Chapter 6- Your Screams a Whisper

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We get to the hotel and get out of the car, looking for Jeremy as we some how lost him when parking.
The hotel looked really nice, it had a garden with white lights speckled in the bushes, and it seemed pretty classy for what I was expecting. There were a few rooms joined together scattered around the parking lot, all of them colored white.

As we see Jeremy across the parking lot, we speed up walking, and follow him in the dark chilly night. We walk onto a sidewalk that's leading to the hotel room, go up a flight of stairs, turn the corner, and then I see a door cracked open; music is blaring and laughter is escaping from the opening. The closer I get I can make out the beginning of a song, "twisted transistor" by korn.
Syn walks the whole way pretty close to me, but doesn't do anything to give away what we'd been up to earlier.
"Awww yaaa" Jeremy says in quite the "party" tone.
"Let's jump right in guys" Jeremy excitedly heads in, and we trail along.
The hotel was nice, WAS.
By the looks of it this little "celebration" had gotten a bit out if hand, the modern hotel room had a huge living space, where most of the immediate party was being held.
There was a granite bar with glasses and bottles and drinks being poured left and right, speakers mounted on the wall, people dancing, and that's just my first look over.

Syn and I walk through the crowd, until we get separated by a group of girls squealing over who knows what as they run by.
He turns around and grabs my arm, and we stay that way all the way to the bar.
Jeremy hands us the classic red party cups, full of something that stings my nostrils when I smell it.
"What is this? Syn asks Jeremy
Jeremy leans on Syn's shoulder, lifting his cup up like he's about to take a drink.
"My special mixture, don't worry about it." He says with a smile.
"You didn't roofie us, did you?" Syn says laughing.
"Noo, no. Wouldn't dream of it buddy" Jeremy says laughing loudly as usual.
"Alright then I'll drink to that" syn says as they both laugh again.

We all take a big drink, Jeremy and syn squint their eyes after, and I cough after I take mine.
"Alright guys, go have fun, look around, I'll catch you motherfuckers later." Jeremy says before he disappears into the crowded hotel room.
Syn and I wave and then it's just us.

"Come on Cali" syn says, leading me through the room, drink in his left hand, right hand on the middle of my back as we walk.

As we make it to the part of the hotel where everyone seems to be dancing or just standing around, the song ends and it's followed by silence.
"Turn that fucking song on again!!" A random guy screams
Jeremy moves his hands as to say "turn it down" takes a drink, and then presses a button on a remote to replay "twisted transistor"
As the song starts back up again, I take a sip of my drink and turn to syn.
"How do like it?" He yells over the music, moving towards my ear.
"This is great, I can't believe I'm here." I smile at him, and he just gives me this look that says "I'm not that big of a deal"
He slides his hand down to the small of my back, and pulls me closer, so our waists are touching.
And then,
We danced.
I never took him for the dancing type, but I guess what we were doing isn't considered dancing.
A lot like the rest of the people around us, we sort of swayed, with his hand still on my back, as he takes an occasional drink from his other hand.

As the song continued, the room seemed to get hotter, rather it was the alcohol getting to me, or syn getting to me, it seemed to get warmer and warmer.
As we did our swaying dance, with his hands still where they were, I slid both of mine up his back. Almost like in response to that, he gets closer, and moves his head down to look at me as we sway.
He moves his right hand from the small of my back down further to my ass, and pushes my waist on his, so our fronts are rubbing on each other.
I couldn't help but grin, I mean I'm here pretty much grinding on my idol to a korn song, somebody pinch me.

After the song ends, syn makes eye contact with me and smiles. He throws back the rest of his drink; and then gently raises my hand with the drink in it to my mouth and makes me finish it. "Come on come on chug it" he chuckles.
After I finished it; he takes my cup and his and then he's gone. As I'm trying to recover from that steamy situation, a girl approaches me.
"Are you really with Synyster Gates??" She says.
"Hah, I can't say, but I wouldn't be against it." I say.
"Hmm. Well I can see he really likes you, I'm not fuckin' with you girl." She says, kind of slurring her words.
"Well, thanks" I laugh loudly, feeling the affects of that last drink.
"Well hey," she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"If you two go in the back, don't use the bed with the towels on it, use one of the other two rooms. Mmkay?"
"Alright" I say, laughing.
She smiles and walks away.

I turn to my right and see syn walking towards me, cigarette in hand.
He takes a hit as he gets closer, and as he does this I realize it isn't a cigarette, but a joint.
He smiles at me and we walk to each other, he puts his right hand on the small of my back again, takes another hit; and then leans in and starts to kiss me, and blows the smoke into my mouth.
A few people caught sight and I could hear distant cheering.

Someone hits the lights and then turns on the huge water speakers that I didn't even notice were sitting on the mantle, the water moved with the lights and music, as the song "the beautiful people" by Marilyn Manson starts to play.
Everyone was moving so much around us, but we looked to be moving in slow motion.
Syn basically hugs me, then starts kissing my neck, going up and down; feeling his stubble tickle me as I lean my head back.
As we move together like we were before; he kisses my neck, moves away to take another hit, holds it in and then holds both sides of my face, and blows the smoke into my mouth.
I breathe it in deeply and it makes me cough a little.

As the song reaches it's end I see syn hand off the joint to someone else in the corner of my eye, and then his hands are all over me.
Rubbing both sides of my hips into him and then away from him, he moves up and then goes under the front of my shirt, and starts moving his hands all over my boobs.
After maybe another thirty seconds, the song is over.
This man is sending my mind and body into a tizzy, his hands are so strong and skilled, giving me an adrenaline rush with each advance.
He plants a kiss right on my lips, and I don't hold back on kissing him.

He moves his lips to my ear and says "just let me fuck you baby"
He puts both hands on my ass and then says,
"Don't be scared, I'll show you how."

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