None for All

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At the remains of Nagoya city...

Dark Phoenix had been wandering around, he was able to then find Jitsuna. The latter gave him the report on the situation.

Jitsuna: My Fuhrer, Nagoya, the 4th largest city, is under our control, at least used to, as per your supreme order, we have cleansed the city.
We lost approximately 15,000 troops to the siege. What are your orders now, sir?

D.P: I will return to H.Qs, Jitsuna you are in charge of Army Group Center, continue the march eastwards towards Shizuoka, then I need you to take Yokohama.

Jitsuna: Yokohama? That is dangerously close to Tokyo.

D.P: Yes, I need you to take Yokohama, so the supply lines to Tokyo can be disrupted.

Jitsuna: But sir, I only have 30,000 troops left...

D.P: That should be more than enough for now, when you reach Shizuoka I will send reinforcements, until then, I trust you can do it.

Jitsuna: Yes, sir!

The next day, Phoenix took a train back to H.Qs. He had his quirked slaves build the railroad to be able to transport himself secretly and safely across his territories. The Q.R.A now controlled about 40% of the land in Japan. He received news that all around the globe, different movements similar to his Q.R.A had popped up, wanting to re-establish the domain of the quirkless. There were about 2 billion quirkless in the world, they were a significant minority, but soon, he thought, everyone will be.

The ride was a tedious one as apparently some heroes had discovered his railroad and were planning to kill him using a bomb. The bomb exploded, but Phoenix survived and proceeded to murder the 20 heroes present. Great now he would have to walk all the way he thought. Fortunately, he found a group of Q.R.A soldiers who were patrolling and brought him to Chikara, who then helped him to arrive at H.Qs. When he reached H.Qs, he was greeted by Bijon.

Bijon: Wow, you look awful!

D.P: The ride was a bumpy one.

Bijon: You don't say.

They walked into the H.Qs, and then into a special chamber.

D.P: Is it complete?

Bijon: You bet!

He pressed a button, and suddenly the doors opened.

Bijon: Here I present to you, our legacy! Project None for All!

Bijon: Here I present to you, our legacy! Project None for All!

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D.P: So how did you achieve it?

Bijon: Radiation!

D.P: So this generates radiation? Shouldn't we... you know... be protected right now?

Bijon: Possibly! But, I discovered Eri generates a small radiation field from her horn when she activates her quirk, which causes her quirk to work.

D.P: So this thing replicates it?

Bijon: Affirmative. It took a while, I had to force Eri to be able to rewind a specific genetic code back to before the evolution. Then I had a hard time replicating the waves. Fortunately, we had a lot of test subjects, HAHA!

D.P: Will it be enough?

Bijon: To erase all the quirks of the world? Possibly, but we would need an absurd amount of energy to try that.

D.P: Fortunately, I know where to get it.

Phoenix then turned to a map of Japan in the wall. Bijon did the same and set his sight were Phoenix was watching.

Bijon: Tokyo?

D.P: Yes, the largest metropolitan centre in the world. Its power plant is the most powerful and the biggest ever built, it should be more than enough. I sent Jitsuna to take Yokohama, and I will send Chikara south, they will then meet in Musutafu. When they are done with that, we attack.

Bijon: Right.

D.P: By the way, where is Eri?

Bijon: Oh, here let me show you her.

Bijon conducted Dark Phoenix to a dark room where Eri lied on her bed, full of bandages, and her horn a little broken as well. She flinched when she saw them both enter the room.

D.P: I am sorry little one, but it was necessary for the greater good.

Eri: Y-you said, t-that if I h-helped you, I wouldn't suffer anymore.

D.P: Trust me, you will not suffer anymore, ever again.

Dark Phoenix said this as he approached Eri slowly, something in his hand.

Two months later...

Phoenix was sitting on his throne when suddenly Bijon came in.

Bijon: Report from Jitsuna and Chikara! They are both at the outskirts of Musutafu!

D.P: Call the reserve troops. It is time then...

Phoenix grabbed his sword and stood up.

D.P: For the Fall of U.A.!

Current War Situation

Current War Situation

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Q.R.A: 100,000 after the battle of Yokohama. + 200,000 reserve troops now active.

Japanese Military: 120,000 after the battle of Yokohama + 400,000 drafts.

Japanese Police Force: 6,500 after the battle of Yokohama.

Heroes: 8,000 + 400 in training after the battle of Yokohama.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now