Chapter 1

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"To you, I give up my  soul and heart. I shall lose everything if you just tell me that you love me, Maximilian. I never wanted this mess to happen. If I knew..." Ava William said.

"Stop it right there! I never liked Damon, Ava. We both know it. If you love him, fine! I'm going to leave for Harvard University. I'm not going to stop my life for you. Damon fell head over heels to win your heart, but we both know that we love each other. It's either me or him."

"I don't love him. The past is in the past, Maximilian. Just answer my only one question: do you love me?"


   Ava woke up with a shiver after she remembered the details of the nightmare. Her mom, Mia William, was preparing breakfast while her father, Richard William was reading newspaper. Ava got out of the bed and ran into the bathroom. She washed her hands and face repeatedly. Then, she stared at herself for a while in the mirror. "I can't let it get to me. I just can't lose him. I can't just even stand the thought of Damon coming back. Maximilian hated him, always. It's the first day of school. It can't be that bad."
   She went downstairs to have breakfast and leave for school. She sat down at the table. Richard just kept reading and Mia never said a word. "Is there a conversation we're going to have or it's just the silent treatment?"
Richard put down the newspaper and looked in Ava's eyes. "You don't decide here if we're going to give you that silent treatment. We're your parents. Thank God the school has kept you after what happened last year"
"Yeah, exactly! It happened LAST YEAR. Dad, do you think that I planned all of it?"

"Keep your mouth shut, Ava!! We won't hear another word from you. From now on, you will do what's said to you. If you have another fight one more time, I will ground you!! Is that clear?" Mia said.
Ava always hated being controlled by her parents. She left the table without eating her breakfast and left the house with her bag. Even if Ava tries to put things under control, she never knew there was a storm coming back.

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