Chapter 24

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   "All of this time, and you've been acting like you needed a break! It seems to me that you FUCKING needed a break which means try to sleep with my own best friend?!! ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!!!!!!" Damon's blood was boiling. "Dude, take it easy! I wasn't going to sleep with her. She was drunk and pretty upset in the nightclub, so she came here. That's all." Chris said darkly. Ava was scared as she feared that Damon's friendship with Chris would be destroyed. "Ava, come with me." Damon showed his hand, so Ava can take his hand. "Babe, let's go." Damon called out again for Ava. Ava didn't move towards him, but she backed away. "Why are you standing there?"
     "Damon, I'm sorry, but I can't go with you." Damon flinched when Ava said that. It was like his heart was broken into a thousand pieces. "Why are you torturing me?"  Damon asked, pleadingly. "I love you, but we've come a long way, and it's useless to torture each other. I swear to God I've loved every bit of you, and all of my firsts were with you, Damon baby, but we suffered way too much..."
     "Stop, just please stop!! I love you and we can make this work. I know that we went through hell, but we have been together. I know from the bottom of my heart that whatever we face, we'll make it together. Baby, this is love!! The things we go through tests how much we love each other." All of a sudden, Damon fell down on his knees and he started crying out for Ava. Out of shock, Ava covered her face with her hands and started to cry. "Oh, boy. I need to get out of here. It's too much drama in here." Chris mocked Damon and left the house. "Damon, I..."
   "Baby, I love you so fucking much. Give us another chance."
      Ava was having butterflies in her stomach and the way Damon looked at her made her feel the heat of love she had for him since the moment she was in his house for the first time. It started raining. "Yes, Damon. I'm going to give you another chance." Damon got up and held her up. They were spinning and Damon was the happiest man on Earth. He was carrying her up and then she got down. Damon started kissing her hard and Ava was feeling the love. "Do you want to go to my place?" Damon asked while his voice was getting darker and darker. His body started heating up and Ava started shivering. "Yeah, I want to go to your house." Damon grinned to her. She was looking at him in his eyes.
       "I love you, Damon." Damon nodded, but in his heart of hearts, he was scared. Ava got into Damon's car and Damon got into the car, too. She was trying to be calm and Damon was getting nervous. He felt odd that he was nervous while being around Ava. "So, do you want to watch any romantic movie?" Damon asked. "I would love to watch Pride and Prejudice."
    "Of course, you will "  Damon mocked her. Damon got out his keys when he got out of the car, he got out his keys to open the door. It was still raining, and all of a sudden, Ava grabbed Damon by the collar and kissed him while it was still raining hard. Damon was shocked by the unplanned kiss, but he felt like he was melting. Damon opened the door and grabbed Ava into the house and locked the house's door. "I love you, baby" Ava moaned. Damon chuckled and grabbed her by the waist. She looked at him when he opened the TV and started watching Pride and Prejudice with Ava. Then, Ava got a text message from James. It said: Ava, I'm going back to Australia. Nothing to worry about, but there are some stuff that should be finished. I just wanted to let you know: I love you so much. Please, take care.
        While reading the message, a fire started in the kitchen. "Holy shit!!! Ava, let's go!!!!" Damon shouted at the top of his lungs.

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