang's face and kept his speech "Well, I personally think there has to be another siege to put him back to where he belongs for good! Who knows what plans that monster has in his mind."

Wei Yang stepped forward but Wei WuXian held his shoulder as he laughed nervously. The seller misunderstood his attitude and thought he was scared "But don't worry young master! Until then, you can sleep without a worry if you buy this talasmen. It is best if you buy two and put one in your bedroom and one at the enterence of you house."

Wei Yang was fiercefull, he wanted to lunge forward but his brother held his shoulder very thightly, he was not able to make any move at all. The seller was finally able to comprehend the vicious look on his face. Wei Yang looked at his brother angrily, as if asking him why he looked so calm while he was called such foolish words. Wei WuXian laughed nervously and spoke to the seller "Okay, okay... Thats enough buddy. We're not interested. Have a good day." he then forcefully dragged his brother away from the annoyed seller.

Wei Yang tried to get himself free of his grisp but Wei WuXian didn't let go untill they were far enough. Wei WuXian "Wei Yang! Calm down. What are you getting so worked up for?"

Wei Yang understood his brother was seriously about to get mad and tried to steady his breathing. He spoke with a calmer voice but he still showed his complaint "But brother, his words towards you were so rude!"

Wei WuXian seemed a little low spirited "Were they? How do you know his words weren't the truth?"

Wei Yang was cought by surprise "Of course they are not! Because I know the kind of person you are. You are the most caring person I've ever met. Those words could be nothing but utter nonsense!"

Wei WuXian's sorrow deepened. He felt his heart ache at his brothers faith. He tried not to show it to his little brother and spoke with his mocking voice "Oh well, he is right actually. I am known as the most evil person to walk the earth. I'm mostly mentioned by the devil itself. Everybody knows me, I am so populer you know" he winked at his brother with his last sentence.

Wei Yang was bewildered "What are you talking about? There's no way... right?"

Wei WuXian exhaled a heavy sigh. He wanted to keep his past unmentioned but now that the topic was up, he owed his brother the explanation "I am not the perfect person to be the role model for people, you know? I've had my mistakes. Real huge mistakes that affected a lot of people. People that are irrelevant and... people that I deeply cared for. People that are innocent"

Wei Yang still had a part of him that didn't want to believe his brothers words but looking at his sad eyes that avoided every possible contact with his, he had no choice but to believe. His face fell. He wanted to ask further, but he could see right through his brothers façade. His brothers grief was one he hadn't seen before. Right now, all he could do for his brother was to share his sorrow. Instictively he held Wei WuXian's hand firmly, as to show him he was there for him. Wei WuXian lifted his head and finally looked at his little brothers eyes. His eyes were already red, but feeling his brothers support he had to fight back his tears to stop them from falling. He spoke sincerely "I've faced numberless people to call me evil and hate me with all their might. Until now, the only person to be there for me, to keep me from falling, to care for me even with all my faults was Lan Zhan. He was the one to hold my hand and drag me out of where I imprisoned myself in my own head. And I always feared what you would think of me if you knew... if you knew the person I have become."

Wei Yang spoke "So you kept it silent. But brother, I can never think badly of you 'because' I know the kind of person you are. You surely made mistakes, but as I said you were the most caring person I know, and you still are. Mistakes doesn't define a person, intentions do. I am certain you never wanted to harm anyone."

Wei WuXian couldn't hold his voice "But I was warned! I was warned I'd lose control, I was warned I'd harm others, that I'd bring a disaster! I didn't listen to them. It was all my fault that..."

Wei Yang hugged his brother "Whats happened has happened. I'm sure you tormented yourself so much already. There's no good to tear yourself about it anymore. You can't change the past, can you?"

Wei WuXian calmed in his brothers embrace. He has always been terrified of disappointing his brother. He had truely been relieved. In a couple more seconds he stiffened and freed himself from Wei Yang's arms. He liked the embrace but couldn't help feeling awkward since he was the bigger one, and so he supposed to be the stronger one. He wrapped his arm around Wei Yang's shoulder and smiled widely "Lets head towards the department point! Are you certainly certain that you can't stay longer?"

Wei Yang rolled his eyes "How many times will you ask that? I cannot brother! I've already told you about a dozen times that I promised BaoShan SanRen"

Wei WuXian kept nagging him throughout their walk.


Thank you everyone who is reading this story! And thank you for your kind comments and votes! They make me very happy and keep me motivated~ I hope you're still enjoying the story♡♡

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