Talking to the River 15

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Hello everyone~ I couldn't get a chance to update the episode last week. :( I was very sick and kept going to the hospital. I'm better now but I couldn't finish the episode in time😣 I'm sorry for not telling you earlier :(

Wei WuXian was inside the kitchen cooking God knows what to them, making Wen Ning help him while Lan WangJi and Wei Yang sat face to face at the table. Lan WangJi's eyes looked emotionless as usual. Wei Yang drew a sigh and spoke in all honesty "You know, when we first met, my impression of you was that you were nothing but an insignificant person who is well known and I thought you weren't worthy of my brother."

Lan WangJi turned his still expressionless eyes to Wei Yang's. When he didn't say anything Wei Yang spoke again "Don't look at me like that. You can't blame me for thinking that way. You never show any emotions. For example even after someone saying something like this to you your eyes still look dull."

Lan WangJi kept his silence and they kept looking at each other for some time. At last Wei Yang sighed again and he averted his eyes. "Brother Ying was always so excited when he was with you and he always smiled so brightly even to the thought of you... But when I look at you, I just couldn't accept the fact that your feelings for him was strong enough."

Wei Yang's face showed the regret he felt because of his prejudice. He closed his eyes as he spoke quietly "It seems I was wrong, sorry."

Lan WangJi was careful enough to hear the guilt in his voice. Wei Yang looked at his hands "I guess I also got jealous." He then suddenly raised his head "A little, only a little though, not much! Don't get me wrong. He's just... he's my brother that I haven't seen for ages and I finally thought I can live with him from now on. But when I asked him that... well, you heard what he said." He lowered his head.

Lan WangJi "He cares for you and cherishes you deeply. His love for you is different from his love for me"

As they were talking they saw Lan QiRen from a distance. When he saw them, he stopped in his tracks. He closed his eyes and stroked his beard in thought. He then turned and started walking towards them. Lan WangJi and Wei Yang got up and saluted him. He spoke "WangJi, do you not have any work to do? What are you two waiting for here?"

Lan WangJi "I do not have any work to do today, uncle. We are waiting for Wei Ying to cook."

Lan QiRen "Cook?"

Wei Yang "Yes, he said he will cook for us and we'll have a meal together. Senior Lan, would you like to join us?"

Lan QiRen was surprised by the offer, he spoke in an instant "Join you? Why would I do that."

Wei Yang "No reason actually. I just thought it might make my brother happy." Wei Yang looked at Lan QiRen's expression under his eyelashes.

Lan QiRen's eyes widened for a split second. He spoke with a cold voice "I do not care for whether he is happy or not." but even though he said that he still stepped closer.

Wei Yang saw this and gave a cunning smile "If you will give us the honor of eating together, I'll go inside and tell Wen Ning to prepare one more serving."

Lan QiRen's expression darkened "Wen Ning is here too?"

Lan WangJi "Yes. He is inside helping Wei Ying to prepare the dishes."

Just as Lan QiRen made a sour face Wen Ning and Wei WuXian appeared from inside the door. Wei WuXian was looking at Wen Ning as he said something and then he turned his head to their direction. The smile on his face almost faltered with shock when he saw Lan QiRen but he managed to keep it. He saluted the best he could with the dishes in his hands and he beamed with a smile "Senior Lan! We were just about to have a meal. Would you like to join us?"

Even though Wei WuXian asked that, he was certain Lan QiRen would be angry and scold him. Much to his surprise, Lan QiRen did not. He only stroke his beard and said "Hmph!" with a stubborn pout.

Wei WuXian was surprised by this reaction but he didn't say anything further. Him and Wen Ning put the dishes in their hands to the table. At last Wei WuXian turned to look at Lan WangJi with a raised eyebrow and then turned to Lan QiRen with doubt. Lan QiRen still refused to look at him. Wei WuXian and Wen Ning looked at each other with empty expressions. Wen Ning spoke with a weak voice "Sh- shall I bring a plate for you Senior Lan?"

Lan QiRen refused to answer but instead he took a seat at the table with the still visible pout. Wei WuXian's mouth hang open until Lan QiRen opened one eye and said "What?! You were the one who invited me so don't look at me like that."

Wei WuXian closed his mouth "Yes yes. Wen Ning, bring another serving"

Wen Ning left hastily. Wei WuXian seated next to Lan WangJi with one eye looking at Lan QiRen. He still wasn't over the shock but he was more relaxed now. He spoke "Hey Yang, by the way how long will you be staying? Hopefully you will stay through the week at least?"

Wei Yang shook his head sadly "I wish I could but will be returning tomorrow."

Wei WuXian spoke with complaint "Hee, but why? Why won't you stay a little longer when we finally met after so long?"

Wei Yang "I'm sorry brother. I could only get permission for this long from BaoShan SanRen"

Wei WuXian sulked and disapprovingly murmured something but didn't say anything out loud. Wen Ning came and prepared Lan QiRen's serving. Wei WuXian "Well then, lets make the most of our remaining time. Please eat without holding back!"

Wen Ning and Wei Yang looked at the dishes with suspicion. Wen Ning tried to hold Wei WuXian from adding too much flavour but all the dishes somehow ended up red anyway, even he didn't know how he was doing it. Lan WangJi was the first to act, he took a red piece of a vegetablelike dish to his plate calmly. Just as he was about to eat it Wei WuXian stopped him "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan stop. I know you don't like spicy food. I've made a zero-spice dish for you. Here, try it out" he pushed a mild looking dish towards him.

Lan WangJi was slightly surprised as he took a piece of the said meal and ate it directly. Wei WuXian "How, how was it?"

Lan WangJi then turned to Wei WuXian's expectant eyes "It's delicious."

Wei WuXian beamed with a smile "Right?! Of course it is hehehe"

Lan QiRen looked at Wei WuXian and then the so called 'food' at the table. His eyes showed utter horror "What are these? These are all red."

Wei Yang laughed "What do you mean what? These are the tasty dishes brother Ying made. Can you not take any spice?"

Lan QiRen's ears tinted red with anger "Our GusuLan clan has mild and soft food. We don't use spice." Even after saying that, Lan QiRen still took a bite from one of the plates.

With laughter and sometimes with angry voices and bickering, they got through the meal. Most of the red food was eaten by Wei WuXian himself. Wei Yang ate some too but he eventually gave in. He liked spice but this much spice was some other level then his. The spicefree food Wei WuXian made for Lan WangJi ended up being splitted to 3 and eaten by Wei Yang, Lan QiRen and Lan WangJi. Wen Ning sat at the table with them too, even though he couldn't eat. They chitchatted through the evening, even Lan QiRen smiled time to time and joined the chat. He didn't say anything about the prohibition of loud noises too.

Wei Yang interrupted the chat "Oh, brother Ying! I forgot, I have something to give to you. Well, give back to you actually"

Wei WuXian seemed confused "Give 'back' to me?"

Wei Yang smiled cunningly and untied the green rope on his arm. Inside the ropes it revealed a small glass bottle and inside the bottle was a  transparent liquid.

I know I said this would be the last episode before but I just couldn't get enough of writing🙈 There will probably be 2 more episodes. I'll try to make it certain next week. I hope you're enjoying the story!

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