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Colby sat the hot chocolate in front of his daughter and sat down with his coffee in front of her. He decided to take her out for the day and just talk, they hadn't had much time together recently and it was definitely time for some.

"So did mommy tell you about baby brother?" Olive asked trying to make small talk

"Mommy did" Colby nodded

"Yeah, he's not big like he's supposed to be, he's tiny" she said

"Well he's not supposed to be big yet, he's still really little, mommy's only 19 weeks" he corrected

"No the lady said baby brother isn't as big as he should be" she shook her head "he's not growing"

"I'm sure mommy would've told me about that" he said but Olive still persisted

"She didn't want to tell you because you'd worry" she said "I don't want him to die" she shook her head and Colby held his hand up to stop her

"Woah nobody is dying" he said "I'm sure brother is fine"

They finished their drinks, tried to talk about other things but Olive was still on the topic of the baby. They walked around downtown for a bit before heading home to Rebecca.

"Did you guys have fun?" She asked when they walked in

"Judging by I had to carry her to the car and then inside.." Colby said motioning to Olive who was sleeping on his shoulder

He took her upstairs and put her to bed before coming back downstairs to Rebecca who'd moved to the kitchen.

"What's this i here of baby brother not growing?" He asked and she sighed

"She told you, didn't she?" She asked and he nodded "he's just not growing fast enough, I'm 19 weeks but I'm measuring at 15"

"Is that a good or bad thing?" He asked

"Let me put it like this, if I give birth at 40 weeks, it would be like I'm giving birth at 35 weeks" she explained "his lungs wouldn't be fully developed and he probably wouldn't be able to breathe on his own"

"Rebecca!" He scolded "why didn't you tell me!"

"Because I'm scared!" She snapped "if I told you, your scared now and it's not helping me" she said and the tears began to flow "Colby.. I'm scared"

"Shh" He said and pulled her into his chest "I'm right here"

"Wait.." she said and her hands went to her small yet still noticeable bump "keep talking"

"What do you mean?" He asked "what's happening?"

"He's moving" she smiled "feel.." she said and grabbed his hand and placed it where hers used to be

"Oh my god" he whispered "he's in there.."

"That's the first time I've felt him move" she smiled again

"That's how he's telling you he's ok" he said "every time he moves, it means he's ok"

"I'm holding on to that" she said "that's the only thing that's going to assure me he's ok in there"

Life changes-Becky Lynch + Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now