The Other Side

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The villains were beginning to consolidate, they were plotting and getting ready, but what about the heroes?

The Residencies had begun. Ochaco, Tsuyu and Shota were recruited by Nejire into Ryuku's agency. Kirishima convinced Tamaki to present him to Fat Gum, and Mirio decided to show Izumi to Sir Nighteye. Their relationship was off to a difficult start, but they managed to get it through.

Flashback to when Izumi and Nighteye met...

Izumi stood out of Sir's office, hearing laughter from the other side. Meanwhile, Mirio stood beside her.

Mirio: Hmmm, Bubble girl must have made him angry again, oh yeah I forgot to mention, you have to make Sir laugh at least once for him to approach you.

Izumi: 'Laugh? How do I do that?'

Mirio opened the door, and they saw quite the indescribable scene.

Mirio opened the door, and they saw quite the indescribable scene

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Needless to say, this was not what she was expecting.

Sir turned to Izumi, she felt his eye pressure fell on her. She remembered what Mirio told her and imitated his father.

Izumi: I am here! To do my residency!

Sir: Are you mocking your father? The one who gave you life and that quirk you don't deserve?

He turned to Mirio.

Sir: Mirio, take Bubble girl, leave us alone.

Mirio: Right on it, Sir!

As Mirio and Bubble Girl left, Izumi gulped not ready for whatever was to come.

Sir: I would generally do some sort of test right now, but time is precious, we have to fix the mess you caused with your brother.

Izumi: How do you know?!

Sir: Who do you think you are talking to?

Izumi: 'I really shouldn't ask that question anymore.'

Sir: But even though I will work with you, it doesn't mean I will accept you. Yes, you are All Might's daughter, but that doesn't mean anything to me, look at what you caused, and you pretend to be the new Symbol of Peace? You first have to learn to be a good human before being a good hero.

Izumi clenched her fists.

Izumi: I know where you are going with this, I swear I will make things right, and trust me, I have learnt my lesson.

Sir: Very good then, as I was saying with have to fix this mess and stop your brother's new plan.

Izumi: He is already on the move?

Sir: My intel says he made contact with Overhaul, the leader of the Eight Precepts of Death, a Yakuza organization still around. I am not sure what their goals are, but my intel suggests the Eight Precepts are developing a Quirk Erasing device.

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