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Jungkook's POV

Morning came and I still cant get my mind off of Jimin. It's been how many days, when he left us, when he left Korea for US, when he left me. It is indeed true..... regret is always at the end.

My damn heart keeps on shouting for him, begging for him to come back, yearning for his voice and touch. Wasn't it supposed to be taehyung? It was supposed to be him. The one im supposed to be loving and giving all my attention. The one im spending my time with.

It wasnt taehyung all along. It was when jimin came in that door, the moment my eyes land on him, the moment i talked to him.

I need to settle this. I dont want taehyung to hope for something between us, it's not going to work, unlike before. I may break his heart, but eventually he will know if i didnt tell him now. I called his number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello? Jungkook, why call?"

"Meet me at the cafe right now. Got to tell you something." I said. Trying to contain the anxiety brewing up inside of me.

"Is this something about jimin?" He asked.

"No." Lie. I lied. My nervousness is eating me alive. How long should I lie to him? This breakup shouldnt mean friendship over. I want us to be friends still, even after this. Its not my intention to break him painfully, nor physically. Just our status, our label, our current "relationship".

"Okay." He ended the call after.

I'm not even changing my clothes and here i am, hesitating to leave the house. Haist. I've said it, i should go. I went upstairs, to my bedroom and put on a jeans and sweater. Looking formal in front of taehyung wont really do anything at all. And plus, i'm not here to continue a relationship, this is not a date, im trying to talk to him about breaking the "boyfriend relationship", not continuing it.

--time skip--

I waited for taehyung to arrive, ive ordered myself a cup of coffee while waiting for him. How should i tell him about this? How should i start?

Let's break up, no no no no no that's too straight forward.

I wan- i was caught off from my train of thoughts on how will i start this conversation when taehyung suddenly sat on the chair in front of me. Not even calling my attention first.

"Goodness! You scared the hell out of me taehyung! Mind calling me first before coming here and straight up sitting on the chair." My hands on my chest as i breathe heavily. I was too caught up into my thoughts that even the littlest things made me jump out of it.

"Jeez! Since when are you such a scaredy cat? These days, you seem off. You dont even acknowledge me anymore. You even ignored my calls. Is there something wrong?" He saw through me. I know i was too obvious, too obvious to even hide the truth.

Lately these days, since jimin left, i cant keep a hold of myself. I cannot focus, i always doze off. Always staring at the horizon, or somewhere as if there is something interesting in it. I am not hallucinating or anything. Crazy things happen to me, and even my hyungs notice all of that. But i never cared, i never care if i look weird to the eyes of many, i didnt care if i look dumb and stupid. All i know is..... when jimin left, i feel lost. I feel empty.


"Taheyung i need to tell you something, and i want you to listen carefully." He nodded and kept quite, waiting for me to continue. "This relationship, this thing we not working. I just dont feel it anymore hyung, the love, all of it is lost. All because of-"

"Jimin." He finished. There we go. Now he knows. My chest released from restriction, i feel lighter than before, confessing these new feelings is what i need. I need to get it out of me.

I nodded at his answer and looked down. I dont wanna make eye contact, i dont wanna see the pain or the hurt. Sadness has taken all over me, seeing someone in the same state, that i caused, will only make me feel worse. But if i didnt bring all of these out, i dont know what might happen to me.

"I know, jungkook. I know. Maybe even long before you have noticed it yourself. I knew ever since you pretended to love him. I knew ever since you hang out with him. I knew you start developing feelings for him jungkook. I only answered 'yes' to you because i want you to feel this. This feeling of realizing who you truly love. I'm not mad, nor in pain right now. But when i knew from the start, i felt really really sad."

"I'm sorry"

"Dont have to be. I accepted it, long time ago. And plus....i already like someone else." He confessed. With that, i raised my head and looked at him. His face is now tinted with red. Is he blushing?!

I stared at him like as if i dont know him.

"What? You already have?! Then why didnt you tell me?" I said, excitement rushing inside of me. The sad moment long gone when taehyung opened a new topic.

"Stop it! Dont tease! I wont tell you anyways. I've revealed too much. It's for you to find out." He said and chuckled. I slapped his right arm and he flinched playfully.

I'm happy that we are still the same. My confession didnt affect anything and we are still friends. Feeling this weight gone in me, i want to find jimin next. I realized that i love him. Of all the people, i never thought i would fall for him. And i will never regret this feeling. Ever.

"Go find your lover, run after him jungkook. Your story doesnt end here." He said and smile.

"Tsk, as if YOUR story already ended. Cmon hyung, you havent even confessed yet, stop acting like you're the bridge to my happy ending. Hahha." I earned a hard slap on my arm and saw taehyung's pissed face. I just laughed all through out.

I will find you jimin, and this time, i will make things right. Smooth out the crease and love you with all my heart.


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