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Colby walked into his house that was relatively quiet. He was almost certain Rebecca was making lunch and Olive was upstairs playing in her room.

He walked into the kitchen and not to his surprise, Rebecca was standing there making sandwiches for her and Olive. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her and she looked back with a smile.

"Your home!" She exclaimed and smashed her lips into his

"Shh.." he whispered "I don't want the little one upstairs knowing just yet"

"Daddy!" Olive yelled running into the room

"I think it's a little too late for that" Rebecca patted his chest

Colby turned around just in time to catch the 5 year old who was jumping in his arms. Her arms wound tightly around his neck and he didn't think she'd ever let go. Over the last few months it was easier for her to be away from Colby but it was still hard for longer periods of time.

"I missed you" He said and he felt her arms get tighter around him

"I missed you too" she said "never leave again"

"I wish I could baby, but I have to work" he said and sat her on the counter

"Did you see the baby" she said pointing to the refrigerator where the sonogram picture was hanging up "mommy says next time we all get to go see it"

Colby took the picture off the fridge and just stared at the tiny little baby. Then he started to think back...


"Olive.. come on" Colby gently bounced the screaming newborn around the small hotel room "your gonna get us kicked out of here kiddo"

Olive was now 5 months old, she had been on the road with her father for all of 3 weeks and wasn't adjusting to it as easily as he thought she would.

As she continued to scream her little heart out, he felt helpless, he didn't know what to do.

"You don't need your diaper changed, I fed you an hour ago, you should be fine" he shook his head but Olive continued to cry "please, work with me here Olive.."

Apparently Joe had heard the cries from down the hall because a few moments later he was knocking on the door. Colby let him in and he looked exhausted..

"Having trouble?" Joe asked and Colby rolled his eyes

"No, not at all" he said sarcastically "what are you doing here?"

"I'm helping you.." he said "lay down and lay her on your chest, just make sure you don't fall asleep"

Then he left. Colby looked down at his daughter who was just as exhausted and fighting sleep. He took his friend's advice and laid down with the infant on his chest, she instantly stoped crying.

"Oh thank god" he sighed "I thought you'd never stop.."

He laid there and just waited for Olive to be asleep enough for him to transfer her into the small bassinet next to his bed so he could get some sleep. When he finally did, he just marveled at the sight of his daughter..

"I love you sweet girl" he whispered

"Colby?" Rebecca said for the millionth time "colby!"

"Oh, what.. sorry" he said coming out of his thoughts "just reminded me of something"

"Is everything ok?" She asked and grabbed his hand

"Yeah.. I was just thinking about when Olive was little" he shook his head "then I realized we have to go through that all over again"

"Hey! I wasn't that bad" Olive said from the counter

"Tell that to uncle Joe, he was the one who came to my hotel room at 3 in the morning to sit up with me when you wouldn't sleep" he said

"I sleep now" she reasoned "isn't that good?"

"It would be a lot better if you slept in your own bed all night" Rebecca added

"What?" She questioned and looked between them "it's a lot warmer when we sleep together.. I get cold all by myself"

Life changes-Becky Lynch + Seth Rollins Where stories live. Discover now