Chapter 21

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  "Let me go, you asshole!!" Ava screamed, while sitting in a dark room. There was a tall, dark brown wavy haired, with blue eyes young man in his twenties. He was roaming around Ava. "Let me introduce you myself. I'm Noah Young and I'm just a guy who helped Maximilian in kidnapping you. You see, Maximilian is a very convincing guy. He paid me tons of money, so I could have you. Well, are you still pregnant?" Noah asked. Ava waved her head sideways, and Noah started to look into her eyes for a moment. "So, what's the thing between you and Damon?" Noah asked. Ava stayed silent for a while, then she started telling him her story about her father's plan to her future and she turned to Damon as her last resort. She also told him that she and Damon despised each other and tolerated each other barely, making Noah smirk out loud. Ava raised her left eyebrow. "What's so funny?" "Oh, don't get me wrong, but it really seemed to me at the very beginning that Damon had a thing for you." Ava was really surprised at his response. "So, in all of this mess, where's your damn mother? It's unbelievable that she didn't have a say in all of this shit." Ava started tearing a little, so Noah hurried and got out a tissue for her. "That's the point!! She didn't defend at all!! And, when she heard about Maximilian and that he raped me, she didn't do anything to protect. All what she said was that it was very likely that something like that would happen, and that's it!" Noah was shocked, hitting his both hips with his hands, while sitting in front of Ava. "Wow, I don't know what to tell you except that your life sucks." Ava nodded multiple times. "I have to ask you, though. Did Maximilian really rape you?" Ava nodded and started to tell him about what he did, leaving Noah in an angry mood. He stood up and grabbed Ava outside the dark chamber. "What are you doing?" Ava asked, while panicking. "I can't do this! I can't help that son of a bitch, no wonder he told me that I should cover your mouth, so that I can't know the truth!!" Noah shouted. His blood was boiling under his skin. "At least, are you going to tell me where we're going exactly?"

"We're going to London. There's a safe place for you there, so I could protect you from that son of a bitch. Here, try to contact Damon and tell him you'll be there." Ava thanked Noah, and hugged him. She went to a nearby lake during a sunset, while trying to call Damon. "Hello?" Damon replied.

"Damon, it's me, baby! Look, I don't have much to explain, but meet me in London. I'll be there with someone named Noah Young. Then, we're going to discuss everything later." Damon didn't say anything. "Damon, are you there?"

"Yes, I've heard what you said. I have to ask, how did you know that guy?"

"Well, it turned out that Maximilian paid him a lot, so he could kidnap me, but after telling him my story, I think he sympathized with my situation."

"Tell me your location, right now, Ava!"

"I don't know, Damon!'" There was no response, so Ava looked at the phone, only it turned out that Damon had already hanged up. She was purely shocked. "So, have you told him where we're heading tonight?" Ava nodded, but she returned the phone without looking at Noah and ran towards his car. She opened the passenger's door, and got inside it. She didn't like how Damon reacted when he heard her voice. She hoped he had a good reason for pulling such an attitude about the whole thing. Noah got into the car and started the engine. "Everything is all set for London. Are you ready?" Noah asked, in a playful tone. When he didn't hear Ava's reaction, he looked at her face. Her face went pale and her eyes were red with a sorrow look in her eyes. He brought his right hand and touched her chin. Ava turned to face Noah and a small tear touched his finger. Noah was overwhelmed when he saw her face. She looked like a dying rose. Its color changed from bright red to dark red. "Please, don't cry. Your tears don't deserve all of this, Ava. You look like a good person and you deserve the whole world. I swear to God, I'm not going to hurt you. You can take my word for it." Ava sniffled and she looked at Noah with hopeful eyes. Then, Noah started driving towards the airport.

Meanwhile, James was pacing back and forth in Damon's house. "So, that's what she told you?" James asked Damon for the fourth time. "Dude, I'm not going to lie about this to you. The thing is I'm not comfortable with the idea that she's going to London with a strange guy. That's what keeps me awake all night." James suggested that he and Damon should buy tickets as soon as possible to go London to meet Ava there. They both jumped into their cars and went to the airport to buy tickets. Simultaneously, Ava was getting out her clothes from the trunk after she and Noah arrived London. They were both staying in a small hotel while waiting for Damon. "Noah, can I ask you a question?" Ava asked, nervously. Noah nodded to her. "Why did you help me?"

"Well, my younger sister was raped and killed. It was a devastating story, so I can't really talk about it. I just can't deal with that kind of stuff that easily. The least I could do was helping you out." Ava smiled to Noah, and he smiled back to her. Noah went up and made some tea. Ava started comparing between Noah and Damon and the difference was really huge. She still didn't want to decide about her relationship with Damon, so she waited for the tea and try to put her mind at ease. She stared at Noah while walking towards with two cups of tea. She thanked him, and all of a sudden, Damon started banging at the door, making Ava jump and open the door. She huffed and Damon barged in. He looked at Noah, but before he said anything, Noah said goodbye to Ava and went outside the hotel room. Damon looked at him with a look of disgust, but Ava grabbed him by the arm and started screaming at him about his reaction, only then her reaction changed into a shock when Damon held her tightly with a long, desperate kiss. She was startled at first, but then she melted in his arms. "I was worried sick that Noah would do anything to you. I don't trust anyone near you, Ava." Ava didn't say anything, but she shocked Damon with her statement, "Damon, I think we need a break."

"What the hell did you just say?"

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