Talking to the river 5

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Hearing Lan QiRen's rough words Wei Yang seemed as if he couldn't take it any longer, he opened his mouth to speak but Wei WuXian interrupted "Yes, yes. What a wonderful idea! We will leave alright. Just for the night though." He turned to Lan WangJi "Lan Zhan, is it okay if we leave for the night? Don't worry, I'll be back."

Lan WangJi "Where will you go?"

Wei WuXian "Umm not far. How about the Hunan cuisine at Caiyi town?"

Lan WangJi "I will come with you."

Wei WuXian "You don't need to. Besides, after being apart for so long, I have a lot to talk to with my little brother. You would be bored."

Lan WangJi "I would not be bored." He looked at Wei WuXian for some time, giving in he asked "When will you come back?"

Wei WuXian "Tomorrow? Probably around noon."

Wei Yang "Brother, we can just come back at night if you want to."

Lan QiRen was stern "No you can not! There is a curfew and also no one is allowed inside after nine. It is against the rules!"

Wei WuXian "You heard him! We can just stay at some inn for the night."

Wei Yang forced himself to endure that rude old man and faced his brother "Okay. When will we depart?"

Wei WuXian "How about right now? Oh no, wait! I forgot Lil' apple! Let me go get him."

With that, not giving anyone the time to say anything else, Wei WuXian turned around and rushed over to where Lil' apple was. Wei Yang was confused "Lil' apple? He is... bringing an apple with him?"

Lan JingYi "No, no. Lil' apple is a donkey. It seems he named it Lil' apple because it likes apples."

Wei Yang laughed "He really did take his humor after mother."

Lan QiRen had an annoyed look on his face "Tch, how about you take him away and leave for good? Take him to the mountains and live with BaoShan SanRen forever. Oh, but BaoShan SanRen wouldn't want him. She didn't want him before too, right? She probably took you in and casted him out in the streets. I don't blame her though, who would want a reckless, shameless troublemaker like him? She did the right thing not taking him to her home."

Wei Yang's face darkened, a black aura surrounded him. He clenched his fists, failing to calm himself down he spoke with a very low voice "You love to make presumptions, don't you? Do you really wanna know what happened? How about you come with us? Come secretly and actually hear him out for once, how about that?" He slighly raised his voice "In fact, why don't you all come?! It would be a change for you to hear what he thinks and why he does what he does."

Lan QiRen "Huh. Why would I bother myself with something so useless? I'm not interested in hearing or knowing anything about him."

Wei Yang "That is why you rant about him so easily all the time. You presumed he was not wanted by BaoShan SanRen, did you not? Then come with us and hear the real reason, how about that, huh?"

Lan QiRen turned his face to the other side "I will not come."

Wei Yang amused " Why? Are you afraid your opinion about him will change?"

Jiang Cheng interrupted "I will come. I always wondered what was going on in that thick head of his."

Jin Ling "I want to come too!"

Lan WangJi frowned "I too, will come." He then turned to look at Lan QiRen.

Feeling everyones eyes on him Lan QiRen took in a long breath. He sighed and gazed at Lan ShiZui, Lan JingYi and the others "You will stay here."

Lan ShiZui "Senior Lan, please allow me to come too. I really wish to be there."

Remembering that Lan ShiZui grew up with Wei WuXian before he came to Cloud Recess, he had no choice but to nod his had and give permission.

Lan JingYi "ShiZui and young mistress is going so I want to come too! Senior Lan please allow me to join you."

Jin Ling exclaimed with a red face "I am not a mistress!" In all the clamor, Lan QiRen was distracted and nodded his head again without giving it much thought. Another disciple spoke up "Senior Lan-"

Three veins popped at Lan QiRen's forehead at once, he growled "You will stay here!"

A braying voice was heard from afar. Looking to the side they saw Wei WuXian pulling the rein of a donkey with much force, exclaiming "Come on Lil' apple! We will come back tomorrow okay? Don't be this stubborn. The rabbits won't go anywhere. Oh, right! How about I give you an apple when we reach that Hunan place? But you have to cooperate okay. Let's go..."

Wei Yang "Wow, it really is a donkey. Brother, why are we bringing a donkey with us?"

Wei WuXian "Why? Because Lil' apple comes everywhere with me, right Lil' apple?"

Lil' apple neighed angrily and turned it's head to the side with dejection. Wei Yang laughed "Maybe you should leave it here brother. It seems annoyed."

Wei WuXian "But I worked so hard to bring him here!"

Wei Yang "Are you willing to work that hard bringing him to the Caiyi town with us?"

Wei WuXian seemed defeated, scratching his head "Maybe you are right."

The moment its rein was released, it stomped its feet and turned around, running back to where it came from. Wei WuXian looked at the cloud of dust Lil' apple left and sighed "If only it were this enthusiastic about me for once."

Lan JingYi "Why would it be enthusiastic about you? You always steal its apples."

Wei WuXian raised his hands in surrender. Wei Yang "Brother, are you ready to depart?"

Wei WuXian "Yes, yes." He turned to Lan WangJi "I'm taking your jade token."

Lan WangJi "Okay."

Wei WuXian "No need to worry for me okay? I will not stir up trouble and come back in one piece, I promise."

Lan WangJi nodded "Be careful."

Wei WuXian smiled at him and turned around "Let's go, Yang."

They left after saluting others.

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