Chapter 1- Introduction

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This is the story of how I, Cali, lost my virginity, to a rock star, who I thought was gorgeous beyond my wildest dreams, my obsession, and pretty much only celebrity crush.

I awoke on a Saturday morning, the day before my eighteenth birthday, crawled out of bed like I do any other day. I washed my face, ate my breakfast, and then did what I do just like any other day , got ready for the day all while listening to my all time favorite band, Avenged Sevenfold. These guys are my complete obsession and some of my favorite people, I feel so strongly for them, but one stands as my favorite in the band, which anyone that's talked to me for more than five minutes could tell you, Synyster Gates. I even know his full name, Brian Elwin Haner Jr. I have loved his personality, the way he plays his guitar, his laugh, his smile, his body, his..Everything for as long as I've loved Avenged Sevenfold. If the day ever presented itself to me to meet that man, I would probably lose it, but I've never even seen them in concert yet, so how could that happen?
As I got dressed and applied my make up, halfway through my best friend, Zoey called. I never answered my phone so that's just exactly what I did, I ignored it. Sorry, Zoey. As I walked into the rest of my house to greet my parents they had asked if Zoey called with these grins on their faces like they were hiding something, so, since this peaked my curiosity I decided to call her back. She answered on the first millisecond of the call, which kind of startled me. "Cali!" she yelled so loud i had to hold my phone away from my head "Hah, Zoey, is that a good "Cali!!" or a bad "Cali!!'?" "You're gonna flip. Just meet me in Belmar near the sushi place--" Belmar was a little sort of city where all these kids hang out and shop and go to the movies, it isn't far and we normally hang out there. I noticed she hung up on me, the usual for Zoey, so I put my phone in my pocket, and my mom is already standing there giving me the keys saying to have fun. So I take them, get in the car and start driving. Getting actually more excited the closer I get because everyone seems to be in on this one thing. I park, start fast walking to the sushi place where there is a big place to sit under umbrellas, and there's Zoey. We smile and hug each other like we always do, then i sit down. "I can't wait to tell you this shit Cali, I'm trying to make you suffer but I really wanna tell you" she says through laughter. 'Tell me!" I yell, being the curious bastard that I am. "You know what, nah, I'm not gonna." Zoey says. "Oh my gosh just tell me you bitch!!" I say with a smile. As I was still smiling from our conversation she quickly throws two pieces of what look like paper in my peripheral vision on the table, with a shit eating look on her face. I look down and there they are: Two tickets for Avenged Sevenfold. I scream "Zoey oh my gosh!! I can't believe this!!" as everyone around starts starring in confusement from what just looked like a lesbian engagement by two pieces of paper. I grab the tickets and look at the date, hands shaking while Zoey grinning in the background partly from her excitement to see them and partly from mine. "Sunday: March 9th" Was printed on the tickets which made me go even crazier, because my wait to see them would be so short. "How long were you planning this, Zoe? And were my parents in on it?!" I say. "Since October of last year!! And that shit was killing me." Zoey said leaning back in her chair. "Wow, I, thank you so so much." I say as I put my ticket in my wallet. "Anything for my best friend, and it doesn't make it any worse that I get to see Arin." Zoey says chuckling. " And I get to see Syn!!" I say as we high five.

We had spent the rest of the day hanging out and discussing all the awesome things that are going to happen tomorrow. I drove home around seven and was greeted by my favorite dinner: Home made spaghetti. Having a full on Italian mom is a curse when it comes to watching your carbs. After eating dinner, I spent the night skyping Zoey discussing outfits and plans, Bragged about where i was going on my every social media could, and playing xbox.

I wake up the next morning to a buzzing phone.

It's Zoey again, and I actually answer this time.
"Heyy birthday girl, can I come over?" Zoey says
"You woke me up" I say, still basically sleeping
"Yea i know but can I come over" Zoey says again
" Yea sure" I say plainly
"Okay good because I'm in your driveway" Zoey says as she hangs up on me as usual.
I put on some shorts and a baggy tee shirt real quick and walk to the door, just as I hear the knocking. The smile erupts on both of our faces as we see each other and from there it's excited talking and running to my room. She was semi ready but needed to do her hair and make up, I looked like shit because well, it was nine a.m. what do you expect?
With my hair and make up done Zoey and I finalize an outfit. "Hey do you know what undies you are gonna wear for Mr. Haner??" Zoey says winking at me "Are you kidding?? I'm as old as his sister, I'm happy creeping from a distance thank you." I say. "Okay, no, you're the birthday girl, I'm gonna draw attention to you." I face palm and sigh. "You know what? We're stopping at Victoria's Secret on the way there because you're flashing something." She says as she rummages through my bras and underwear. "You're the one who's eighteen here, it's legal, I still have two weeks until Arin and I can bang." she finishes smiling. "Fine whatever" I say smiling as I hit her butt with a sock I was putting on. I finish getting dressed in the outfit we collectively put together, Jeans, the one's that I think flatter my ass the most with three rips going up my thighs on each leg, a bunch of skull bracelets, my "a7x" wrist band, my nightmare album cover shirt I cut to be a loose tank top with low armpits so you could slightly see my bra, my trusty combat boots, and a hail to the king zip jacket.
We leave the house at 12pm to get there by 2pm for the one of two opening acts before Avenged's hour and a half slot.

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