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Izuku, though crying, was extremely happy; finally, a chance had come for him to prove himself. He wouldn't let his sensei down. The idea of being a villain also no longer seemed so wrong on Izuku's mind. He could finally get revenge on all of those who had wronged him and show them indeed what he was capable of. His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his sensei.

AFO: So now that you are a villain, you can't go by that name anymore.

Izuku: So, what will I be called then?

AFO thought for a second

AFO: To be honest, I like Izuku hehe, but Midoriya doesn't fit you anymore; from now on, you will be Izuku Shigaraki

Izuku: Hmmm... I like it, but why Shigaraki?

AFO: Oh, that is simple, it's my last name!

Izuku was surprised, to say the least, this man had not only taken him under his wing but also pretty much adopted him as his own.

Izuku: Thank you, sensei, I will carry this name with honor.

All for One was pleased with this.

AFO: Well, Izuku, you better rest now, recover so that you can perform your job as soon as possible.

Izuku: Yes, sensei! But..... What kind of job will I be doing?

AFO: We need you to lead our R&D department as well as helping with some experiments, nothing that is complicated for you, as I am aware you have quite the talent for mechanics, chemistry, and biology.

With this, All for One left. Izuku couldn't still believe it; it was too good to be real, but before he could continue, the door opened again.

???: So you are who sensei has been talking about so much.

Izuku: And who could you be?

???: The name is Nana, Nana Shigaraki.

Izuku was surprised by this, but he figured he was no sensei's only apprentice, nor who was the first to be adopted.

Nana: And who are you?

Izuku: My name is Izuku Shigaraki- he said with confidence

Nana: Shigaraki, huh? So sensei must have taken a great interest in you as well.... he did say you were brilliant.

Izuku: Yeah, I guess, and why did sensei name you, Shigaraki?

Nana: Simple, I am his heir.

Izuku was surprised; why did the sensei need an heir?

Izuku: Why does sensei need an heir?

Nana: Simple, he was too injured after his fight with All Might, so he needs someone to take over after he is no longer able to fight.

Izuku: Tch, All Might.... always ruining everything...

Nana: Wait... you don't like All Might?

Izuku: Of course not! He is the reason I am like this now!

Nana: Oh yeah, I was about to ask what happened to you... So All Might did it to you?

Izuku: Well, not directly, but he is at fault without a doubt. If only he hadn't let that thing escape...

Nana: So, you hate him?

Mind vs Might: There Are No Heroes (A Villain!Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now