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It had been a few days after Dark Phoenix broke into the Tartarus. The news of All for One being murdered spread through Japan like a wildfire.
All Might didn't even know how to react; he didn't know how to feel, mostly since Dark Phoenix was the one who murdered him.

Kurogiri was heartbroken at the news. All for One had been his saviour when he was being chased down by heroes in his younger days, he had sworn to pay back All for One. How could Kurogiri pay him now that All for One was dead? Especially how could Kurogiri claim to be a servant of All for One when he was serving under hid murderer. Kurogiri began to make his plans, he could no longer stand by Dark Phoenix's side, first the murder of Nana, and now this, he had enough.

Kurogiri needed to know what Phoenix's plans were so he could sabotage them. He "accidentally" wandered into the research and testing chambers, were Bijon was already testing new weapons that could be produced.

Kurogiri was stunned to see the weapons produced.

Bijon turned around from the canon he was testing and turned to Kurogiri

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Bijon turned around from the canon he was testing and turned to Kurogiri.

Bijon: Ah, Kurogiri, what brings you here?

Kurogiri: Bijon, what are you doing?

Bijon: Developing new weapons, of course.

Kurogiri: What for? With our quirks, we don't need weapons.

Bijon: Yes, but we won't have quirks in some time.

Kurogiri was surprised.

Kurogiri: What do you mean?

Bijon: Hasnt Phoenix told you yet? He wants to erase quirks from existence, that is why we need weapons.

Kurogiri couldn't believe what he was hearing, was this really his plan? Now with more reason, he couldn't stand with Phoenix, he wouldn't let quirks be erased from existence.

Kurogiri: How does he plan to achieve it?

Bijon: Not sure, but it has to do with the girl I brought in.

Kurogiri: That little girl?

Bijon: Yes, he is carrying out experiments with her; apparently, her quirk can help us achieve our goals.

Now that was enough for Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: Thanks, good luck with the testing.

Kurogiri left the room. He knew what he needed to do. Kurogiri went to the Vanguard's private room, where he encountered the whole Vanguard. He confronted them if they had any idea what Phoenix was trying to do. When they denied it, Kurogiri exposed Phoenix's plans to them. At first, they didn't believe it, but after Dabi confirmed he had heard the commanders talk about something like that, they thought it may be right.
After a bit more investigation, they could confirm that those were indeed Phoenix's plans. They then all agreed that they needed to stop Phoenix's plans.

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now