⭐️~~Stars Upon Us~~⭐️

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"I have always wondered what love at first sight would feel like," he smiled at me, "but technically this isn't really love at first sight now is it?"


It all started when a little girl wanted to play soccer with some boys. Her Mother forbade it saying "Young ladies do not play stupid boy sports!" So what did she do? She snuck out every weekend, dressed as a boy, to play with them. Then one day everything changed...to save her best friend from ultimate danger, she had to reveal her true 'identity' to the him. But, in fear of being disliked and rejected, she fled, leaving a very confused boy behind.

It's been 6 years since the incident, 6 years since she's seen any of the boys, 6 years since she saved her best friend. So what happens when one by one the boys come stepping back into her life? And what happens when you bump into the one boy you've been meaning to never see again at your own Masquerade Ball?

With your old best friend not knowing who you really are, you'd think you could just start anew. And what happens when you become more then 'Just Friends'. But the BIG question remains....what happens when your past is revealed with nothing more than a small star shaped carving?

With so many secrets tucked away and so many questions left unanswered, we can only hope the Stars are Upon Us.


Copyright and stuuuuf like dat~

Copying people's hard work and claiming it as your own is a mean, stupid, dumb, childish and a VERY irresponsible thing to do. I believe everyone has a sparkle in them, so instead of copying others work why don't you find that sparkle and let it shine! I'm sure you'll think of something! So please, there is no need to copy my sparkle when you have a perfectly good sparkle hidden deep within your OWN heart! Better start digging ;P

This book is created from the depths of my awesomely sparkly brain!!
©2014 by Kooliokatz



Anyone who does decide to read my book, I am eternally grateful! But most of the first couple of chapters are so bad it's not even hilarious....it's written so badly and it lacks editing....so please hang in there and once you get past the grammar and stuff it's actually not too bad XD

Also I absolutely LOVE feedback! Good or bad! If it's good it makes me happy to know people like it! If is not so good feedback I love it too XD your probs all like wat? But I'm serious! I'm not perfect and I always have room to improve. Knowing I've made mistakes makes me happy to know that I'm actually human! Your feedback helps me improve and see wat people in other then me think of the story!

Keep in mind, when a author writes a story they generally know what's happening and what's going to happen so sometimes we accidentally tend to miss out on a few points making the story a bit confusing....so....FEEDBACK PEOPLE!!! PLEZLZ!!!



I love writing A/Ns (Authors notes) at the end of each chapter. In my opinion I feel it helps me connect with my readers as well as let them see what I'm thinking about on this story or sometimes just read my excuses on why I updated so late XD

But jokes aside. You don't have to read them. In all honesty, I love reading A/Ns but even I get bored of them sometimes and just skip them! All I'm saying is read them if you want cause sometimes I might have some little secrets hidden in the words for you to solve ;)


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